Thoughts or experiences on CMH vs HPS in vegetative stage?

I have always used HPS in my veg room. This is because I like to flip the same day they move into the flower room and there is no light adjustment time. Wondering if anyone has tried both and HPS and CMH in their veg room and what the differences were.


Well-Known Member
I have went from Led veg to hps flower. Not a issue.

I’ve went from MH in veg to hps flower. Never have time to adjust.


Well-Known Member
I have always used HPS in my veg room. This is because I like to flip the same day they move into the flower room and there is no light adjustment time. Wondering if anyone has tried both and HPS and CMH in their veg room and what the differences were.
I ran CMH in veg for a minute. It works. I don't know what all this adjustment talk is about, I have moved plants from MH to HPS flowering rooms, HPS to HPS, CMH to HPS, LED to HPS without any hiccups. I suppose the only difference with veg under HPS you get longer internodal distance, you may want that, you may not. Switching to MH or LED will help keep the internodes shorter in most cases.