What lights? Please help! Need to get setup for harvest soon!

I think since i am new to this and watching comparison videos LEDS do really good.
None of these. Stick with a known manufacturer. DO NOT BUY chinesium lights. I made the mistake of buying Gavita clones DE HPS. Did one grow plants grew weird. 2nd grow changed the bulb same thing. I switched all my lights to Gavita guess what its a big difference. This goes for LED too. Stick with a known brand. Buddy of mine used Spider farmers got shitty yields and went to Gavita LEDS got a massive yield. He is now looking to upgrade to Chiled or lumateks i think its called photontek or something in NA
Was thinking of getting 4 240w quantum boards qb288 LM301H lights. i heard a few people say they are just as good of quality as spiderfarmer/mars. I am just gonna go with some sort of LEDS for my first grow.
None of these. Stick with a known manufacturer. DO NOT BUY chinesium lights. I made the mistake of buying Gavita clones DE HPS. Did one grow plants grew weird. 2nd grow changed the bulb same thing. I switched all my lights to Gavita guess what its a big difference. This goes for LED too. Stick with a known brand. Buddy of mine used Spider farmers got shitty yields and went to Gavita LEDS got a massive yield. He is now looking to upgrade to Chiled or lumateks i think its called photontek or something in NA
Oh wow! i heard spider farmers and mars were good :O
None of these. Stick with a known manufacturer. DO NOT BUY chinesium lights. I made the mistake of buying Gavita clones DE HPS. Did one grow plants grew weird. 2nd grow changed the bulb same thing. I switched all my lights to Gavita guess what its a big difference. This goes for LED too. Stick with a known brand. Buddy of mine used Spider farmers got shitty yields and went to Gavita LEDS got a massive yield. He is now looking to upgrade to Chiled or lumateks i think its called photontek or something in NA
then again these are chinese made. just like spider farmer or mars. that is why i was told if i was gonna buy those to get these 240w kingbrites instead as they are the same diodes and drivers and way cheaper.
I got time to study and learn more. i am new to all this some it's like hearing another language when people mention this shit. i have been watching videos and reading a shit ton i am finally starting to understand a little more.
I got time to study and learn more. i am new to all this some it's like hearing another language when people mention this shit. i have been watching videos and reading a shit ton i am finally starting to understand a little more.
yeah you need to learn more about lights, maybe a weed growing forum isn't the best. I wish i hadn't bought a Mars light for my first grow. Get some greenhouse growing books/lessons and they will serve you for growing weed. Plants are all the same at the end of the day and weed isn't different like some people believe ( it's actually easier to grow than most fruiting crops
yeah you need to learn more about lights, maybe a weed growing forum isn't the best. I wish i hadn't bought a Mars light for my first grow. Get some greenhouse growing books/lessons and they will serve you for growing weed. Plants are all the same at the end of the day and weed isn't different like some people believe ( it's actually easier to grow than most fruiting crops
Yes you are correct! i am going to do about a week of studying and learn what i need to.
Wtf i love how my post got blown by...

ur on the right track to ask on a msg board.

everyone has an opinion.

canabis isnt like evey crop...

infact most crops would die with the amount of light we give them.

lighting wise its closer to corn but even corn has a max lighting ...

there reslly is no fall off with thisplant but mimicking nature is the goal...

Anyway get as much light and as even aa light as you can...

Keep plants even as well.

keepntemps in theboptimal zone and factor that into your lighting.

leds do put out heat ....
I got time to study and learn more. i am new to all this some it's like hearing another language when people mention this shit. i have been watching videos and reading a shit ton i am finally starting to understand a little more.
keep in mind that the tech progresses quickly. when i bought my first Spider, there was no LM301H. Only the LM301B. And be sure to what for that specific diode. I believe Spider is STILL using the B version. Samsung makes a lot of diff led chips. The 301H is the latest, most efficient. That probably wont ne the case in 6 months. So long as you get something new & current, you’ll have chosen wisely. But that “new & current” will only be cutting edge for a short while. What was the best light today? wont always be the best light. Just get to growing! You’ll be thrilled regardless as to what brand u get ;-)
good luck & happy growing!
CMH is more efficient than HPS and has a bit better spectrum for full cycle. I wouldn’t buy the cheap ones, if you go CMH you definitely want the Philips bulbs like the one I linked.

CMH is by far the best spectrum. Been rocking them for 8 yrs, I do have a 1k HPS bulb in the hood for dead of winter grows for heat. I'm just pissed at Philips because once they found out growers were using their bulbs they discontinued the 400W retro bulb it ran in a standard HPS socket on a HPS ballast. They were made for factories and warehouses to change the yellow light of hps to white. They had a fuller spectrum than the new 310W bulb and special ballast system that's going to cost you $600 the old bulbs sold for $36.
keep in mind that the tech progresses quickly. when i bought my first Spider, there was no LM301H. Only the LM301B. And be sure to what for that specific diode. I believe Spider is STILL using the B version. Samsung makes a lot of diff led chips. The 301H is the latest, most efficient. That probably wont ne the case in 6 months. So long as you get something new & current, you’ll have chosen wisely. But that “new & current” will only be cutting edge for a short while. What was the best light today? wont always be the best light. Just get to growing! You’ll be thrilled regardless as to what brand u get ;-)
good luck & happy growing!

Aren't 301b and 301h the same but they made 301h for "grow" lights
Wattsaver is on point.
In my decade of growing , no doubt mh gives a better spectrum. Just one of tho

Cmh does thst and is more efficient heat wise to boot.... If yields arent ur goal go for that. But as i mentioned before ,

light, then get more light . And if u think it's enough. Throw even more

you can make up for cmh lower lux , umol , whatever u want to call it, by adding more !

they used to sell hoods with two sockets in them ... idk if u can fashion cmh into that

whoever brought up the old cmh philips bulb was spot on. That was the first descent cmh bulb.

But man , i would just use the bulbs out now , cmh missed something on the spectrum ( don't remember what it was) that the Phillip's helped with, immsure by now they ironed it out.

ive seen a few die hard cmhers and they all noticed some strains just take a shit under them.... its kind of weird. Idk if they ever figured out the pattern . (Maybe more indoor dutch variation thst are honestly now adapted to fucking hps than anything else) *theory

As everyone has said plan yourblighting .
And again my 2 cents is just get a ton. There really genuinely is no such thing as too much light .. research peak light output for various plants and u will find corn and mj at the top.. they cant get enough.

their matabaolism increase withblight increase . Corn did have a peak but mj is almost limitless....

indica doms are closer to the sun. Thc its self is its sunscreen.....

again whatever you decide get a lot and get it with in temp and get it even , even.... and more even.

All people posting various lighting ideas lets try to link some ppfd charts or something to back that up.

if this threads going to turn into a 100 page thread on lighting lets contribute some info ....

Intensity and spread are key imho... i no longer am die hard about spectrum... i just want as much lumins i can get efficiently and with as little heat waste as possible...

as many lighting methods there are , they have growing methods to boot.
Adjust-awing 1kw hps is for like 3x3 foot prints in a warehouse hung way high up.....

Cooltubes are garbage at light spread but they can be used horizontally or vertically and some swear by their cooling capacity. Idk if the lumin loss throught the glass is worth it...
For small spaces led all the way

But i would gonsmall plants , quantumnboards ,auto flower . And grow vertically 2-3 rows ......

Since ur space is large maybe cob or hid is better option ... idk .. u can chop this 10k ways ...

just commit to something . Backed by real life ppfd ... just keepthat ppfd up man...

goo luck
cool tidbit on the retro bulb.Didnt know thatwas a thing. Just find some one in china to clone it and sell them...

Also havent used this board in years . Its runnin nice on my ios device , but how do i react to a post? Do I need app or something?
Just find someone in China to clone it? Hahahahaha. Why don't you buy from a respectable company instead. You have the added bonus that you won't get shocked that way, lol.

I've got a genuine Rolex worth $1500, I can let go for $15 because I'm desperate for money. Thanks China.
yeah you need to learn more about lights, maybe a weed growing forum isn't the best. I wish i hadn't bought a Mars light for my first grow. Get some greenhouse growing books/lessons and they will serve you for growing weed. Plants are all the same at the end of the day and weed isn't different like some people believe ( it's actually easier to grow than most fruiting crops
Which fixture in particular did you dislike after using??
Which fixture in particular did you dislike after using??
Well if you're talking about Mars, here's one dissatisfied customer. He's pretty cool about it though, and doesn't mind getting a little shock. I think he finds it exciting playing with electricity. Ya, I'm talking about you @m99smith, lol.

Well if you're talking about Mars, here's one dissatisfied customer. He's pretty cool about it though, and doesn't mind getting a little shock. I think he finds it exciting playing with electricity. Ya, I'm talking about you @m99smith, lol.

Oh yeah buddy, saw that one! I wouldn't touch any of the fixtures besides the FC series. They are very overpriced currently but a step in the right direction.
Just find someone in China to clone it? Hahahahaha. Why don't you buy from a respectable company instead. You have the added bonus that you won't get shocked that way, lol.

I've got a genuine Rolex worth $1500, I can let go for $15 because I'm desperate for money. Thanks China.

Man ... if you hve never been to china and browsed their mfg facilities seriously just chime out.

the "retro philips " aparently was a cmh bulb that worked in hps ballast!
There would be high enough demand to find a vendor to mfg that...

Just saying . Go there , browse the mfg companies . It takes months to get
Through them all. This is not unsimiliar to one off parts for cars being made... idk how ur rolex has anything to do with that. Politics aside , thank capitalism for chinas mfg holding us hostage...

its basically impossible to find all american made shit these days so the " oh dont buy trash buy the expensive shit" argument isnt always true ...

u can find exact fucking led chips , exact same drivers . Fuck probably see asf logo that was forgotten to be removed from the housing...

research is what this thread is about.

idk if its turned into a budget bang for buck lighting search or what at this point?
Where are the op's anyway??

who here made a decision based off this thread?

or atleast learned something?

like the hlg thing never heard off . Thanks for pointing them out. Super reasonable prices for quantums...

and simce theyrequire assembly its easy to swap deivers or boards out as needed ..

so we got
Digital hid
Magnetic hid
quantum boards
And veros

Those seem to be the best options today.

cobs were the future till the efficiency of quantums was realized ...

to be frank use all together ffs

running mh and hps

or led and hps

offers benefits.

theres like a gazilion options out there..

i just want to keep reiterating, more is more.
Temps are important, and keep that lighting as evenly distributed as possible

arm your self with an ppfd or lux meter , an annometer and some really good thermometers plus an ir..

get the most light you possibly can is my logic

so what offers the most lumins per dollar .....



Plan ur spaceoutby the lifhtingnu choose then go from yhere . Find out the kigjts footprint irl look up ppfd reviews if using led.... if ur flowerimgncut that footprint in half... i wouldnt use less than 50real w per sq ft of led ...

But i have not done anything besides veg with them so far so im no expert at all on led . Im glad there are plenty around here who are versed in it .

thats the point of this discussion...