bodhi seeds

Have you heard anything good about the ogkb remix version of more cowbell?
I have ran the OGKB version and you will enjoy it.
Last two OGKB More Cowbell remix I pulled were frosty and tasty, like a floral Girl Scout Cookie with musky backend. Potent and puts me to dreamland, then to bed. Good yield also for a GSC cross. Easy to grow with no special needs, both took at 77 days if I remember right. I imagine it would kill it outdoors. I have had better luck(yield wise)with the Forum cut than the OGKB cut but this particular cross I was happy with the yield. Haven't grown the original More Cowbell so can't compare the two. Hope this helps, Boo.
Here ya go.
Those are some gorgeous buds. Everyone see what Mrs. B posted on insta yesterday? Limited edition merch going on etsy tomo 10am PST and rare random beans going out with orders. Gonna skip on the baba and grab one of these to see what I get :hump:

EDIT: skip on the Baba until next pay period, I mean
Do you know if there is a minimum spend amount to receive beans with a clothing order?
Didn't see any info about it on etsy. Would love to buy a $20 shirt and get a pack with it......
It's something Bodhi's's probably going to be cool enough I don't mind the suprise! I'm sorry I can't help though, I've never used etsy.
yeah i'm sure whatever it is will be great, I was just curious how exactly it works and what exactly is being given out... also wondering if you have to request the seeds or if they are automatically put in the order...
I thought the same, though I may get a sweatshirt since it's nearing cold weather here.
From what I was reading in the comments of her post is that it is T-shirts only marked with LE. Two drops. 1 tomorrow at 10pst and 1 on Monday at 10 pst. Hope that helps. I got more info from the replies in the comments section. Will keep y’all posted if I find out more. Good Luck!