Plant grew into lights & burned Cola


Well-Known Member
My set up is a Sunblaze flouro system with 4-24" T5 bulbs so they aren't real hot, but I had to leave my girls alone for a couple days & didn't get a chance to raise the lights before I left:dunce::wall:. They are just starting to really grow their colas, and that is what grew into the lights on my tallest, fastest growing girl. Now she looks all brown & shriveled on the flower:cry:. There is some green showing still:eyesmoke:, but I'm concerned the cola isn't going to grow more:?. My question is: Will she still grow that cola, or should I relegate the harvest to the lower flowers?:joint::peace::leaf::bigjoint::weed:


New Member
you should still be alright, i read somewhere that it could end up growing bigger, like when you snap stems they grow back stronger to compesate, don't know if it would stress it into a hermie but might want to watch out for it.


Well-Known Member
put some pics up of the burnt cola...
I'm at work right now kiss-assand can't post pics. But I intend to that this evening. It isn't a pretty sight, but I understand the curiosity. I was going to do just that at work today but forgot to email the pics to myself :dunce:.

Thanks for the input people, you're all the best.:-Pbongsmilie:eyesmoke::clap:


Well-Known Member
Here's a pic of my screw-up. So, do you think she'll continue to grow? At this point, they're at day 26 into 12/12. Autopot system with red spec bulbs and Ionic "Bloom" nutes. My second grow...unfortunately, still from bag seed. Last grow I ended up with a hermi. Someone said it was actually "intersexed". I'm not sure of the difference. But heshe smoked reeeeeeeal good. A little odd taste, but, oh well.



Well-Known Member
I forgot to mention that the grow medium is coconut husks (coco-noir). Great wicking abilities and gets oxygen to the plants very well too. Never gets too wet or dried out. This allows me the flexibility I need to leave for periods of time (as long as I raise the lights to compensate for growth while away:dunce:).


Well-Known Member
i did the same thing yesterday two one of my colas ...... a lower branch tho..... i wanted to cut it but im gonna seee what happens.....


Active Member
it will recover man... the burnt fan leaves might die but just keep it under the light it will b ok just keep treatin it as normal. those burnt leaves may get worse and fall off but thats just natural 4 the condition theyr in


Well-Known Member
it will recover man... the burnt fan leaves might die but just keep it under the light it will b ok just keep treatin it as normal. those burnt leaves may get worse and fall off but thats just natural 4 the condition theyr in
Ya you should be fine, will take longer to flower, but really no lose. Just cut off the dead foilage and RAISE YOUR LIGHT!!
i did the same thing yesterday two one of my colas ...... a lower branch tho..... i wanted to cut it but im gonna seee what happens.....
Thanks for your invaluable input :clap:. I always look for more experienced people to broaden 8) my abilities, and you guys are no different. You've done no less than what I expected. I feel a little more at ease and look forward to burning that cola on purpose shortly bongsmilie. Up-level Reps for all...again, thanks:eyesmoke::bigjoint::leaf::weed::joint:;-)
I just did the same thing...its under a 600...i vegged from 82days so she is a monster...its 4 weeks into flower...i just cut off all of the burnt leaves and put a tomato stake in to hold her up more some of the lower branches were weighting down the one next it..i put superthrive and calmag on her hopefully she will wake up soon:bigjoint:


it'll be fine ,you might of did you a favor sometimes thats like a super crop and grows really thick and it could possible double up the fan leaves might die but defintely it will bounce back and even better just give it a little more time and don't forget about your lights