Indexgrow just hit me up as well offering a test light however they didn't mention if it was free or not. I've had a few companies try this but they expected me to pay full price and shipping to "test" their product. We will see what their response is.
Just an update on my issues with Meijiu... Looks as though they are finally going to step up to the plate and send me x2 end bars to replace the damaged ones. I'm not about knocking a company so just to set the record straight allot of the issues did come from dealing with UPS. Trying to file a claim was a nightmare and every time I talked to someone I got a different story or was transferred to another agent that couldn't help. I've only ever dealt with North American suppliers so I'm used to having a company do the legwork to make things right if shit goes south with an order. Unfortunately this wasn't the case with Meijiu.
Given our correspondence they seem to have an attitude as though their profit margins are minimal and that they would be taking too much of a financial hit to make things right. I still dont believe that UPS did the damage as the proof is in the shipping boxes. There is no way that those bars were crushed in shipping. I honestly think they tried to slip one past me in hopes that I wouldn't put up the fight I did. Anywho, I have been reminded several times now that they are incurring a huge cost to send me replacement bars and they would rather give me a discount on my next order. Thats BS as once I receive the replacement bars I'll be shipping to damaged ones to UPS's damage assessment office in Edmonton. They will recoup their costs and then some as I'm sure they will claim the replacement cost of those bars far more than they are worth.
Aside from that the lights work awesome. One of the dimmers doesn't work worth a shit now either, and is at full power @ 50%. Doesn't matter as I'm running em at full tilt now anyways, but still. Lotsa guys with great experiences with them, just not me.