Help.. stem is cut


Well-Known Member
I was trying to get rid of the first set of leaves that had started getting brown .. accidentally cut the main leaves off at the stem.. the cotyledon are still there though.. will it start growing again or should I just start over?


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Circumcised an infant....

It does have the chance for life but if you're already dealing with issues on a baby, don't expect alot. They don't have alot of 'will to live'.

I want to give hope and I do hope it will be ok but you shouldn't get attached to it.

Maybe you will get lucky and it will power through what looks like nute burn and turn out to be a great monstery bush.
More condescension.. thanks.. Very helpful.

What the hell do you expect? You post a picture of a stem/seedling. The only thing you can do is leave it alone and hope it branches right below where you cut the top off. So I did give you helpful advice. What else can you do? If I sound condescending then so be it. But my advice is sound.

Leave it alone. There is nothing else you can do.
Circumcised an infant....

It does have the chance for life but if you're already dealing with issues on a baby, don't expect alot. They don't have alot of 'will to live'.

I want to give hope and I do hope it will be ok but you shouldn't get attached to it.

Maybe you will get lucky and it will power through what looks like nute burn and turn out to be a great monstery bush.

It was in light warrior and I just transplanted to Ocean Forest.. leaves were already browning before I transplanted though. I hadn't added nutes except some Big Bloom and that stuff is pretty weak isn't it? The 2nd set of leaves were looking fine (until I accidentally cut them)
All nutes are toxic to seedlings.

A seedling has enough nutrition stored to survive until it's 2 weeks old.

FFOF is a no-nutrient needed mix for the first 6 weeks.

You over loved your baby.

I didn't put anything in when I planted them but water in the light warrior.. then just misted the top of the soil until they popped. Didn't add anything until they already had their first set of true leaves and the cups were light.. added half strength dose of Big Bloom when I watered after about 10 days. Then transplanted into permanent containers with Big Bloom and nothing else. 2nd and 3rd sets of leaves on all my plants look good. I was just getting rid of the first set on all 3 plants that were dying. Successful with 2.. butchered the 3rd. But the other 2 are looking great.
“If it dies, it dies” plants are resilient tho. Ride it out. Wanna say 65 percent chance of life still. Just let it do it’s thing
I didn't put anything in when I planted them but water in the light warrior.. then just misted the top of the soil until they popped. Didn't add anything until they already had their first set of true leaves and the cups were light.. added half strength dose of Big Bloom when I watered after about 10 days. Then transplanted into permanent containers with Big Bloom and nothing else. 2nd and 3rd sets of leaves on all my plants look good. I was just getting rid of the first set on all 3 plants that were dying. Successful with 2.. butchered the 3rd. But the other 2 are looking great.
Next time don’t feed just water Foxfarm Ocean Forest has plenty of nutrients in it to last almost 2-months (depending on plant size)
Make sure your water is at the right ph for your grow style too. I’d recommend anything from 6.2-6.8.
Best thing you can do for that seedling is to leave it ALONE. And water. When needed.
Also what Kaleb said Seedling have its own nute storage that last for about 2 weeks or until cotlyendyns fall off. Sorry for my grammar I just woke up.
Stop acting like you didn't do anything wrong. You fucked up. Own it. You came on here to look for advice and it's being given. We can't help if you don't like the advice. Take your 2 day old seedling trash it and start over. On the next attempt stop touching it every 2 seconds. Good luck.
is that what you done the first time touchy feel them all the time , seems like it so why be so condescending like an utter twat