Goodbye.. Marijuana..


Well-Known Member
Due to a new job I'm starting in January... I'm going to have to stop smoking.

I don't know how much I can trust these detox products.. and I'm not sure I'd even have the chance to effectively use them if it came up..

It's a sad day....... but money comes first.


Well-Known Member
money does come first...start drinking?? i have mixed feelings about the detox products, some it works for. and others it dosen't


Well-Known Member
nobody likes a quitter!!
...and in that same thought, you'll just quit your job soon enough.
you'll be back...quitting again.

sucks dude, do what you gota do.


Well-Known Member
In my experience, the detox products do not work at all. They all require you to drink several quarts of water anyway, which only dilutes your urine. If you smoke regularly and heavily, they will not work. If you have much bodyfat, it will take longer to get it out of your system also.
It sucks that you have to take a piss test. Is it prehire only, or random after that also.
Good luck to you.


Well-Known Member
In my experience, the detox products do not work at all. They all require you to drink several quarts of water anyway, which only dilutes your urine. If you smoke regularly and heavily, they will not work. If you have much bodyfat, it will take longer to get it out of your system also.
It sucks that you have to take a piss test. Is it prehire only, or random after that also.
Good luck to you.

I'm a truckdriver.. Class B. I could just go take my driving test, but where I live you have to provide your own tractor, which I don't have and can't get access too. So I'm going to this company because they pay for and put me through a training academy to get my class A CDL.. In return I have to sign a 6-month contract with the company.

So if it's a pre-hire only, after, I'm good.. But if they still piss test after that, it's going to be the shits... But this is the only way I can get what I need to get in order to get the future jobs I want.


Well-Known Member
Move to canada.. primo dope everywhere no drugs tests here, nice scenery im telling ya canada is like another amsterdam/bangkok u know what im sayin LOL


Active Member
Ive used a detox dink before and it worked fine. ive been a heavey smoker for years and i stoped smoking for 5 days before the test. Everyday i would drink as much green tea and water as possible. the green tea really helps naturally detox your system. The day of the test i drank my nasty ass detox. shit tasted like cough syrup and felt like i was drinking maple syrup. The most important part of drinking a detox drink is TAKING AT LEAST 2 PISSES before the auctual "test piss." this allows your body to flush out the last of the toxins. I had a friend that did everything i did, but he only took 1 piss before the test and he came up with "inconclusive" aka fail! The nurse asked me if i take alot of vitamins after she examined my piss, i said nope. she replied that i had very nice looking piss. kinda wierd. although it was some bright ass neon yellow. haha hope this helps


Well-Known Member
It 's sad but it sounds like it would be best to quit .I would'nt trust de-tox products to insure my job or career.


Well-Known Member
my best friend is a trucker, between jobs atm and he is extremely paranoid of smoking up. he says trucking jobs are quite strict with the drug tests. from what i gather you only get that one time piss test at orientation and then you can smoke but be aware because from what he says they can spontaneously drug test you when ever they please.

it sucks that hez out of my smoke circle. he was a funny mfker.

wow im so blazed


Well-Known Member
congrats on the new job!!!
maybe 1 day it will be legal and we won't need to worry about dirty ua's


Well-Known Member
my best friend is a trucker, between jobs atm and he is extremely paranoid of smoking up. he says trucking jobs are quite strict with the drug tests. from what i gather you only get that one time piss test at orientation and then you can smoke but be aware because from what he says they can spontaneously drug test you when ever they please.

it sucks that hez out of my smoke circle. he was a funny mfker.

wow im so blazed
It's not really the companies you have to worry about but old Smokey the Bear. While you're operating your tractor or any vehicle requiring a CDL and you get pulled over, you are forced by law to submit to testing. If you don't, they take your license away... for good.

Luckily that usually entitles alcohol, and roadside piss tests are almost unheard of but troopers do have the right to make you take one. I know a lot of drivers that do coke and have for years, never been caught... but that might be a different ball park since I don't touch that shit.

I'll see what happens.


Well-Known Member
i have personally used the EXTRA STUFF.... and it worked just as promised. this wasnt a regular strip test either, lab all the way. Shit worked like a charm, ive been smoking for about 4 yrs and i quit for 2.5 days before the test. drink an assload of water and run daily and it should be all good (want to perspire). JUST BE SURE TO FOLLOW DIRECTIONS CLOSELY either way good luck and congrats.


Well-Known Member
Move to canada.. primo dope everywhere no drugs tests here, nice scenery im telling ya canada is like another amsterdam/bangkok u know what im sayin LOL
It's not that simple.
I'm a contracted CNC maintenance serviceman, and everytime I have to
do work in Canada I always get hassled by the customs people of why I'm
in their country. Due to the fact that Canadiens are so damn arrogant. I
have to prove to them that no other Canadien can do what I do. Believe
me, No other Canadien can. If they could, the businesses that hire me
would of called them first, because I charge $130/hour including travel time, + mileage, + expenses.

I always drive when I have work to do in Canada, due to the fact that
I have to bring my own tools. If I fly, I can't afford to have my tools laid up a day or two in lost baggage.
So when I'm crossing over the border they'll ask me, "What is your business in Canada"
I reply by saying, "I'm working on a machine at (name of business)". Then they say pull your car over there.
Which I'll have to wait almost an hour or two of them looking through my tools and filling all kinds of stupid paper
work. Then they'll end up giving me some stupid 48 hour pass.

So I've learned my lesson.
Now when I cross the border into Canada, I just say "I'm going to the Casino". :mrgreen: