seymour b
Active Member
New grower here using ffof. I'm in week 5 or 6 from seed, and have recently transplanted into 1 gallon fabric pots. Everything has looked pretty good until a few days ago, when I noticed lightening of the lower leaves (and some tips) and some slowing of growth. I've not given any nutrients, and I'm using about 60% ffof 20% EWC and 20% perlite + granular mycorrhizae. I've erred on the side of letting the soil dry out in these fabric pots and am wondering if I let whatever small amount of microbes I have get out of whack. During watering today, I top dressed with EWC, hoping to add a little life to the mix. Also, I have a large chunk from the transplant that I believe is causing the water to run down the sides mostly where the newer loose soil is and not really allowing it to get into the rootball. Can I bust this up a little to aerate things and let water get down into the middle of the pot?
Hopefully this question is in the right place, I'm really trying avoid the lolcalmagdeficiency bros more than anything. I am using steam distilled water and have calmag on hand, but I'd really like to know what's going on before I start throwing things at the problem.

Hopefully this question is in the right place, I'm really trying avoid the lolcalmagdeficiency bros more than anything. I am using steam distilled water and have calmag on hand, but I'd really like to know what's going on before I start throwing things at the problem.

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