What did you accomplish today?

Had blood taken to check for diabetes, I doubt I have it, I am pre diabetic but I really don't think I have crossed the line.
My dr. just gave me orders for a bunch of bloodwork too, and that's one of them. I'm in the same boat...My sugar has been running around 100 for several years now, which is what they use to call pre-diabetic. Funny I was just thinking about it too...because i just woke up from a nap, and I was fine and perky until I ate a cherry pastry! Bam, the sugar knocks me out every time it seems. Or it could have been the green crack I was smoking!

Gonna try and force a bike ride to wake up...I need to do some trimming later! Thankfully!!!!!
They are looking at my A1c levels, just above normal.
I recently read* a report that some of those exotic spyplane fluids exerted an antidiabetic effect.
Somewhat cold comfort when seen in the perspective of their tendency to induce delayed psychosis.

*this is pronounced “am lying about”
My dr. just gave me orders for a bunch of bloodwork too, and that's one of them. I'm in the same boat...My sugar has been running around 100 for several years now, which is what they use to call pre-diabetic. Funny I was just thinking about it too...because i just woke up from a nap, and I was fine and perky until I ate a cherry pastry! Bam, the sugar knocks me out every time it seems. Or it could have been the green crack I was smoking!

Gonna try and force a bike ride to wake up...I need to do some trimming later! Thankfully!!!!!
Green crack, cherry pastry and a bike ride now that's a good Friday!
Applied for a goddamn job as an In-School Suspension Supervisor, (a "sense of humor" was one of the job requirements) and ordered an official transcript from the university I just graduated from (cum laude I might add). When you think about the swamp of absolute shit I had to wade chin-deep through for the past 6 years, you'd understand just why I'm shoving my progress in the world's face. I earned this mango mai tai, chicken tendies, steak tips, and fries meal with honey mustard from the 99, fuck you.