Never buy Government weed.

The Hippy

Well-Known Member
Just a reminder and I guess I felt like venting.
Fuck trudy weed of all kinds. So much of their plan pisses me off I could burst into flames.
Bust ya before...plenty good too and now still bust ya if ya don't pay up. Basic gist of the whole thing.
Grow your own as we say here.
But just never buy or let anyone you know buy....their hypocrit traitor emperor schwagg. Make s persona bought and paid for cash slave.
I won't forgive them before now or ever. Rant over. Doubt it.
sadly we live in a time where a rapist gets less time then someone with pot....even when there is full legalization, those dispensaries are going to make a killing. I personally used them a few times just for the jars lol so I put my own in them.

M'well, actually i find most appropriate to read the word "rapist" when it comes to bigot anti-cannabic prohibitionnist propaganda, performed In The Name Of Children.

But who remembers the ~200 "Pest Control Products" Washington list (i502)??

Google Search: WSLCB WSDA i502 200+ "Pesticide List"


That wasn't even a decade ago.
Ewe...dispensary. Not even if I had none could I go to one of those places. I will never buy or smoke legal weed EVER !
As I've stated before I'd give it up first. Glad your growing your own Brother.
Just a reminder and I guess I felt like venting.
Fuck trudy weed of all kinds. So much of their plan pisses me off I could burst into flames.
Bust ya before...plenty good too and now still bust ya if ya don't pay up. Basic gist of the whole thing.
Grow your own as we say here.
But just never buy or let anyone you know buy....their hypocrit traitor emperor schwagg. Make s persona bought and paid for cash slave.
I won't forgive them before now or ever. Rant over. Doubt it.
You sound like an angry hippie, lol.
Just a reminder and I guess I felt like venting.
Fuck trudy weed of all kinds. So much of their plan pisses me off I could burst into flames.
Bust ya before...plenty good too and now still bust ya if ya don't pay up. Basic gist of the whole thing.
Grow your own as we say here.
But just never buy or let anyone you know buy....their hypocrit traitor emperor schwagg. Make s persona bought and paid for cash slave.
I won't forgive them before now or ever. Rant over. Doubt it.
Stoned farmer?