Piss test


Active Member
I haven't smoked weed in 4 weeks and I took a piss test for a job interview today . . . Do y'all have any idea if I should pass it o think I will. I drank a bottle of detox
(I weigh 130 pounds , 5/11, my metabolism is very high and I constantly work work outside
You'll be fine. There are very few people who still retain testable amounts of THC after 4 weeks clean. I have smoked multiple times a day for years, I had to clean out for a drug test last summer and I started testing negative after 11 days.
Thanks for your post just an observer my mind's been racing thinking I was gonna test positive. .
In parts of my mind I was thinking I'm gonna Be negative but the other part of my brain was saying I'ma fail . . . Thanks for clearing that up for me big son..
Thanks for your post just an observer my mind's been racing thinking I was gonna test positive. .
In parts of my mind I was thinking I'm gonna Be negative but the other part of my brain was saying I'ma fail . . . Thanks for clearing that up for me big son..
Try to remain positive while you await your negative result. The last thing you want are negative thoughts and a positive test. You feel me? :D
Try to remain positive while you await your negative result. The last thing you want are negative thoughts and a positive test. You feel me?
Understandable, this was my first drug test, and I wasn't sure how long thc stays in your system. ik it is 30 days but that's dependent on your weight and other factors I haven't smoked in 4 weeks . So I was just wary to that fact ....
When I quit smoking to join the military it took me over a month to piss clean. I was smoking multiple times a day every day and had for probably a year or so. I used fake pee when I got this job.

If you're skinny and weren't a heavy user for a long time you're probably fine. If you're worried about it you should have done a test beforehand or just used fake pee like the rest of us.

Though now it's legal here medicinally so I'm not as worried about pissing hot.
I was freaked as well, but I did a ton of research and figured out the truth. I recommend this article, it does an excellent job of surveying studies on the topic. The ultimate conclusion is that even for chronic users you are unlikely to test positive after 10 days.


This is another good study. It is fairly technical, but the tl;dr is that they took a bunch of people and watched them for four weeks. They were tested at the start and the level of drug metabolites in their urine was measured. They were then divided into three groups (low metabolite amount, middle amount, high amount). If you look at figure 2 in the article, the low/middle level subjects were all clean in days. The high drug metabolite subjects still tested positive after 28 days, but that is because they were measuring drug metabolites down to the 15 ng/ml level. The initial test level is almost always 50 ng/ml (even the initial DOT test is 50), and if you look at figure 2, even the heaviest stoners in the study were below 50 ng/ml within 20 days:


You're good. Just don't smoke again until you start.
OP is probably good but all I can tell you is personal experience. It's possible I'm an outlier, I was definitely a fatty and I went from almost completely inactive to running a lot trying to get ready to join the military, but it took me over a month to pee clean.
OP is probably good but all I can tell you is personal experience. It's possible I'm an outlier, I was definitely a fatty and I went from almost completely inactive to running a lot trying to get ready to join the military, but it took me over a month to pee clean.
Burning fat releases the thc into the urine.
The best thing to do is drink a lot of water so your pee is diluted, and don't take the test first thing in the morning
When I quit smoking to join the military it took me over a month to piss clean. I was smoking multiple times a day every day and had for probably a year or so. I used fake pee when I got this job.

If you're skinny and weren't a heavy user for a long time you're probably fine. If you're worried about it you should have done a test beforehand or just used fake pee like the rest of us.

Though now it's legal here medicinally so I'm not as worried about pissing hot.
I was gonna use fake pee but there was someone in the room with me when I peed.
I used the stall when they was out watching through the door (of the stall) . (I had the fake pee in my shoe like a dummy shoulda had it strapped to my waste or balls
I haven't had to take a test for 6-7 years, thankfully here few jobs want to pay for a test since weed is legal, But I have heard some tests can tell if you use detox, or that detox doesn't work. I can't say one way or the other if that's true, could be bullshit
I haven't had to take a test for 6-7 years, thankfully here few jobs want to pay for a test since weed is legal, But I have heard some tests can tell if you use detox, or that detox doesn't work. I can't say one way or the other if that's true, could be bullshit
If they can detect detox , they finna find it
Thx brother
I was freaked as well, but I did a ton of research and figured out the truth. I recommend this article, it does an excellent job of surveying studies on the topic. The ultimate conclusion is that even for chronic users you are unlikely to test positive after 10 days.


This is another good study. It is fairly technical, but the tl;dr is that they took a bunch of people and watched them for four weeks. They were tested at the start and the level of drug metabolites in their urine was measured. They were then divided into three groups (low metabolite amount, middle amount, high amount). If you look at figure 2 in the article, the low/middle level subjects were all clean in days. The high drug metabolite subjects still tested positive after 28 days, but that is because they were measuring drug metabolites down to the 15 ng/ml level. The initial test level is almost always 50 ng/ml (even the initial DOT test is 50), and if you look at figure 2, even the heaviest stoners in the study were below 50 ng/ml within 20 days:


You're good. Just don't smoke again until you start.
Thx brother that clears it up slot. Im now not so worried . . . I was already thinking I should pass it but I wanted a few more opinions...