You said they lower light intensity towards the end of flower, then say they don't change the light intensity to match the sun, because the sun lowers in light intensity towards the end of the growing season.
Your talking yourself in circles. If you think its something other than the obvious things, and EVERYONE who has answered is incorrect in your eyes, then why do you keep asking the same question expecting a different answer?
Better yet, dont respond to this... tired of repeating myself. Hope you figure out whatever you think you need to
Remember that Daily Light Integral counts total light "received" in a day.
In addition to changing the DLI by changing the intensity of the lights, you can also change in by altering the length of your "days."
So if you give your clones 16-8 until they root, then 18-6 in early veg and finally 20-4 in late veg, you've raised your DLI over the course of veg.
Then, when you switch to 12-12 you decease the DLI because you've suddenly made the days shorter. Or reduced the time to receive light.
After the switch to flower it's natural to add more light or crank up the intensity, your plants are getting bigger. Finally, near the end you can dim the light to lower temps and slow the plant down to prevent foxtailing and fluffy buds.
Kind of unimportant, but where do you live that you can put a freshly popped seedling in full sunlight in mid June? Northern Siberia?
take a second... like 1 second... and look at the graph i posted for u.... the DLI RASIES FOR 14 WEEKS AND LOWERS FOR 3 WEEKS.... WHAT SUN DOES THAT.... in almost any flowering season outdoors the DLI is decreasing.
i ask a question for the logic behind somethign.... u come in and give the obvious answer.... i try to show examples of how that answer doesnt add up... i figure by process of elimination we can figure this out... why dont we think about this a little deeper.....
Did you really quote me after I asked you not to? What a jebroni
Sun moves, light intensity/angle of the sun changes, DLI/ppfd reaching plant changes (lowers) accordingly... you said this yourself. Of course, the suns grow season is longer, but thats where the "money" comes in... they want max yield so they give it higher ppfd values for longer in flower even with reduced lighting times, and then drop them when they are unnecessary. Again, matching the sun, and money. Think in terms of bro science, not fucking helioseismology and the answer becomes clear
im not sure thats the case... were just getting a lot of the data now... a lot of BS has been and is going to be debunked... a lot of of stuff changing in this industry... feels like science has finally arrived in this spaceOverthinking things.
Where are you getting these lighting charts from?
Do they not provide any other information?
im not sure thats the case... were just getting a lot of the data now... a lot of BS has been and is going to be debunked... a lot of of stuff changing in this industry... feels like science has finally arrived in this space
ya I was trying to bring up the fluence charts but I couldn't on this comp for some reason.... look up fluency cannabis cultivation guide... and listen to Sean sangsters YouTube video on cannabis lighting... I think I posted the video above in another post... there's a page early in the cannabis guide thats all about lighting.... according to the migrow YouTube channel Fluency spiders something or other light is at the top of his chart... so these guys understand lighting this isn't so hack company I don't think...
now they reccomened like a stable increase in lighting... id still like to know why they recommend pushing them only +50ppfd a day... I mean this is a lighting company they have every reason to want to sell more lights...
the chart I posted above if from this article
what's interesting is I looked up this higginbotham guy who wrote the article above... and I think im not sure but I think he had Sean sangsters job before Sean Sangster... I think this higginbotham guy ran fluence year or two ago. so im getting all conspiracy on you guys and thinking that fluency is giving us some of the information... I mean its their business to consult I think I can't see giving up all the secrets... but maybe this higginbotham guy is telling tales outside of school... maybe they figured out the plant growth cycles and are pinpointing specific things for specific reasons... THC production.. CBD production... whatever... I just can't rationalize why higginbotham is bouncing his DLI around all over the place.. going up faster and slower at different time... even reducing his DLI for a week or two during flower then going back up lol.... I mean what's up w this...
The article you linked mentioned supplementing CO2, and how the plants can use more light as CO2 concentrations rise. In the article they talk about going from 700-1200 ppm over the course of the grow. It sounds like they are increasing the brightness/intensity of the lights as they raise CO2.
So, long story short, it's about money. Or using optimal levels of CO2 and light, adjusting gradually along the way, never using too much and wasting it.
He would tell you every 3 to 4 weeks they can handle another 5DLI or so. There is a recommended maximum it reaches while still growing flowers. Then it can be increased a bit more for ripening before trailing off for the finish.
Is DLI identical for every strain? the curve is what then exactly? A guide. There is no magic in those numbers its a pretty smooth graph.
He would tell you every 3 to 4 weeks they can handle another 5DLI or so. There is a recommended maximum it reaches while still growing flowers. Then it can be increased a bit more for ripening before trailing off for the finish.
Is DLI identical for every strain? the curve is what then exactly? A guide. There is no magic in those numbers its a pretty smooth graph.
Young plants have much less storagesites for the photosynthetic products, and indoors alot of potential is wasted when the lower leaves get no light and basically dont do much...just educate me on why exactly the light strength is slowly ticked up..
Young plants have much less storagesites for the photosynthetic products, and indoors alot of potential is wasted when the lower leaves get no light and basically dont do much...
DLI is a time based interval, the other measurements are not based upon time. So your ppfd may be 1000...but for how long? DLI tells you.correct me if im wrong this is how i interpret it... DLI a plant based measurement.... like once the LEDs came out we realised theres a million different ways to get the plants the light they need... so DLI came out as kinda a wy to measure that.. as opposed to ppfd par lux which are light measurements.. so this graph is kinda the goal from a plants perspective... so biomass wouldnt figure in horizontally speaking... i dont want to put words in your mouth but are you saying im thinking of this in terms of 1 dimension (horizontal) and there's a 2 dimensional thing to consider (horizontal tal and verticle)?... Thats cool
until it hits the top leaf canopy, the rest of the plant gets only a tiny chunk of the energy. If the lighted out plants are only lettuce - it won't matter, but 1.50m tall cannabis plants? This circumstance seems to be neglected/omitted by DLI and I have the feeling this is something Jon may have thought about....?So your ppfd may be 1000...but for how long?