Powdery mildew has begun

Hey farmers ! So i have this beautiful 8x4 kicking on all cylinders 2.5 weeks into flower and i opened her up today to notice fucking powdery mildew beginning on 2 of the 10 pretty bad and spreading slightly to the others. I have read on it many times but have never had it first hand.
so i am asking do you guys have any tricks not listed on the weed articles such as MILK AND WATER OR BAKING SODA AND WATER ETC
and/or have you guys had it and found which applications are more effective than others ?
And besides more air circulation and putting more soil over old soil to stop spores from jumping any other things i should do to my tent to prevent it in future?!
thank you all for the help in advance as i have gotten so much good advice from this group in my short time this far ! Cheers
Attached is pic full room setup as well the fan leaves that has worst mildew. As you can see it’s not that bad i caught it early and it is just on fan leaned nothing on or close to the bud sites.


go go kid

Well-Known Member
for me, those are the best two options that i know of.
People use oil sprays such as neem oil, garlic oil, and sesame oil, to mention a few. You can also purchase copper-based applications, sulfur burners, or buy products like Mold Control and Bergman's Plant Protector.
If you're looking to make your own spray or mildew treatment, you can mix 40% milk and 60% water. Alternatively, you can create a solution using one tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide mixed in with water.
for me, those are the best two options that i know of.
People use oil sprays such as neem oil, garlic oil, and sesame oil, to mention a few. You can also purchase copper-based applications, sulfur burners, or buy products like Mold Control and Bergman's Plant Protector.
If you're looking to make your own spray or mildew treatment, you can mix 40% milk and 60% water. Alternatively, you can create a solution using one tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide mixed in with water.
Go go kid in your experience will i be able to get rid of it all and get a good harvest still or am i going to be battling it until harvest ?
i. Pretty excited about how these girls are producing and the flavors i have so i really don’t want to have to say bye to my bitches

go go kid

Well-Known Member
thats your problem, theres too much vegetation going on and you dont have good airflow through your grow.
you need to up your air movement through out your grow, this will need some defoliation and better fans for air flow or you may well be batteling it for the rest of your grow

go go kid

Well-Known Member
you realy need someone with info and experiance with defoliation, i dont think you need to do much if you can get more air flow in there. but make sure you have the PM under controle or you will just be spreading spores all over your grow
Ahh makes sense I’ve been growing for 7 years now so i def can get more air flow in there in many different ways but thank you for the words On getting it under control before blowing it everywhere lol. That’s perfect logic but didn’t cross my mind because i planned on going back in a day or two to put in my ducting and fans lol. I am going to cover all pots with an inch or two of fresh soil to keep spores from jumping up everywhere so maybe that will help. Also going to wipe down bad leaves with clean damp paper towel and spray them with solution. And as far as defoliation I’m in day 23 from my 12/12 flip so i usually do a heavy defoliation on day 21 and light one in day 40. So i will do that as well.
Do you know if the smart pots i have them in are able to let the spores out the sides of them or is that containing them enough ?
i def am going to search out and find some knowledgeable peeps on the subject to get as much advice as possible.


Well-Known Member
Maybe try vacuuming the top of the soil, easy to replace a quarter inch or so, and MASSIVE amounts of air flow


Well-Known Member
If you have issues like this in 2,5 week of flower I would be more concerning about the botrytis in late flower. You need to lower down RH anyway...
you realy need someone with info and experiance with defoliation, i dont think you need to do much if you can get more air flow in there. but make sure you have the PM under controle or you will just be spreading spores all over your grow
Also how often should i spray the plants ? And should i spray them all over ? Meaning leaves , bud sites , under leaves and even in soil plus like on floor tent and walls ?


Well-Known Member
BTW these ladies deserve defoliation and supercropping as hell... I would take away all of the fan leaves which goes inside and all of the tops just bent to the same height. You should be able to do that now, before stems get woody.
yeah like i said before i defoliate right around this time and on day 40 so that is my plan. And i would super crop them but i am worried about doing that when they are dealing with this stress and trying. To flower won’t it put them under too much stress possibly ? If you think that won’t stress them too much how would you recommend doing it ? Just pulling the 5 or 6 longest coals down to canopy heights? Because the overall canopy is pretty even when the room is closed up with an exception of one runt that just is half the sizes of all the other ladies. And how do i tie them down when they are that tall? Or are you talking about softening up the stem and letting it recover like that ? Because i hineslty don’t feel comfortable with my skills to do that at this stage they are pretty thick stalks and I’m afraid i will hurt them. I’m open to suggestions so please suggest and explain as much as you have time for for real I’m constantly learning



Well-Known Member
The only thing I have found to be really effective is a sulfur vaporizer or AirROS machine (expensive). The spray remedies might slow PM down a little but in the last few weeks of flower when you are very limited on options the PM tends to take over.
The only thing I have found to be really effective is a sulfur vaporizer or AirROS machine (expensive). The spray remedies might slow PM down a little but in the last few weeks of flower when you are very limited on options the PM tends to take over.
Well you just gave me anxiety right before bed thanks lol jk jk jk i mean all i can do is try my hardest and hope for the best at this point. Like i said I’ve been growing over a 7 year span and have never had this come up so i will def take precautionary measures on all grows going forward but just want to get the best product out of this round before that ya know


Well-Known Member
Potassium silicate foliar.



Well-Known Member
yeah like i said before i defoliate right around this time and on day 40 so that is my plan. And i would super crop them but i am worried about doing that when they are dealing with this stress and trying. To flower won’t it put them under too much stress possibly ? If you think that won’t stress them too much how would you recommend doing it ? Just pulling the 5 or 6 longest coals down to canopy heights? Because the overall canopy is pretty even when the room is closed up with an exception of one runt that just is half the sizes of all the other ladies. And how do i tie them down when they are that tall? Or are you talking about softening up the stem and letting it recover like that ? Because i hineslty don’t feel comfortable with my skills to do that at this stage they are pretty thick stalks and I’m afraid i will hurt them. I’m open to suggestions so please suggest and explain as much as you have time for for real I’m constantly learning
Do not be afraid, just bend them down gently. Take the stem between thumb and index finger, make it soft and little bit flat and bent it. Stem should NOT crack! You can try it on one of the tops and you will see what will happen, it will go up in day or two. So you will probably need to tie them down.