The UK Growers Thread!

This Welsh lockdown seems abit silly hay, you can only buy essential items in the shops so you carnt buy clothes or a toaster or shit but all the off licenses are being allowed to stay open lol
nothing makes sense in any part of the World. Its one of the only things I agree with Trump about, let's get back on with life ffs. Fucking lockdowns/measures or whatever the fuk, here they are called 'Maatregelen' (fuk off no mate of mine lol). There's like only 10% of the normal flu kicking about. And my Ma who is well over 70, had a heart attack last year, bowls around with her partner who's had various strokes etc, fuckers have been abroad twice on holiday during all this, lmfao.....and guess what, never caught covid19. I am no conspiracy theory tinfoil hat wearer but this has been handled by a bunch of useless cunts.....back to my wake and bake and coffee lol. Feeling better now after that wee rant... :)
Ah right, I'm using a VPN, I can't view without it.
But that's is absolutely no use if the authorities intercepted clones with my address on them lol
Post to a address you don't have crop in ,and just deny there yours they have to prove you know where there from .Done it with many folk on here ,i have never met them but I call them friends ,I have several address I can have posted to.Not once have they gone missing but there not illegal ,I worked for royal mail service for many years delivering post and sorting .nothingness really checked ,but friends I have who still work there say they do have dones in for some packages
Post to a address you don't have crop in ,and just deny there yours they have to prove you know where there from .Done it with many folk on here ,i have never met them but I call them friends ,I have several address I can have posted to.Not once have they gone missing but there not illegal ,I worked for royal mail service for many years delivering post and sorting .nothingness really checked ,but friends I have who still work there say they do have dones in for some packages
I don't know anyone I could trust enough to use their address, it's the same with buying clones from people I know, if I buy them then they know and i've only ever met one person I could depend on when the chips are down.
People usually tell others innocently enough but I don't want anyone knowing.

But I've been racking my brains and I think I've got a answer, a block of flats with a communal box, i got a few to check out the door security situation.
I'll sort something out I'd be happy enough to get clones from a stranger there's 0 risk involved.
Hey guys. What would you do?
So got 4 vanilla frosting down and dryed and jarred.
While I was at work the police knocked my door Mrs shat her self and didn't answer.
Looked out the window it was one female pig. She didn't knock any other houses as far as my Mrs could see and just fucked off round the corner. Left no note or no fuck all.. I can move all the bud in the house no issue but Ive got 4 plants in early veg and they are some killer killer genetics from a small seed bank in America shipped over buy a friend i really don't wanna get rid but guess I probs should? With out knowing what the piggy wanted it's pretty ignorant to ignore? Just wandering if any of you had similar in UK !
Afternoon men, been off ill. Finally getting sorted, had 2 of my parathyroid glands out, the year just gets stranger . I've got dog, fireballs, gg4 and exo still going thanks to D, (hope u and yours are good mate)...... I tell folk I got this in Nam.. Birmingnam. View attachment 4727380
blerry nora that don't look comfortable lad. glad yer still rocking and rolling.
Hey guys. What would you do?
So got 4 vanilla frosting down and dryed and jarred.
While I was at work the police knocked my door Mrs shat her self and didn't answer.
Looked out the window it was one female pig. She didn't knock any other houses as far as my Mrs could see and just fucked off round the corner. Left no note or no fuck all.. I can move all the bud in the house no issue but Ive got 4 plants in early veg and they are some killer killer genetics from a small seed bank in America shipped over buy a friend i really don't wanna get rid but guess I probs should? With out knowing what the piggy wanted it's pretty ignorant to ignore? Just wandering if any of you had similar in UK !

I'm in the UK too and by the sounds of it you have a serious dislike for the police.

I find it uncomfortable when the police are addressed as "PIGS" and "PIGGY".

It's uncalled for and totally disrespectful, I just hope you never really need the help of the police because of your attitude towards them.

Your doing something illegal in the UK and no need at all to call the police for doing their job only.

Maybe when you really need the police their response will not be forthcoming simply because they are dealing with another pleb, chav and/or doley which is all too common in the UK now.

Fucking shameful!
I'm in the UK too and by the sounds of it you have a serious dislike for the police.

I find it uncomfortable when the police are addressed as "PIGS" and "PIGGY".

It's uncalled for and totally disrespectful, I just hope you never really need the help of the police because of your attitude towards them.

Your doing something illegal in the UK and no need at all to call the police for doing their job only.

Maybe when you really need the police their response will not be forthcoming simply because they are dealing with another pleb, chav and/or doley which is all too common in the UK now.

Fucking shameful!
You lost mate ?

And @Lpt u proly be fine tis up to you tho
!ACAB! Disrespectful, uncalled-for?
how do you know the situations I've been or close family have been through at the hands of the pigs.
They are scum and before you reach for they aren't all bad or it's only a few card if the entire establishment cannot stamp oit a few bad eggs then !ACAB!
Also so sorry you find it "uncomfortable" reading something on the internet. get a grip man, privileged white middle class by any chance?
Also prehaps if you find it so "fucking shamefull" calling pigs. pigs you should watch what you call other members of society.. after all pleb, chav and doley are disrespectful and uncalled-for.
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I'm not that fussy about the latest strains tbh if I could get some original nl, skunk #1 or a good cheese I'd be happy?

After a break I'm back doing perpetual it appears to be the only way to get a go, get a couple of good mothers and use clones.

So I'm looking looking for some recommendations of reasonably priced quality strains?
The local chap keeps a good stock of but I'm not the most up to date on breeders I need a short list to look out for?
Kg beans are a UK company.
I recently got psychosisBX2 and Ben Gunn (apparently super cheesy) both uk strains too, with a free pack of wine gums (uk blues cross).

Took just under two weeks to get over to Aus so I’d imagine real fast for uk chaps.

Personally the site seemed a bit weird but they arrived and customer service was excellent.

Popping the psycho next run.

I love kaliman cheese#1 my keeper is a small yielder and viney-like growth but is ridiculously acrid and the taste is the cheesiest/rank/skunky blueberry thing I’ve come across in a while.

Hope that helps mate.