ive watched a lot of videos and i understand a lot of it and some i still do not. i think my "issue" is wanting to know more then i actually need to know to build these lights.
Im going to grab a HLG 480 or 600 from arrow to power 24x h series strips. im probably going to wire in parallel with fuses unless i can figure out a just as "safe" way without the fuses. That setup there will give me about 3-400 watts for veg light/s, running them nice an soft. (my theory)
All that being said , its great to have these junk drivers laying around because it taught me a lot and it shows me an actual footprint of what im going to be doing. Its also showing me that running 600mA to a strip thats rated for 1200mA is still going to be plenty of light.
For sure, I have a few random blurple drivers too and they're nice to play around with. Helps being able to actually see and do some things instead of reading and picturing the end result, at least for me.
I'm not sure exactly what you're shooting for, but maybe multiple smaller drivers/fixtures might be more beneficial and safer as well. With smaller drivers at least you aren't playing with as high volts/amps. Again, just my take on things.