If that's this light: https://californialightworks.com/products/solarxtreme-250

It states it's actual draw is 200 watts, and you need to hang it between 12" and 18" over a 3' x 3' area for you plants to get the advertised 500 to 800 ppfd. It looks like you have the light higher and covering more area than that. This would make your plants stretch and grow weak branches. The lowered levels of light would be only one concern though.

Plants grown to 3ft of height in a potting mix should likely be in 5 gallon or more pots filled nearly to the top with soil. Fox farm soil has nutrients to last a while, but does need top feeding later on, there are other posts about methods to grow in fox farm, I am not experienced with it.

I only questioned your drainage as those looked like DIY pots and I wondered if you drilled enough, or large enough holes. If the soil is loose and it runs through and dries out nicely, I think that's OK. You just need more soil it looks like, these plants might be root bound which could also explain some of the look.

I think you have a tough road ahead to try re-hab them. I would either pick your best plant, scale back to a 3'x3' area and try to re-hab and care for one plant, or start over in a 3'x3' area with one or two plants. If you start over, you'll probably be further ahead with better healthier plants, then you will if you try to re-hab these.

Thank you for your great advice I will take this all into consideration I definitely considered starting over but think some of them starting sprouting new leaves
Thank you for your great advice I will take this all into consideration I definitely considered starting over but think some of them starting sprouting new leaves

Your plants will do fine. And i did forget about the light. Your branches look scrawny(im exaggerating a bit) so they arnt getting the right amount of nutrients from the light especially in the center where fan leaves get in the way. Thats what i missed. Nothing compares to the sun. Once you repot. Try to give each plant some time in the sun light minimum 3 hours.keep the pot cool. I have a pair of lights about 40-60 for a set i think. And im told they arnt as great as advertised. But the results are good enough for me. But i take my plants out of the tent and in to the sun, turning the heads to point away.
Your plants will do fine. And i did forget about the light. Your branches look scrawny(im exaggerating a bit) so they arnt getting the right amount of nutrients from the light especially in the center where fan leaves get in the way. Thats what i missed. Nothing compares to the sun. Once you repot. Try to give each plant some time in the sun light minimum 3 hours.keep the pot cool. I have a pair of lights about 40-60 for a set i think. And im told they arnt as great as advertised. But the results are good enough for me. But i take my plants out of the tent and in to the sun, turning the heads to point away.
Ok yes I will def try that and would you mind telling me what kind of lights you have. I'm in chicago so it's kinda.cold out now but the sun still shines bright
Water less, drainage, check you have CaMg since LEDs and check your temps. carefully repot if necessary then give it time.
Overwatered plants growing in 2 inches of soil. If you don't have enough soil to fill the pots then fill less pots and grow fewer plants. That lights only good for a couple of plants anyway.
Overwatered plants growing in 2 inches of soil. If you don't have enough soil to fill the pots then fill less pots and grow fewer plants. That lights only good for a couple of plants anyway.
Yea I'm buying more dirt today to refill.pots and get rid of the two that are dead to me with almost no.leaves
Your plants will do fine......

You are right, they could fix them.

What I was trying to delicately/nicely suggest was that if, as a new grower, their light, environment, and skill are not up to speed, then trying to rehab 3' tall stretched leggy, stressed to the max plants into something they can still flower under that specific light without them getting even taller might be more to handle than worth it.

Either way, it's good experience.
You can bring a plant back from the brink of death with some care, looks like they need a way bigger home, i would assume they are very tricky to water correctly in those small pots
If you have any better lights for less please let me.know

I don't want to knock your light. Used at the right height over a smaller area, it would do fine. Or for veg only over a slightly larger area.
I don't know what your budget is, but the "croptober" sale here is putting these lights at really good prices for the next couple days.

I don't want to seem like a shill. I bought their Series 3+ FullSpec 500 watt at the recommendation of @BobThe420Builder and have NOT yet used it. It uses the current (best? Samsung LM301h) diodes, has the right wattage for a 4'x4' area (500+) and is at a really good price, especially with the sale.

The have other items on sale too. Again, I cannot comment on anything other than I feel I got a great deal on a quality product and the customer service has been excellent.

Sorry BobThe420Builder, I should probably give mentioning you a rest!
I don't want to knock your light. Used at the right height over a smaller area, it would do fine. Or for veg only over a slightly larger area.
I don't know what your budget is, but the "croptober" sale here is putting these lights at really good prices for the next couple days.

I don't want to seem like a shill. I bought their Series 3+ FullSpec 500 watt at the recommendation of @BobThe420Builder and have NOT yet used it. It uses the current (best? Samsung LM301h) diodes, has the right wattage for a 4'x4' area (500+) and is at a really good price, especially with the sale.

The have other items on sale too. Again, I cannot comment on anything other than I feel I got a great deal on a quality product and the customer service has been excellent.

Sorry BobThe420Builder, I should probably give mentioning you a rest!
Ok great I'm gonna look into these options thank you so much you have been a great help
You can bring a plant back from the brink of death with some care, looks like they need a way bigger home, i would assume they are very tricky to water correctly in those small pots
They were fine but they might have gotten way too tall for the pots they are in
I repotted them new soil and everything gonna leave em alone for about a week or until the dirt is dry
I realized the holes at the bottom were being covered by some kind of clear plastic tape so I poked those out some of them might of already burst during me watering and the plants growing
Probably a big issue is water draining