Thief protection

I worry about the same think because my plants are on my porch and I have had babies stolen before. I love in a townhouse and the porch is visible from the street. I live in a good neighborhood but I think last time (when the babies got stolen) a teenager saw them and took a couple. Started to put a lock ok my gate so hoping no one is dumb enough to jump over and pull some BS. Almost time to harvest so just hoping for the best. So hard to prevent the theivery but I think the dog and fence suggestion is a good one!
Dogs and an electric fence with yellow tape on it.

If electric fence is marked as such you should be good for legalities.

I have 5 dogs that run my garden at night. I also pop off 20 or so quick mp5 rounds as the sun sets. Pretty common out here at end of year to hear stay the fxk out of my garden shots at night.
Build a fence. Get a dog. Use wireless cameras with a dedicated monitor right where you sleep. Make it obviously hard to steal so they wont even try. Then never leave till you harvest. Also those arent options they are a package deal if you truly want your weed to stay yours. Almost forgot flood lights. Not on the plants but the perimeter. Its a war zone out there.
Have a decoy plant for them to steal. Bonus if the decoy burns harsh. Or maybe it’s spiked with exlax. Ok you spray the plant with capsaicin spray. When they touch it or smoke it. Wow.
Build a fence. Get a dog. Use wireless cameras with a dedicated monitor right where you sleep. Make it obviously hard to steal so they wont even try. Then never leave till you harvest. Also those arent options they are a package deal if you truly want your weed to stay yours. Almost forgot flood lights. Not on the plants but the perimeter. Its a war zone out there.
I run 8 Mp PTZ's w/motion alarms and auto tracking. The resolution is nice. The alarms are priceless. Dedicated monitor on my nightstand. TOO MANY POS out here. Just ask. I have labor I could use a hand with. Damn cowards. Peace.
I used to park my empty camper next to the garden and leave a radio tuned to talk radio. from a short distance it sounds like people talking inside the camper. Got me a couple times...i thought people were in my
Perception will scare thief every time. Played a looped reel to reel of a nasty dog gutterly growling at low volume at night before I got fancy toys.

Glad to see you. Hope you are as full and lazy as me today.