Biden won

Steele of the fake dossier per FOX, even with his limited contacts and access said the evidence of money laundering was "astonishing". wonder if he make eric or don jr take the fall?? lol
Individual #1 will put him away and they can take their time and do him real good, I think they should impeach him after Jan 20th too, to prevent him from holding office and to put the heat on Mitch, let him carry his water after criminal convictions.
We are waiting for the final results to trickle in and they are all from large urban areas favoring Biden, Joe could have it sewn up tonight or tomorrow for sure.

Donald is going out with a whimper, not a bang.
i was gone most of the day. so is NV his easiest path to victory now? i'm trying to get caught up and drunk at the same time. lol
Individual #1 will put him away and they can take their time and do him real good, I think they should impeach him after Jan 20th too, to prevent him from holding office and to put the heat on Mitch, let him carry his water after criminal convictions.
i disagree about the impeachement. makes the Dems look bad IMO. just petty to try it again. but yes, investigate mitch and his wife pronto. they are shady as hell.
i disagree about the impeachement. makes the Dems look bad IMO. just petty to try it again. but yes, investigate mitch and his wife pronto. they are shady as hell.
It is conceivable that someone running on the "free Donald" ticket for the GOP in the future could pardon Donald and he would be back in control of the GOP and then POTUS, shit they could make him their running mate while he is in prison. Impeachment and conviction make it impossible for Donald to hold any federal office.
i disagree about the impeachement. makes the Dems look bad IMO. just petty to try it again. but yes, investigate mitch and his wife pronto. they are shady as hell.
The country is pretty well polarized and the damage to the democrats would be limited, impeachment would only happen if he were convicted in court first. It would split the GOP senate, make them carry his water after he is in prison, some of the base would not forgive them and it would make the fuckers own him one last time.

It might be possible to imprison some GOP senators too, if they broke the law and some appear to have done so, Moscow Mitch comes to mind as an example. You only will need to put one or two in jail to gain control, but only if guilty, democrats are not republicans, but liberals do believe in the rule of law and that nobody is above it.
It is conceivable that someone running on the "free Donald" ticket for the GOP in the future could pardon Donald and he would be back in control of the GOP and then POTUS, shit they could make him their running mate while he is in prison. Impeachment and conviction make it impossible for Donald to hold any federal office.
he's got way too many state charges coming his way i think. unpardonable. his real estate dealings in trump tower and palm beach with russians are all laundering money. i grew up near Philly and the Taj Mahal was always thought of as a russian laundry.
NV and Pennsylvania look very good for Joe and there are other possibilities too.
GA is very close as well. It would be awesome if Biden could win at least two more states, even though he only needs one. Winning by a greater margin of EC votes would hopefully get his cultists to shut their traps and stop whining.

Could you imagine if Biden's team or his supporters tried just ONE single act of election fuckery that Trump has been doing? If he tried to sue, or if dem's were protesting about stopping the count, there'd be such a shit storm from the republicans we'd never hear the end of it and would be in litigation until 2022.
The country is pretty well polarized and the damage to the democrats would be limited, impeachment would only happen if he were convicted in court first. It would split the GOP senate, make them carry his water after he is in prison, some of the base would not forgive them and it would make the fuckers own him one last time.

It might be possible to imprison some GOP senators too, if they broke the law and some appear to have done so, Moscow Mitch comes to mind as an example. You only will need to put one or two in jail to gain control, but only if guilty, democrats are not republicans, but liberals do believe in the rule of law and that nobody is above it.
If anything, Mitch will ask Nancy to drop the hammer and impeach him again so they can give him the boot before January, they have no more use for Trump, and the faster that the Judge can slap a gag order on him (when Trump is a private citizen on trial) the better it is for all the Republicans.

They will clutch their pearls about Trump actually having worked with the Russians (everyone of them refused to actual read the Mueller report they said and have always stated 'Trump said', so when it turns out a proven lie, they save face by acting like they were duped along with everyone else in his cult.

Then Pence becomes 46 in a lame duck month or so, and Biden becomes 47.
he's got way too many state charges coming his way i think. unpardonable. his real estate dealings in trump tower and palm beach with russians are all laundering money. i grew up near Philly and the Taj Mahal was always thought of as a russian laundry.
Good point, he will be doing state time if he ain't doing federal and some states might go for 2nd degree mass murder charges, others manslaughter or depraved indifference to human life, depending on the state law. NY state will put him away first, if the SDNY doesn't do it before them.

A threat of impeachment after several convictions might be a way to threaten Mitch though and split off the Trumper base, an investment for the future. They would have to convict him and thus discredit themselves with half of America and have half of their base of morons freaking out on them.
GA is very close as well. It would be awesome if Biden could win at least two more states, even though he only needs one. Winning by a greater margin of EC votes would hopefully get his cultists to shut their traps and stop whining.

Could you imagine if Biden's team or his supporters tried just ONE single act of election fuckery that Trump has been doing? If he tried to sue, or if dem's were protesting about stopping the count, there'd be such a shit storm from the republicans we'd never hear the end of it and would be in litigation until 2022.
could you imagine if obama golfed as much as trump? at his own golf courses? and charged cart fees? and room and board? and $3 for a glass of tap water. LOL
he's got way too many state charges coming his way i think. unpardonable. his real estate dealings in trump tower and palm beach with russians are all laundering money. i grew up near Philly and the Taj Mahal was always thought of as a russian laundry.
Just as Joe had many paths to victory, Donald presents many opportunities to the democrats in the coming years, I figure some really smart people are looking at it from all angles and will pick the best options from a menu of many. These clowns carried Donald's water, when the country cools down and gains some historical perspective, it will come back to haunt them in 2022 and 2024.
Just as Joe had many paths to victory, Donald presents many opportunities to the democrats in the coming years, I figure some really smart people are looking at it from all angles and will pick the best options from a menu of many. These clowns carried Donald's water, when the country cools down and gains some historical perspective, it will come back to haunt them in 2022 and 2024.
find the connections b/t Russia, NRA, RNC, Senators. it's money obviously but find teh transaction info.
find the connections b/t Russia, NRA, RNC, Senators. it's money obviously but find teh transaction info.
They should appoint a former republican as special independent counsel, there are many good people who would love to get a crack at Donald's asshole. The AG will indict on pending charges, laid by his own people, but all the rest should go to a former republican special independent counsel who can take his time and dig deep. A report before the 2022 election and a series of new charges after the election would be helpful. Other entities like the NRA will be easy, they are full of rats who are turning on each other and they have several key people by the balls already.

There is gonna be a traffic jamb at the prosecutors door in January as the Devil takes the hindmost.