Clone game seems fun! I’ll stick to finding my own plants from seed lol. I know this adds no value, but after reading like 30 pages of this stuff over a few months almost seems better to just buy good genetics grow your own. Seems for every 1 person that gets a legit clone 10-20 are getting fakes. I’d rather find my own plants but that’s just me. Don’t mind mebongsmilie
Yea but what about the hype strains? The rapper weed. The cakes the cookies the glues the blues the whites the runtz the blunts the urlkels the purples the zookies the nookies?
Clone game seems fun! I’ll stick to finding my own plants from seed lol. I know this adds no value, but after reading like 30 pages of this stuff over a few months almost seems better to just buy good genetics grow your own. Seems for every 1 person that gets a legit clone 10-20 are getting fakes. I’d rather find my own plants but that’s just me. Don’t mind mebongsmilie
Isn't it sad?
It sucks that we live in a society where out of 20 people,more than half would rip you off...funny,but sad
Honestly, it’s a problem but not at a 50% level. I think if we all take a step back in most situations common ground is available but people are apprehensive and react with knee jerk response which quickly devolves a situation. Once it’s unrecoverable people get mad, defensive, and start lashing out. It’s counter productive.

Clones are a pain in the ass but also have a place in my opinion. This is my first foray and while I have had mixed experiences it was well worth it. I have those “pimp rapper” cuts I always wanted to try and made some good contacts along the way!

Everyone’s entitled to their opinion and has their own experience and I do feel bad for anybody that didn’t have a good one, I didn’t have all good experiences but I think the good outweighed the bad.
Clone game seems fun! I’ll stick to finding my own plants from seed lol. I know this adds no value, but after reading like 30 pages of this stuff over a few months almost seems better to just buy good genetics grow your own. Seems for every 1 person that gets a legit clone 10-20 are getting fakes. I’d rather find my own plants but that’s just me. Don’t mind mebongsmilie
For what it’s worth, I had a bad run of like three or four packs in a row throwing either busters or all males. So that was over a year wasted, I had moved and quit growing for a couple years so I had nothing to start but seed. So bad luck can happen in many forms, and I made the conscious choice to skip some of the process so I could get myself a harvest of some thing worth smoking.
Honestly, it’s a problem but not at a 50% level. I think if we all take a step back in most situations common ground is available but people are apprehensive and react with knee jerk response which quickly devolves a situation. Once it’s unrecoverable people get mad, defensive, and start lashing out. It’s counter productive.

Clones are a pain in the ass but also have a place in my opinion. This is my first foray and while I have had mixed experiences it was well worth it. I have those “pimp rapper” cuts I always wanted to try and made some good contacts along the way!

Everyone’s entitled to their opinion and has their own experience and I do feel bad for anybody that didn’t have a good one, I didn’t have all good experiences but I think the good outweighed the bad.
Yeah I don’t have stats my number are inflated I just think A lot of people get screwed over and it is shitty.
For what it’s worth, I had a bad run of like three or four packs in a row throwing either busters or all males. So that was over a year wasted, I had moved and quit growing for a couple years so I had nothing to start but seed. So bad luck can happen in many forms, and I made the conscious choice to skip some of the process so I could get myself a harvest of some thing worth smoking.
I agree that bad luck does happen. For me I just feel the clone game is a lot easier for people to get scammed then finding your own keeper but that’s just my opinion.
For what it’s worth, I had a bad run of like three or four packs in a row throwing either busters or all males. So that was over a year wasted, I had moved and quit growing for a couple years so I had nothing to start but seed. So bad luck can happen in many forms, and I made the conscious choice to skip some of the process so I could get myself a harvest of some thing worth smoking.
Don’t mess with fem seeds?
For those of you that took my recommendation on pink, I was very cautious about whom I have endorsed here because I know that my word carries a little weight. I also told pink that I would endorse him because of his candor, that said if anyone does have issue I realize my name is on it and I will help advocate. I can’t guarantee anything as I’m not associated but I feel like there really isn’t anything to worry about but my name is on it. Not like I would expect anyone to hold back but please keep us all updated as cuts get flowered!

My endorsement was from my own experience, we all would like a reliable and reasonable source! I think?!
Not screaming, simply stating how I felt by ordering from him, you're the one telling me to fuck off, I haven't been rude once, so thats very suspicious how defensive you're getting over it; and how much you keep on endorsing him even though 3 of us on here have had problems with him. Extremely suspicious lol.
Cool head yes, but one of your comments toward me was cool? Hmmm
Yeah obviously you and I have a different opinion of what cool is! I care a lot if you trust me! lol

I know that some took my word and that does mean something to me.

You are just crying and since you obviously don’t know how to communicate friendliness in word form and probably got blackballed.... I’d do the honor of helping follow up as many voices are better than one and he knew I was connected to forums, but your being a dick so I’ll follow that last unfriendly statement with a final kiss my hairy ass! Grow up son, learn to be a nice person instead of raping the thread.
Yeah obviously you and I have a different opinion of what cool is! I care a lot if you trust me! lol

I know that some took my word and that does mean something to me.

You are just crying and since you obviously don’t know how to communicate friendliness in word form and probably got blackballed.... I’d do the honor of helping follow up as many voices are better than one and he knew I was connected to forums, but your being a dick so I’ll follow that last unfriendly statement with a final kiss my hairy ass! Grow up son, learn to be a nice person instead of raping the thread.
I'm crying? I lost 400$ so yeah thats to be expected sort of.. if you're not a little upset about giving it away to pink box someone who if you ask him about the Now or Later clone pictures he goes "what of it?", choosing to ship the slower speed rather than the fastest on international orders even though he stats he ships the quickest speed, I leave a review on his Instagram page, something that he could easily just respond to and deal with in the public light to show his trust worthy factor ten fold, but no he decides to block and delete the comments, so its still funny to me you endorse him so hard-core. Especially since I see you as a well known member whove I've actually seen for quite some time. I only ordered from pink box mainly with how much good you were talking about him. But boy was I wrong to order...

I'm quite sure there's plenty of other clone guys out there that are way more credible than pink box

If my statements of the event don't convey friendliness man than I dont know what friendliness is to you honestly. Have a good day man.
You’re validated for being angry about losing 400 bucks, I would be too! I got my clones and I don’t go around trash talking to people on the Internet who might be able to help me!

Have good day!
You’re validated for being angry about losing 400 bucks, I would be too! I got my clones and I don’t go around trash talking to people on the Internet who might be able to help me!

Have good day!
how could you have helped the situation? will you help it for sunsetdaydreamer, he tried to message him to get clones reshipped and he said he would cover the expenses of shipping faster, but hasnt been responded too, also could you help out zoomboom? would be great man
Dude i hope his SLH which i assume is supposed to be the Franco cut do not smell like rotting meat at all . Now idk if his cuts are real or fake i wouldn't think they are just because he do not sell any Newer true elites . But SLH should smell like Citron boss.
Yep, I just flowered it out from purple city genetics verified cut and no rotting meat. Citronella for sure, or lemon haze mix.