There are more than 2 Human Sexes

See the thing is... The universe does not care whether you or I like it or not. It does not care what you nor I believe. I'm not talking about belief in a form of blind faith. What i'm talking about is the release of new biological evidence from the scientific community that challenges our pre-conceived notions of gender, and why people cannot accept such evidence when it conflicts with their pre-conceived notions. Knowing full well their pre-conceived notions no longer have biological evidence supporting it.

Human genders being a spectrum is the actuality when we observe the evidence. But genders being 2 is the perception we hold. Why is our pre-conceived perception held to a higher regard than the actuality of the evidence observed in reality? When confronted with such evidence, why can't some humans accept it?

I also do not understand the "cringe" or negative feelings or uncomfortablity towards it? Why not the curiosity instead? I find that strange because I find all of this so interesting and cannot understand why anyone would feel negative against this. It is the exploration of the human species and the advancement of the knowledge of our human bodies. Why is our "feelings" or "pre-conceived notions" more important than actual evidence and actual truth?

This is not new evidence. Hermies have been around forever, they're just very few and very far between because they're 'freaks of nature' for lack of a better term. I have had plants in the past turn hermie because they were too stressed out durin one period of growth and switched hormones. That doesn't mean that my plant was gender fluid, it means that it was garbage and had to be discarded immediately as to not infect the rest of the population. Obviously, I don't think humans should be discarded, but this is not evidence of multi-genders, or anything like that. It's a genetic defect. Also, the trans that we see today, are not XXX type; they're xx or xy with a mental disability. It has nothing to do with genetic make up, other than a genetic predisposition to mental illness. Even if it was possible for a human to switch genders, I don't care. Great for them, just don't tell me that I MUST use certian pronouns by law. If that's the case we all get to make shit up and put it into legislation. The radio is telling me to kick my neighbors in the nuts... we must accept that as truth, correct?
Don't feel like reading 6 pages of jokes about gender, ill just put my .2c. There is male, and there is female. < that is a PERIOD at the end of that statement. I love science, LOVE IT. Do NOT try to use science to defend these mental disorders too many people have thinking that gender is what they want it to me. You can have any blend of male and female you want but you will not create another gender. Just a blending of the 2. This ain't cooking class, its just reality. I don't give a damn who you fuck or how you want your or your lovers parts arranged, there is still just male and female. I get that men can be born with some female parts and vice versa but no outcome of the combination yields a brand new gender. (Lmao I said yield). BTW I'm not religious at all, no beliefs of any kind. I disagree with the whole transsexual deal but to each their own just don't try to defend it with science.
Don't feel like reading 6 pages of jokes about gender, ill just put my .2c. There is male, and there is female. < that is a PERIOD at the end of that statement. I love science, LOVE IT. Do NOT try to use science to defend these mental disorders too many people have thinking that gender is what they want it to me. You can have any blend of male and female you want but you will not create another gender. Just a blending of the 2. This ain't cooking class, its just reality. I don't give a damn who you fuck or how you want your or your lovers parts arranged, there is still just male and female. I get that men can be born with some female parts and vice versa but no outcome of the combination yields a brand new gender. (Lmao I said yield). BTW I'm not religious at all, no beliefs of any kind. I disagree with the whole transsexual deal but to each their own just don't try to defend it with science.
What about hermaphrodites?
Let's go back to square one: you keep saying gender when you're talking about sex. Sex is a biological fact (male, female, and intersexual, what people used to call hermaphrodite... basically what kind of reproductive organs does an individual have), gender is a human construct.
Let's go back to square one: you keep saying gender when you're talking about sex. Sex is a biological fact (male, female, and intersexual, what people used to call hermaphrodite... basically what kind of reproductive organs does an individual have), gender is a human construct.
The interesting thing about gender, all the ones that don't class themselves as straight heterosexual men always side with women.
Scientists say that some mental development goes on during the embryonic stage and if that is disturbed it may lead to an individual where mind + body doesn't align - so that's one way to justify that. Is it actually true? The whole debate is much to much politicised....

is it mono- or dioecious? 8-)
It's a deciduous tree.