Mass Medical Strains

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Looks like Mass Medical is closing according to his IG. This seems fishy after the recent criticism.
He’s trying to cash in and create the same retirement hype that Gromer did. Some of his strains seem to really help people, and that’s awesome. His ethics are a different story and the cannabis community will be better off if he does actually less snake creating marketing hype
He’s trying to cash in and create the same retirement hype that Gromer did. Some of his strains seem to really help people, and that’s awesome. His ethics are a different story and the cannabis community will be better off if he does actually less snake creating marketing hype

This feels weird, but if Star Pupil is really a tester of the Evelyne from Melvanetics and he was knowingly renaming other strains as well, hasta lluego!
Well I never bought his story that a friend gave him this seed and he really didn’t know what it was and all that jazz. It was WAY too vague and wierd. I would have bought that it was a bag seed but then he couldn’t play the rare and unique angle. Hey good cannabis is good cannabis but don’t feed me a line of bs. He built mystique. He is an excellent marketer though and that coupled with anything decent is going to sell like crazy. You can tell he has a super thin skin though. It’s kinda funny I didn’t know half the controversies until he started posting about negative vibes and haters. Those young kids caring about what strangers care say about them on social media.... Also His stuff is unlistenable with that voice changer...I mean own it.
What a fucking clown show these guy's are turning my state into him and CopyCat have just made us look like a bunch of fucking Muppets out here!
Hope you all start running some gear from Mass that has real breeders doing work IE Boston Roots Seed Co. and Green Team also from Mass their gear is Legit and i know for a Fact they don't play that Hippie Angle on everyone !
What a fucking clown show these guy's are turning my state into him and CopyCat have just made us look like a bunch of fucking Muppets out here!
Hope you all start running some gear from Mass that has real breeders doing work IE Boston Roots Seed Co. and Green Team also from Mass their gear is Legit and i know for a Fact they don't play that Hippie Angle on everyone !
Ya seems the heat got to much for this guy...just breezing thru this thread theres a lot of shady shit going on with mms. Voice changers, stealing from prop P/ Dynasty. 1st off-Prop P from dynasty is a legend, I grew that guys gear year ago and its fucking fire, dude doesn't get the respect he deserves.
From what I get it out of the whole thing- MassMedical got testers from top of the line/respected breeders then went out started mms and claimed what came from those testers were his own strains! Thats a big big no-no. These dudes trusted you to give you testers and if you really did that, that is completely fucked up. Anyone chiming in about, "no one owns beans", this isn't the same deal. You can't take unrealesed testers and start a fucking seed company. That's beyond unethical.
Another thing I have to say is, I noticed this dude cruising thru the thug pug board and he seems like a nice enough dude. His thug collab plants look great, though must say most of his work is not my cup of tea. It's making me wonder if he was interested in what was happening with gromers retirement/health issues so he could kill 2 birds with 1 stone and make some $$$ on the way out? Makes you think.
Ya seems the heat got to much for this guy...just breezing thru this thread theres a lot of shady shit going on with mms. Voice changers, stealing from prop P/ Dynasty. 1st off-Prop P from dynasty is a legend, I grew that guys gear year ago and its fucking fire, dude doesn't get the respect he deserves.
From what I get it out of the whole thing- MassMedical got testers from top of the line/respected breeders then went out started mms and claimed what came from those testers were his own strains! Thats a big big no-no. These dudes trusted you to give you testers and if you really did that, that is completely fucked up. Anyone chiming in about, "no one owns beans", this isn't the same deal. You can't take unrealesed testers and start a fucking seed company. That's beyond unethical.
Another thing I have to say is, I noticed this dude cruising thru the thug pug board and he seems like a nice enough dude. His thug collab plants look great, though must say most of his work is not my cup of tea. It's making me wonder if he was interested in what was happening with gromers retirement/health issues so he could kill 2 birds with 1 stone and make some $$$ on the way out? Makes you think.
Maybe idk about the Gromer thing i know his parents have Loooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnggggggggg money so i'm not so sure that's the case i mean you seen the dude right lol . Copy Cat is the same deal man !

I kept my mouth shut for too long on this matter i mean i let it be known about where i stood with dude but i didn't out right throw him on Blast because i fuck with Growmer and didn't want any heat my way but people should really do some digging into who and what they are buying and you would know you where wasting your spending your hard earned money on his gear.
I mean it isn't my money i was even offered his MMS cut of Putang not from him mind you i don't know the kid personally and wouldn't even take it
IDK where his lines came from nor do i care i just know an Ass-clown when i see an Ass-clown and he is most Assuredly an Ass-Hat !
Maybe idk about the Gromer thing i know his parents have Loooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnggggggggg money so i'm not so sure that's the case i mean you seen the dude right lol . Copy Cat is the same deal man !

I kept my mouth shut for too long on this matter i mean i let it be known about where i stood with dude but i didn't out right throw him on Blast because i fuck with Growmer and didn't want any heat my way but people should really do some digging into who and what they are buying and you would know you where wasting your spending your hard earned money on his gear.
I mean it isn't my money i was even offered his MMS cut of Putang not from him mind you i don't know the kid personally and wouldn't even take it
IDK where his lines came from nor do i care i just know an Ass-clown when i see an Ass-clown and he is most Assuredly an Ass-Hat !
Ya whatever with that, it's not like gromer offered him his mendobreath studley or something. Imagine that- gromer gave him a male, sure he what start up a whole new line. Lol.

Doubtful he'll be done, it seems is has a fragile ego and will want to come back and prove whatever the fuck.
The thing that truly bothered me about him was the way he came for indica cookie type strains, he literally talked shit about them. I think he just couldn't grow them well or whatever. Then he acted like his strains were some magical sativas that cure any ailment. Fucking please with that shit. I love puffing on ogs and cookies, all type of indicas because I don't want the racy high that sativas give me.
Ya whatever with that, it's not like gromer offered him his mendobreath studley or something. Imagine that- gromer gave him a male, sure he what start up a whole new line. Lol.

Doubtful he'll be done, it seems is has a fragile ego and will want to come back and prove whatever the fuck.
The thing that truly bothered me about him was the way he came for indica cookie type strains, he literally talked shit about them. I think he just couldn't grow them well or whatever. Then he acted like his strains were some magical sativas that cure any ailment. Fucking please with that shit. I love puffing on ogs and cookies, all type of indicas because I don't want the racy high that sativas give me.
Lol then he bred with a cookies strain...but this one was different. you’re totally right like every other post was against cookies for the longest time...

Cookies was (is) the flavor of the day so he told everyone cookies was junk and inferred that anyone who breeds with cookies doesn’t have a good vibe. If most people are putting out cookies crosses (or ever have) and people remotely buy into his bs then he just knocked out 80% of his competition.
The pure swabi isn’t going to be released per MMS. Irrazinig gave them to him for preservation run. It’s a special kinda dirt bag who accepts landrace to do a preservation run and makes a cross with it to sell...but doesn’t do the preservation run.
The pure swabi isn’t going to be released per MMS. Irrazinig gave them to him for preservation run. It’s a special kinda dirt bag who accepts landrace to do a preservation run and makes a cross with it to sell...but doesn’t do the preservation run.

just like the Pan Dragon he did with Dragon Flame Genetics. Dragon sold them for 60$ and Mass just re released them and selling for like 120$ or some shit lol

I don’t know how well these are but i have some put back i got for 60$ when Dragon had them instock.
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