Well-Known Member
Thats a tasteful joke
I suppose, I'm still having a hard time swallowing the whole look though. It's tough to digest.
Thats a tasteful joke
Maybe he got the tats before he decided he wanted to become a teacher?
I suppose, I'm still having a hard time swallowing the whole look though. It's tough to digest.
LOLDoes he swallow
Double LOLI'm still having a hard time swallowing the
if that's hard to digest, hate to see you at a side show
you know on a side note...depending....he could have a law suit for job discrimination...js
Possibly but unlikely. He's not handicap nor was he born that way. For some people he may as well put a big "Fuck you" on his forehead.
as an example how would you like it , if you worked at a company and you decided to get a tattoo on you hand....then they pulled you in the office and gave you you pink slip and fired you.....all simple because of your looks....
Apparently she was some kind of naive ideological weird feminist. The class was "AP Senior Studies" and she'd have some after class projects or meetings with just the girl students. My kids told me she'd bitch about the boys reactions to her and tie it into some feminist rhetoric. My girls laughed and told her that behavior is one thing but biology is a whole different thing; basically parading around like a sexpot in front of hormonal teenage boys can only lead to the reactions she didn't like. I don't know what finally got her to dress down; realization or job loss threats.Probably is going to end up being one of those teachers we read about in a sexting scandal, or doing anal with the whole football team after the game.
Putting out bait at a High School, she new exactly what was going on and what the reaction would be.
Or maybe she's just a naive good girl.
You expect me to spell this out for you?
Patience don't think that's your suit at the moment....
Ok fine. Go into work tomorrow wearing a g-string thong and a peacock headdress and get back to me.
Maybe he got the tats before he decided he wanted to become a teacher?
And is it possible some or most of the kids actually enjoy his tats? Intriguing maybe?
He wasn't discriminated against, unless you're accusing a 3 year old of discrimination for finding him scary. He and the school agreed he would instead teach kids age 6 and up for common sense reasons. He could've refused.the job discrimination was for his looks.... nothing more.....
as an example how would you like it , if you worked at a company and you decided to get a tattoo on you hand....then they pulled you in the office and gave you you pink slip and fired you.....all simple because of your looks....
He wasn't discriminated against, unless you're accusing a 3 year old of discrimination for finding him scary. He and the school agreed he would instead teach kids age 6 and up for common sense reasons. He could've refused.
Of notable importance, this poor fellow claims his tattoos were a result of an "existential crisis" when he was 27. He could've been more vague about that, but hopefully he's over that "crisis".
Finally, this brave Maverick claims his powerful tattoos may just make all of the 6 year olds in his class "less racist and less homophobic". Because naturally, all the kids in his class are a bunch of racist homophobes. Just less so now, bless his heart.
Dude's got issues.
1. Read the article.You know mate, your probably right in what you say....who know there is probably a 6yr old that thinks he's tattoos are cool, and that child is actually cool and asking questions. Who knows maybe a 3yr old too. And that's awesome. Let them. You shouldn't be fired simply cause you changed your body. Now we don't know if they're isn't any complaints from co workers, parents, etc. He is who he is.
It's honestly in my mind basic discrimination.