Former President Trump fires patriots in charge of the military and replaces them with yes men

Our voting is still being suppressed.

22% of our population voted for Trump, not 45% of Americans.

Sure, so did all those people who cheated in sports.

Trump broke our election laws to cheat his way into winning the election in 2016 and has been obstructing trying to keep it covered ever since. He is a failure at that too, and now he is a major loser once again.

Did you understand the data analysis and trolling attack the Russian military conducted on our citizens back in 2016?
Semantics really ...... I’m not arguing but you say 22% of the population, that is correct but then only 24% voted for Binden (not actually doing the math) It’s still a fuck load of assholes that voted for Trump versus Binden. And no honestly I can’t fathom the effect they had on people’s choices when it comes to Trump. I’m not an American but it didn’t take a rocket scientist to realize he’s an complete asshole so honestly I’ll never understand how they, or anyone else was able to pull that off to the point of changing the election. IMO it may have had an effect but I think there are far more issues than their influence that caused his election. Again not arguing, just stating my feelings. Also I do realize you have way more at stake then I and I do hope your right, and think you are but I’ve been shocked before lol.
PS Just to follow up, that leaves 50% that don’t actually care and that may be the scariest thing of all. :(
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He was also insane as hell
Ted Kaczynski certainly isn't insane. Naive, absolutely, a genius, without a doubt....and also probably autistic. He embraced anarcho-primitivism because it fit in with his deep desire to live in solitude. If the USA had a better mental health support system, he might be teaching at Harvard right now rather than rotting away in prison.
Ted Kaczynski certainly isn't insane. Naive, absolutely, a genius, without a doubt....and also probably autistic. He embraced anarcho-primitivism because it fit in with his deep desire to live in solitude. If the USA had a better mental health support system, he might be teaching at Harvard right now rather than rotting away in prison.
No he was insane. You do not send bombs to people to kill them and not be insane. Read his manifesto, listen to his brother and sister in law, he was totally insane To say he was naive is taking away from the horror he caused IMO.
Semantics really ...... I’m not arguing but you say 22% of the population, that is correct but then only 24% voted for Binden (not actually doing the math) It’s still a fuck load of assholes that voted for Trump versus Binden. And no honestly I can’t fathom the effect they had on people’s choices when it comes to Trump. I’m not an American but it didn’t take a rocket scientist to realize he’s an complete asshole so honestly I’ll never understand how they, or anyone else was able to pull that off to the point of changing the election. IMO it may have had an effect but I think there are far more issues than their influence that caused his election. Again not arguing, just stating my feelings. Also I do realize you have way more at stake then I and I do hope your right, and think you are but I’ve been shocked before lol.
I just am really trying to point out to people that the people that voted for Trump have been almost entirely sucked into a cult. Even if they don't realize it.

And are getting trolled nonstop across every platform to convince them that Democrats actually murder and rape children, or they are going to come to their neighborhood and the kid they saw with the black hoodie is going to burn down their house and rape their daughters, and everything else that they have been programmed to believe through the constant spam machine coming out of the Trump sound machine in the most pinpointed way ever.

Every time they log into whatever it is that they visit, they are being called racist and everything else that they don't realize is becoming normalized to them to make them actually sound like they are whatever it is that they get called online. So they respond very poorly (hate radio/reality TV to teach them how to shout down people talking to them) to anyone they talk to in real life cutting off any actual outside information from penetrating into the cult logic.

And it is important to me to correctly define the problem, which is that about 22% (72.5m?) of our population are so radicalized that they think it was a good idea to vote for Trump, while 26%(?) (of upwards of 80million) people are aware enough to know they needed to vote against Trump. About 25% (?) of our population is under 18, which leaves about 28% (not double checking math) that may have been too scared to vote because of the virus and restrictions in their states/problems with their ballots/mail fraud by Trump's troll/programed to think their vote doesn't count/"Both sides" trolling made them think it doesn't matter/etc.

Im not mad or anything, no need to tiptoe around me either. Im just pushing back on the trolling so if I seem a little too involved it is because it sucks that this nonsense has spread so far and as much as I can to help people see the actual problem, I am hoping the faster someone figures out what to do about it.

As far as Trump supporters go, can you imagine that they don't care about Trump's corruption when they actually believe that Democrats murder and rape children? That they are dumping chemicals into airplanes to spread across our citizens to poison them and their land, whatever it is. Who knows what weird game of telephone led them to the troll that sifted them out of the endless supply of marks online.

Ted Kaczynski certainly isn't insane. Naive, absolutely, a genius, without a doubt....and also probably autistic. He embraced anarcho-primitivism because it fit in with his deep desire to live in solitude. If the USA had a better mental health support system, he might be teaching at Harvard right now rather than rotting away in prison.
I watched his Netflix series. If it's true. He was also mentally abused in an experiment as a kid in college too.

It is one of the words that the conspiracy theories toss about, because it was another example of something that is based in reality (maybe, not saying I necessarily trust that the Unabomber thing on Neflix is actually factually correct), and very shitty thing that our government allowed to happen to our fellow human beings.

Spot on about our defunding of mental institutions that occurred under Reagan and the Republican party in the 80's. It is another of the issues we need to fix as a nation, and something that get's exploited by the militarized trolls (foreign and domestic) pushing how homelessness is a 'Democratic' city problem.

It is all bullshit branding of real issues caused by the right wing agenda. Keeping all the power and wealth in the hands of the Wealthy White Heterosexual Male Only demographic as long as possible.

No he was insane. You do not send bombs to people to kill them and not be insane. Read his manifesto, listen to his brother and sister in law, he was totally insane To say he was naive is taking away from the horror he caused IMO.
I defiantly don't mean to do that. I fully consider him a murderer, homicidal maniac, criminally insane and whatever actual things that he is.
I just am really trying to point out to people that the people that voted for Trump have been almost entirely sucked into a cult. Even if they don't realize it.

And are getting trolled nonstop across every platform to convince them that Democrats actually murder and rape children, or they are going to come to their neighborhood and the kid they saw with the black hoodie is going to burn down their house and rape their daughters, and everything else that they have been programmed to believe through the constant spam machine coming out of the Trump sound machine in the most pinpointed way ever.

Every time they log into whatever it is that they visit, they are being called racist and everything else that they don't realize is becoming normalized to them to make them actually sound like they are whatever it is that they get called online. So they respond very poorly (hate radio/reality TV to teach them how to shout down people talking to them) to anyone they talk to in real life cutting off any actual outside information from penetrating into the cult logic.

And it is important to me to correctly define the problem, which is that about 22% (72.5m?) of our population are so radicalized that they think it was a good idea to vote for Trump, while 26%(?) (of upwards of 80million) people are aware enough to know they needed to vote against Trump. About 25% (?) of our population is under 18, which leaves about 28% (not double checking math) that may have been too scared to vote because of the virus and restrictions in their states/problems with their ballots/mail fraud by Trump's troll/programed to think their vote doesn't count/"Both sides" trolling made them think it doesn't matter/etc.

Im not mad or anything, no need to tiptoe around me either. Im just pushing back on the trolling so if I seem a little too involved it is because it sucks that this nonsense has spread so far and as much as I can to help people see the actual problem, I am hoping the faster someone figures out what to do about it.

As far as Trump supporters go, can you imagine that they don't care about Trump's corruption when they actually believe that Democrats murder and rape children? That they are dumping chemicals into airplanes to spread across our citizens to poison them and their land, whatever it is. Who knows what weird game of telephone led them to the troll that sifted them out of the endless supply of marks online.

I watched his Netflix series. If it's true. He was also mentally abused in an experiment as a kid in college too.

It is one of the words that the conspiracy theories toss about, because it was another example of something that is based in reality (maybe, not saying I necessarily trust that the Unabomber thing on Neflix is actually factually correct), and very shitty thing that our government allowed to happen to our fellow human beings.

Spot on about our defunding of mental institutions that occurred under Reagan and the Republican party in the 80's. It is another of the issues we need to fix as a nation, and something that get's exploited by the militarized trolls (foreign and domestic) pushing how homelessness is a 'Democratic' city problem.

It is all bullshit branding of real issues caused by the right wing agenda. Keeping all the power and wealth in the hands of the Wealthy White Heterosexual Male Only demographic as long as possible.

I defiantly don't mean to do that. I fully consider him a murderer, homicidal maniac, criminally insane and whatever actual things that he is.
Yes I forgot about the human experiment he became and the professor that did that should be held partially responsible in some respect for the emotional damage that he made worse IMO.
Semantics really ...... I’m not arguing but you say 22% of the population, that is correct but then only 24% voted for Binden (not actually doing the math) It’s still a fuck load of assholes that voted for Trump versus Binden. And no honestly I can’t fathom the effect they had on people’s choices when it comes to Trump. I’m not an American but it didn’t take a rocket scientist to realize he’s an complete asshole so honestly I’ll never understand how they, or anyone else was able to pull that off to the point of changing the election. IMO it may have had an effect but I think there are far more issues than their influence that caused his election. Again not arguing, just stating my feelings. Also I do realize you have way more at stake then I and I do hope your right, and think you are but I’ve been shocked before lol.
PS Just to follow up, that leaves 50% that don’t actually care and that may be the scariest thing of all. :(
The gender gap, geographic and demographic distribution of then votes provides clues as to the true motivations of Trumpers, no matter what comes out of their mouths, or the rationalizations the media feeds them and the public. Sure there are other grievances than racism and bigotry, but it is their bigotry that binds them, they all blame others for their plight and the personal dishonesty does not end there.

US voter demographics: election 2020 ended up looking a lot like 2016
Expectations for women and older voters didn’t pan out, expert says – but young people strongly preferred Biden
More than 150 million American voters turned out for Tuesday’s election, marking the highest turnout in over a century. But as the country – and the world – await a complete result, what do we know about who voted for each of the candidates?

While knowledge at this stage is limited – polling data can be unreliable and national exit polls do not take into account geographic differences within demographics – experts say that some broader trends among those who voted for Joe Biden and Donald Trump are apparent.

So far, the picture appears to be strikingly similar to what it was in 2016, said the political science professor Charles H Stewart, founding director of MIT’s Election Data and Science Lab.

“There were slight changes, but the changes in the electorate, at least the ones who showed up to vote on election day, are much less dramatic than we were being led to believe by the pre-election polls,” Stewart said.
After the ‘school-to-prison’ pipeline, there has been no more effective voter-suppression technique than the pushing of the notion that voting is meaningless and accomplishes nothing: in places where votes are genuinely meaningless, they let everyone vote without limit and simply report the results they planned all along.

(the purpose of the school-to-prison pipeline was and is to prevent as many black citizens as possible for having voting rights, and it’s been extremely successful, in large part due to the intentional over-policing of the black community in terms of charging juveniles as adults, stop-and-frisk actions, incarceration of black citizens for infractions for which white citizens would receive a ticket, or only a warning, or simply be left alone entirely. The disruption of the education of black children in ways white children were and are never subjected to prevented black communities from expanding - keeping them easy to over-police - all of which has served the political end of stripping voting rights from citizens...and because this ie about elections and voting, I won’t expand on these themes here)

In the US, where the entire structure is designed to be beholden to the ratification of and EDUCATED AND INFORMED CITZENRY, we have Alex Jones (pre-eminently, with many helpers around the radio and web) preaching that it’s all a fake, it’s all meaningless, and “hip kids” have been taught to believe that voting “only encourages them” because “they’re all the same”, there’s “no difference” between the parties. To the extent any of that is true, it’s in the form of a self-fulfilling prophecy: the one the thing our system of government cannot surviving, it is the widespread disengagement from politics on the part of a truly MASSIVE number of eligible voters. In most of the national elections over the last 40 years or so, the number of citizens who did not OR COULD NOT vote exceeded the number of votes cast for ALL CANDIDATES RUNNING - Reagan’s famous ‘84 “landslide” was decided by less that 25% of the *eligible* voters.

Please, feel free to check me on any and/or all of this.
The gender gap, geographic and demographic distribution of then votes provides clues as to the true motivations of Trumpers, no matter what comes out of their mouths, or the rationalizations the media feeds them and the public. Sure there are other grievances than racism and bigotry, but it is their bigotry that binds them, they all blame others for their plight and the personal dishonesty does not end there.

US voter demographics: election 2020 ended up looking a lot like 2016
Expectations for women and older voters didn’t pan out, expert says – but young people strongly preferred Biden
More than 150 million American voters turned out for Tuesday’s election, marking the highest turnout in over a century. But as the country – and the world – await a complete result, what do we know about who voted for each of the candidates?

While knowledge at this stage is limited – polling data can be unreliable and national exit polls do not take into account geographic differences within demographics – experts say that some broader trends among those who voted for Joe Biden and Donald Trump are apparent.

So far, the picture appears to be strikingly similar to what it was in 2016, said the political science professor Charles H Stewart, founding director of MIT’s Election Data and Science Lab.

“There were slight changes, but the changes in the electorate, at least the ones who showed up to vote on election day, are much less dramatic than we were being led to believe by the pre-election polls,” Stewart said.
I have no clue what the motives are other than IMO most are just plain ignorant stupid and dangerous. My friends (the majority that are located on the Southern border) in the US are backing Trump for a number of reasons and yes underlying racism is one issue for them but it is based on Southern border immigration even though those very same people made them rich ;). The guys I know that are close to my location are dems and detest Trump. I do see the point that the border must not be an open gate way, I’m pretty sure most Canadians would not be as welcoming if we were bordering on a country that had so many struggles as the people south of the States. Those struggles are real and profound, I do know that first hand btw :(. The problems go deep and trying to pigeon hole it into two sides is one of the problems IMO. But Trump (and as Han says) others have done just that, made it a struggle between two warring parties of people. I do think lack of intelligence by some is a key issue as well though :(.
I have no clue what the motives are other than IMO most are just plain ignorant stupid and dangerous. My friends (the majority that are located on the Southern border) in the US are backing Trump for a number of reasons and yes underlying racism is one issue for them but it is based on Southern border immigration even though those very same people made them rich ;). The guys I know that are close to my location are dems and detest Trump. I do see the point that the border must not be an open gate way, I’m pretty sure most Canadians would not be as welcoming if we were bordering on a country that had so many struggles as the people south of the States. Those struggles are real and profound, I do know that first hand btw :(. The problems go deep and trying to pigeon hole it into two sides is one of the problems IMO. But Trump (and as Han says) others have done just that, made it a struggle between two warring parties of people. I do think lack of intelligence by some is a key issue as well though :(.
This is not a uniquely American problem, it is a reaction to the effects of globalization and technology causing economic and social disruption. This also coincided with the political and social polarization of America and the political empowerment of black people through the democratic party. A perfect storm is brewing as social stress and personal stress cause peoples conditioned propensities to come to the fore and it affects their moral judgement. In short people who are stressed become assholes on many levels some are subtle, some are more overt. It happens in any competition for resources, our better angels grow weaker, Donald helped a lot, he instinctively knew this shit helps his cause. Morally weak people blame the other, be they black folks, Russians or Chinese, for their own failures, all are just holding up a mirror for their own purposes. The Black and brown folks want equality, justice and the stupid and cruel social war on them to end, the Russians want to destroy democracy and the Chinese want to compete the west into the ground.

Racism and bigotry turn people into suckers and losers, stress makes the whole thing worse and affects peoples moral judgement in an antisocial direction. Everybody who is angry figures they are holding life's stick by the shit end and they have been thwarted. Being thwarted in you rights as a human being for nothing more than shits and giggles is different than being thwarted in hatred and evil, both piss people off though.
I just am really trying to point out to people that the people that voted for Trump have been almost entirely sucked into a cult. Even if they don't realize it.

And are getting trolled nonstop across every platform to convince them that Democrats actually murder and rape children, or they are going to come to their neighborhood and the kid they saw with the black hoodie is going to burn down their house and rape their daughters, and everything else that they have been programmed to believe through the constant spam machine coming out of the Trump sound machine in the most pinpointed way ever.

Every time they log into whatever it is that they visit, they are being called racist and everything else that they don't realize is becoming normalized to them to make them actually sound like they are whatever it is that they get called online. So they respond very poorly (hate radio/reality TV to teach them how to shout down people talking to them) to anyone they talk to in real life cutting off any actual outside information from penetrating into the cult logic.

And it is important to me to correctly define the problem, which is that about 22% (72.5m?) of our population are so radicalized that they think it was a good idea to vote for Trump, while 26%(?) (of upwards of 80million) people are aware enough to know they needed to vote against Trump. About 25% (?) of our population is under 18, which leaves about 28% (not double checking math) that may have been too scared to vote because of the virus and restrictions in their states/problems with their ballots/mail fraud by Trump's troll/programed to think their vote doesn't count/"Both sides" trolling made them think it doesn't matter/etc.

Im not mad or anything, no need to tiptoe around me either. Im just pushing back on the trolling so if I seem a little too involved it is because it sucks that this nonsense has spread so far and as much as I can to help people see the actual problem, I am hoping the faster someone figures out what to do about it.

As far as Trump supporters go, can you imagine that they don't care about Trump's corruption when they actually believe that Democrats murder and rape children? That they are dumping chemicals into airplanes to spread across our citizens to poison them and their land, whatever it is. Who knows what weird game of telephone led them to the troll that sifted them out of the endless supply of marks online.

I watched his Netflix series. If it's true. He was also mentally abused in an experiment as a kid in college too.

It is one of the words that the conspiracy theories toss about, because it was another example of something that is based in reality (maybe, not saying I necessarily trust that the Unabomber thing on Neflix is actually factually correct), and very shitty thing that our government allowed to happen to our fellow human beings.

Spot on about our defunding of mental institutions that occurred under Reagan and the Republican party in the 80's. It is another of the issues we need to fix as a nation, and something that get's exploited by the militarized trolls (foreign and domestic) pushing how homelessness is a 'Democratic' city problem.

It is all bullshit branding of real issues caused by the right wing agenda. Keeping all the power and wealth in the hands of the Wealthy White Heterosexual Male Only demographic as long as possible.

I defiantly don't mean to do that. I fully consider him a murderer, homicidal maniac, criminally insane and whatever actual things that he is.
Just wanted to let you know I’m not tiptoeing, if I honestly thought you were an asshole I would say so ;). Maybe it’s just my polite Canadian nature showing lol.
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If voting were "mandatory" like how it is for the slaves in Australia, I wouldn't willingly go to vote.
to be fair if you dont want to spend the 20 mins or less time to vote in Australia you dont have to. You can either:
A: Never sign up to vote in the first place.
B: Just pay ur small fine when it comes in the mail.
C: When u get ur small fine write back and tell them you didnt want to vote for whatever reason and not pay your fine.
D; Not pay your fine and hear nothing back anyway.

The beautiful thing about encouraging the whole population to vote is that then the Gov must make elections and voting easy. Notice all the complaints about how voting was hard for lots of Americans? Deliberately made hard in most cases. It also means that elections are held on Sundays and stuff. When 97% of the population votes then a huge % of the population actually follow politics.

Americans are much more slaves than Australia. Your min wage is slave labor here and employers would be charged paying some of the rates there. You don't even get universal healthcare. You work more hours, have less paid annual leave and less paid sick days. I think you even get less breaks throughout the working day. You dont even get employer paid Superannuation as a normal every day worker which is law here. Hell even ur prisoners have to work as slaves in the privately owned slave houses.
We even live longer.

If Australians were slaves then how come we were paid during our lock downs that helped keep us safe, even our unemployment benefit was doubled to $1115.70 a fortnight. Sole traders like myself got $3k per month. What was Americans response? Work and/or die.

Americas tradition of slavery continues its just the workin man who is now the slave and taught to not want the very things that would benefit him. Like Voting.
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to be fair if you dont want to spend the 20 mins or less time to vote in Australia you dont have to. You can either:
A: Never sign up to vote in the first place.
B: Just pay ur small fine when it comes in the mail.
C: When u get ur small fine write back and tell them you didnt want to vote for whatever reason and not pay your fine.
D; Not pay your fine and hear nothing back anyway.

The beautiful thing about encouraging the whole population to vote is that then the Gov must make elections and voting easy. Notice all the complaints about how voting was hard for lots of Americans? Deliberately made hard in most cases. It also means that elections are held on Sundays and stuff. When 97% of the population votes then a huge % of the population actually follow politics.

Americans are much more slaves than Australia. Your min wage is slave labor here and employers would be charged paying some of the rates there. You don't even get universal healthcare. You work more hours, have less paid annual leave and less paid sick days. You dont even get employer paid Superannuation as a normal every day worker which is law here. Hell even ur prisoners have to work as slaves in the privately owned slave houses.
We even live longer.

If Australians were slaves then how come we were paid during our lock downs that helped keep us safe, even our unemployment benefit was doubled to $1115.70 a fortnight. Sole traders like myself got $3k per month. What was Americans response? Work or die.

Americas tradition of slavery continues its just the workin man who is now the slave and taught to not want the very things that would benefit him. Like Voting.

There's a problem with the minimum wage and I wouldn't say it would be beneficial
I just am really trying to point out to people that the people that voted for Trump have been almost entirely sucked into a cult. Even if they don't realize it.

And are getting trolled nonstop across every platform to convince them that Democrats actually murder and rape children, or they are going to come to their neighborhood and the kid they saw with the black hoodie is going to burn down their house and rape their daughters, and everything else that they have been programmed to believe through the constant spam machine coming out of the Trump sound machine in the most pinpointed way ever.

Every time they log into whatever it is that they visit, they are being called racist and everything else that they don't realize is becoming normalized to them to make them actually sound like they are whatever it is that they get called online. So they respond very poorly (hate radio/reality TV to teach them how to shout down people talking to them) to anyone they talk to in real life cutting off any actual outside information from penetrating into the cult logic.

And it is important to me to correctly define the problem, which is that about 22% (72.5m?) of our population are so radicalized that they think it was a good idea to vote for Trump, while 26%(?) (of upwards of 80million) people are aware enough to know they needed to vote against Trump. About 25% (?) of our population is under 18, which leaves about 28% (not double checking math) that may have been too scared to vote because of the virus and restrictions in their states/problems with their ballots/mail fraud by Trump's troll/programed to think their vote doesn't count/"Both sides" trolling made them think it doesn't matter/etc.

Im not mad or anything, no need to tiptoe around me either. Im just pushing back on the trolling so if I seem a little too involved it is because it sucks that this nonsense has spread so far and as much as I can to help people see the actual problem, I am hoping the faster someone figures out what to do about it.

As far as Trump supporters go, can you imagine that they don't care about Trump's corruption when they actually believe that Democrats murder and rape children? That they are dumping chemicals into airplanes to spread across our citizens to poison them and their land, whatever it is. Who knows what weird game of telephone led them to the troll that sifted them out of the endless supply of marks online.
Regarding social media, the right dominates it. Not just posts by propaganda trolls but real live US humans.

Propaganda mostly influences people who are already leaning toward the direction it is pushing. I say this not only from studies based on the effects of propaganda but from my personal experience. I have a brother who is very right wing in his views. Looking back, we were diverging in how we responded toward authoritarian messaging when we were teenagers. How was it with your family? Were they liberals before turning or were they already pretty conservative?

The flood of right wing propaganda did not unite this country, it divided us according to how we responded to its messages. Less than half the people in this country voted for Trump. If propaganda were as effective as you say, wouldn't they have gotten more votes?