What did you accomplish today?


Well-Known Member
Do you mean for the stem going mushy, have you had this before?
It's my 1st venture with refrigerated clones I was a bit hap hazard I'm going to try again with some major changes, acclimatisation, light levels, length of time and temps maybe 8 weeks was pushing it?
Also, you should know the temp of the water in the cloner. Even with the pool shock, if your water temps get above 85f or so, your stems will start to cook and turn to mush. These are cheap, accurate, and durable -


Star Dog

Well-Known Member

Star Dog

Well-Known Member
I can't get the one above its currently available but I found this for £8 it's 70% 1kg it is the correct one?


Well-Known Member
Didn't even get that far. I put it in boiling water and it broke into small pieces almost immediately.
How long did you knead your dough? And when you rolled it through the pasta press, did you fold it back on itself a few times and run it through at the same width?

did you start wide and progressively turn the dial one click narrower with each pass of the dough?