Also, its a herm. There's lots of pistils. And just a few balls. I want to just get rid of the balls but I don't wanna fuck up and miss one and pollinate others
Just be onto it and remove them as you see. Takes a few weeks for those sacks to open and pollinate. I don't see why it won't be productive. If you are dedicated and go over daily you'll catch them all without pollinating any of the ladies. It a great you found them so soon. Could be periodic due to stress but could be ongoing only for you to discover and to take action.
Also, its a herm. There's lots of pistils. And just a few balls. I want to just get rid of the balls but I don't wanna fuck up and miss one and pollinate others
Separate balls and pistils is not a herm. Balls with a pistil originating from them is a herm. You need to wait and see what you're looking at I don't see it and I run seed tables regularly both selfed and regular. Matter of fact I'm reversing Wedding Cake and Birthday right now for a seed company.
20% male is worth the unknown name n strain is the pollen worth ruining all ure ladies if this plants bunk mex strain . may not flower fully.if u smoked the pot b4 only keep growing kill. Test it b4 growing dirt strains choose wizely what kind high you like n taste