In the Aftermath of Trump's election loss.


Well-Known Member
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I loved Barry Sanders growing up. Especially how after a amazing play, he would jog up to the ref toss them the ball and jog off the field. No need to showboat, no reason to throw a fit when he got destroyed because his line couldn't block for him, just move on and get on with the next play.

I was thinking how this applies to today.

If Joe Biden wins, and Trump can't throw a big enough fit like every spoiled brat will to get his way, there is going to be a big hole in Trump supporters life. If this happens the right thing is for people who support Biden/not Trump to not rub this win into their faces.

Trump supporters have been convinced that the Libs are going to burn their world down nonstop for years.

Trump and his militarized trolls (foreign and domestic) have been spamming everything that they see, and manipulating every real world conversation that they have had (thanks Facebook for making it so easy for foreign militaries to know who talks to one another in real life in real time), alienating them from anything and anyone, that might have popped their information bubbles.

And too many of the 68 million people who thought Trump was a good idea are likely going to be very vulnerable for a while as they feel jeered and dejected.

Trump supporters:
1. Joe Biden is not a criminal or child murderer/molester. Nor are the Democrats in DC. And if they are ever shone to be that, do not doubt that Democrats will be there calling for their heads right next to you.

2. The 'Liberal left' are not rioting or destroying our cities. And 'Black Lives Matter' is not something that you need to fear or feel resentment towards.

3. You have been trolled online for years, all those 'people' that you think are constantly saying stupid things online and attacking you as being whatever it is that they are calling you, are really just the 'left-troll' version of the 'friend' you have that schools them from the 'right-troll' perspective.

4. We will all be ok and you can trust credible news journalism. Anything free (outside of AP news and Reuters) online that is pretending like news is sketchy and generally a scam in one way or another, so be very skeptical. Actual news sources have legal liability if they lie to you, but you need to understand the difference between 'opinion' and facts. Just stick to AP and Reuters is my suggestion if you are unsure of why you are feeling strongly about an issue in the news.

5. Democrats are not trying to end your religion or hinder your ability to celebrate it. There is a difference between not pushing a religious agenda in government and trying to hurt your ways of worship or how you raise your families.

6. If your friends and family give you a hard time about your support of Trump, just remember they too have been getting trolled for just as long as you have, both online, but also by the POTUS who has the biggest megaphone in human history, so please be patient with them, because a lot of them will also need to wake up to how propaganda (though websites like "the Nation" and "the Hill" instead of "OANN") has also been impacting what they think and feel.
Damn, Sanders could change direction without losing speed, fucking phenomenal. Similarly, Marcus Allen would simply drop the ball after crossing the goal line. Class acts. I've distanced myself from football, but I have some great memories.

I'm sad to let go of my sister and her family because of this, but I have to live with myself and I cannot tolerate someone who would support a kidnapper, just for fun and inflicting pain/suffering.
“Hopeful joy”
And that orange mother fucker in jail where he’ll get plenty of his beloved golden showers

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A daughter fucker, too. Many people say. That's what I've heard. You know that, right?
Edit: very strong and powerful, you see what's happening, it's a disgrace, I'm being treated very unfairly. In a very short period of time.
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All politicians are crooks. Trump too.
I too much faith in humanity and have met too many actually caring people to believe that.

Words like 'all' is just hyperbole. If Trump and the women's rights movement have proven anything, it is that it is pretty much impossible to think you are going to get away with the stuff of the past anymore. I am hopeful.
Barry Sanders is a fucking GOD in my estimation of running backs!!!
Too bad he was stuck on that shit team :)
That said, this Country is in really, really, really, sad shape.
COVID-19 sucks & has/will take a terrible toll, but eventually a vaccine will be developed & we will move on, but the divisions in this Society are enormous.
A greater danger to this Nation in my opinion is the polarization.
This country is split almost exactly in half, one half supporting Trump & his ideals & the other loathing him/them.
This does not boad well for our future as a United States of America.
All I know is a fucking fact, and that fact is that if the Republicans again pull they're Obama bullshit by blocking Biden's every move, instead of attempting to find common ground, we're fucked as a Nation, we will simply stagnate, wither & then die.
Bet on it
Stay safe/wear a mask :)
Barry Sanders is a fucking GOD in my estimation of running backs!!!
Too bad he was stuck on that shit team :)
That said, this Country is in really, really, really, sad shape.
COVID-19 sucks & has/will take a terrible toll, but eventually a vaccine will be developed & we will move on, but the divisions in this Society are enormous.
A greater danger to this Nation in my opinion is the polarization.
This country is split almost exactly in half, one half supporting Trump & his ideals & the other loathing him/them.
This does not boad well for our future as a United States of America.
All I know is a fucking fact, and that fact is that if the Republicans again pull they're Obama bullshit by blocking Biden's every move, instead of attempting to find common ground, we're fucked as a Nation, we will simply stagnate, wither & then die.
Bet on it
Stay safe/wear a mask :)
It makes me glad I'm nearing the end of my life and happy that my parents, who sacrificed so much for this fucking country, are gone, so they don't witness it. The fucking nightmares my dad had, wailing in his sleep, will be with me forever.(5 people in a 900 sq. ft. house) All from combat in the South Pacific. He would never bad mouth the Marine Corps., though. Once a Marine, always a Marine.
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Barry Sanders is a fucking GOD in my estimation of running backs!!!
Too bad he was stuck on that shit team :)
That said, this Country is in really, really, really, sad shape.
COVID-19 sucks & has/will take a terrible toll, but eventually a vaccine will be developed & we will move on, but the divisions in this Society are enormous.
A greater danger to this Nation in my opinion is the polarization.
This country is split almost exactly in half, one half supporting Trump & his ideals & the other loathing him/them.
This does not boad well for our future as a United States of America.
All I know is a fucking fact, and that fact is that if the Republicans again pull they're Obama bullshit by blocking Biden's every move, instead of attempting to find common ground, we're fucked as a Nation, we will simply stagnate, wither & then die.
Bet on it
Stay safe/wear a mask :)
My neighbor moved out his signs and is in his garage listening to Rocky mountain high at full volume fiddle around with something.

Outside of dealing with the pandemic, I think people will rebound pretty quick once they wake up out of this cult fog.

I have hope.
My neighbor moved out his signs and is in his garage listening to Rocky mountain high at full volume fiddle around with something.

Outside of dealing with the pandemic, I think people will rebound pretty quick once they wake up out of this cult fog.

I have hope.
Both sides of my family are from Durango. Hard rock miners, narrow gauge railroad engineers and real cowboys.
I kinda hope he’ll refuse to step down. If you look at the map during civil war, and the map now, you all have some unfinished business. If Trump refuses to step down, he’ll be dragged out of the white house, no passing start, straight to jail. Anyone supporting his actions today should be on trial for treason, shot in the neck, just as we did we collaborators after WW2. The GOP must die, else we get the same shit again in 4 or 8 years. ~ Solution oriented thinker.
I kinda hope he’ll refuse to step down. If you look at the map during civil war, and the map now, you all have some unfinished business. If Trump refuses to step down, he’ll be dragged out of the white house, no passing start, straight to jail. Anyone supporting his actions today should be on trial for treason, shot in the neck, just as we did we collaborators after WW2. The GOP must die, else we get the same shit again in 4 or 8 years. ~ Solution oriented thinker.
There is a lot of reality getting in front of your desires.

Trump, THE WORST president in US if not world history nearly won this election and his Republican Party gained seats in the House. They defended their control of the Senate (probably). We have to figure out what they want that Democrats can deliver to them and I'm not talking about going all fascist or repealing the ACA or privatizing Social Security and so forth. Because, I don't think most Republicans want that. There are core Democratic Party values that are not partisan or at least are what moderate conservatives want. We need to start delivering on those. Like jobs. Like better pay. Like affordable health care. More security.

I don't think we are all that different. But we sure do respond to different rhetoric and different leaders.
There is a lot of reality getting in front of your desires.
Yeah, I don’t handle beer as well as mj o_O

I remember we talked about this a bit a few years ago. I said something similar to what you are saying now, that you still all have to live together, find some middleground and all that... I underestimated how messed up so many republicans would become. And not just the uneducated rednecks.

We have to figure out what they want that Democrats can deliver to them
What they want above all is a leader figure who tells them it’s ok to be as flawed as a human being as Trump is. An unacceptable request. They’ve already shown that has a higher priority than something like affordable healthcare. The suggestion you can somehow please them enough to prevent them from continuing on the same path sounds like Stockholm syndrome.

But we sure do respond to different rhetoric and different leaders.
That difference is extremely dangerous, as people have shown throughout history, especially when that rethoric includes inciting violence against political opponents.

Trump is a terrorist, by definition. The GOP a terrorist organization. They need to be dismantled and outlawed else it’s only a matter of time things get worse. Trump is rather dumb, his republican successor will be even more dangerous.
Yeah, I don’t handle beer as well as mj o_O

I remember we talked about this a bit a few years ago. I said something similar to what you are saying now, that you still all have to live together, find some middleground and all that... I underestimated how messed up so many republicans would become. And not just the uneducated rednecks.

What they want above all is a leader figure who tells them it’s ok to be as flawed as a human being as Trump is. An unacceptable request. They’ve already shown that has a higher priority than something like affordable healthcare. The suggestion you can somehow please them enough to prevent them from continuing on the same path sounds like Stockholm syndrome.

That difference is extremely dangerous, as people have shown throughout history, especially when that rethoric includes inciting violence against political opponents.

Trump is a terrorist, by definition. The GOP a terrorist organization. They need to be dismantled and outlawed else it’s only a matter of time things get worse. Trump is rather dumb, his republican successor will be even more dangerous.
Humanity was not ready for social media. We will get there though.

American's heads all now should turn to Georgia and witness what it means to have voter suppression like they have in that state for generations. And watch as it hopefully can show the world how to overcome racist rule as a society. Giving Kamala Harris the ability to be the deciding vote in a democratically controlled senate. And things can get done finally.

I wonder how Putin is going to respond.

Because if the Democratic party wins, and the justice department is free to put Trump on trial for all his well documented crimes, American's attention will be turning towards the foreign militaries who have been screwing with our citizens next.

Because until that happens, Covid will be a crapshoot if it gets under control. And Putin will have a lot to answer for with the propaganda they slammed our minority communities with.
