What question would you ask Amy Coney Barrett?

Dumb bitch, uttering the word caused the hostile work environment. How gd dumb is she?
She answers case correct case correct then when it comes to answering regarding gay marriage, ummm it can’t answer that.
So fuckn stupid.
I wonder how she would rule if it was "white honkey bitch"? not the N word
Replace 'Huston Astro's' with 'Trump' and listen to this part of the hearing with Sasse.

I think he would love to unleash on Trump but can't.
He must be a pussy like the rest of them then.
Not one of them has the slightest bit of honor.

In 1974 Barry Goldwater marched over to the Whitehouse with a few other Republicans to tell Nixon he was through here, and he resigned a couple days later.

These guys are afraid to say anything against Trump.

Until he loses by double digits and drags a bunch of them out with him, then they'll all blame him for everyfuckingthing. Watch and see.

Nixon left in 1974 and by '76, nobody would admit to ever voting for him. Same thing will happen again.
She's adopted 3? kids from Haiti

I stand corrected. Only 4 down the pipe then. That was likely a career decision that is paying dividends now. Still don't know why you need 7 fucking kids unless you are competing with the mormons and mexicans, but to each his/her/it/? own.

Either that or she needed 'help' around the house if you get my drift. lol
Not one of them has the slightest bit of honor.

In 1974 Barry Goldwater marched over to the Whitehouse with a few other Republicans to tell Nixon he was through here, and he resigned a couple days later.

These guys are afraid to say anything against Trump.

Until he loses by double digits and drags a bunch of them out with him, then they'll all blame him for everyfuckingthing. Watch and see.

Nixon left in 1974 and by '76, nobody would admit to ever voting for him. Same thing will happen again.
They didn't have a disinformation network supporting an alternative reality and a fanatical death cult base to contend with. Chickens coming home to roost, they attracted them and then they took over, they were easy prey for Donald, it was love at first sight..
How in good conscience could a responsible parent attend a crowded, not socially distanced Rose Garden event where neither she nor her children wore masks? Not the mentality I want adjudicating issues in the highest court in the land.
Contrary to her protestations in the Senate, it would appear she IS suseptable to political influence.
Honestly it doesn't matter what questions you want to ask her, she hasn't answered a single one. It's nauseating watching her evade every single question she's asked. This is a trend, Gorusch did it too, but Kavanaugh was extremely evasive. This lady is the worst of the three though.
and when it comes to questions..

umm miss stand at the back of the room please.....can't you lick my balls from there? I mean since your a servant and all...
on what?

personally I think she's a smoke screen

if she gets the job, she gets the job on her merits

and I would hope she would keep church and state separate if she does