How do you drain your runoff?

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I use a similar one:
Well there is the winner lmao. $31........ sold

But tomorrow. Im too high to go now.
Damn stuff is so cheap in the USA lol, those things are like $50 more then those links you posted. Will keep my eyes open on black friday stuff though.
I use 4 x 4 trays over large run off reservoirs that hold 120 Litres/35 gallons. In gorilla tents with the extensions. 55 gallon barrels as feed reservoirs.

I drain run off once a week by sticking a sump pump in the reservoirs and down the drain through a hose. I used to use a shop vac but that was a pain doing 30 litres at a time. I just drop the sump pump in and walk away to do other stuff.

The sump pump/hose combo is also nice for mixing a fresh reservoir in the filtration room and transfering it into the various reservoirs. Saves me from hauling liquids around to various tents.
Here’s what I’m doing after my current grow finishes. A friend of mine has a 4x4 tent. He went to Home Depot and bought a 4 foot shower basin pan, with a center drain hole. Now these are tapered so water runs to the drain. He put 4 bricks on the floor of the tent, and the basin on top of them. He then slides a 3 inch high tray under it it catches all the runoff, and then he empties it into the shower. Only downside is u lose about 4-5 inches of height in the tent.
I thought I'd posted but I can't see it, maybe it's another thread?
You can see the capillary mating going into the jug, a piece of capillary mat will lift run off up and over any tray wall as long as the catch jug is below its level, the tray in the photo in up on basins.

In the morning I go in to the run off already collected in jugs.

Over the last month I got a 350ml syringe for £2 from ebay and another 150ml for £1.05, look at offers/auction on ebay.
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I like the setup, but would forever be a crybaby about the foot of lost grow space. Just got this 80" tent, once it craps out I'll go taller (or maybe even be able to setup a full room by then)
That was my exact thought. Got a 5x5 Gorilla tent setup for flower with a 3000k Timber Fatty VS on the way.

It's also not as much lost space as I thought as the flood tray bottom is lower than the top of the stand. Barely enough to squeeze the tray out to dump. It's perfect.
I use 20 gallons every 2 days. Can you point me in the right direction for a large enough tray sir?
How many plants are you watering/what system?
I run 27 continuously and I use 1/2 of that.
I add too my res maybe 10/15 gallons every week per res (I have 2)
I can't understand that amount.
Tell me your system, because I think your overwatering
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