Monday is my birthday so I germinated and hoping for a bday break through

Thanks Doug. Trully appreciated. Although im not really sure how I feel about this picture lmao.

Is that a kid in a dispensary? And is he climbing or humping that stalk?
LMAO, was sitting in my car taking a break from the hospital and tried to download a friendly giant pic, was looking for some representation of it from Mclean and Mclean's Toilet Rock. Found the pic with the dispensary and some guy climbing a beanstalk so I posted it. Now looking at it on a bigger screen you are right, it's a kid in a dispensary. Ok now that is just weird.

Oh and just a heads up. I couldn't weigh the bottom buds on the defoliated plant as you had asked me to do. All of it was larf. 1.5 oz between trim and larf.

Just got tossed into the hash bin.
LOL, I remember 43. I hit 49 3 weeks ago. My kids are 33 and 31 now, dam they are getting old.
Is that the heater or a fan and a very happy birthday do you have fishing trip plans for your birthday and it's awesome that you got a new buddy to as always thank you for your time and the opportunity to learn more about growing and the best wishes to you and your family
Dam you're bad at lieing...lmao

I'm 35 and I hit 45 in March..LOL....

Now that's how ya Shave baby...
LOL, no need to shave, I have to do math most times when people ask how old I am. The trick is to get someone pregnant when you are 15 :) I was an energetic youngster. Personally I consider hitting 49 more a badge of honor rather than something to be unhappy about.
Is that the heater or a fan and a very happy birthday do you have fishing trip plans for your birthday and it's awesome that you got a new buddy to as always thank you for your time and the opportunity to learn more about growing and the best wishes to you and your family
Its a radiant heat heater with an optional fan. I have a clip on fan for once they break soil but no need to put it in yet.

Yep fishing Monday. Thats the plan anyway lol.
LOL, no need to shave, I have to do math most times when people ask how old I am. The trick is to get someone pregnant when you are 15 :) I was an energetic youngster. Personally I consider hitting 49 more a badge of honor rather than something to be unhappy about.
One of my wife's coworkers asked me how old I am going to be.

I had to pause and do math.

When she said "wait you don't actually know how old you are?"

I answered.

"Once I hit 40 it pretty much became will someone please just inform me when I'm 50?"

My wife knows my age thats good enough lmao