New Member
Had a big damping off problem and only have a couple that made it past that these have had one water since is this a phosphorus issue? And should I feed them with nutrients? The light is 48” away and temp is 77 degrees.
Let see the roots u have them in clear cups?
Yes lost a lot of them from damping offthese were seeds?Recovering from over water right.
What kind of foods and maybe like a shot glass worth of water?Top water only until wet with 500 pmm veg food and 6.5 ph. Let the water SLOWLY drip itself down to the bottom of the cup. They will bounce back. Check every 8 hours.
I don't know what food you have. I assume you have the proper veg food to feed your plants with. If you have the right food and ppm meter to know how much food you are giving them you will be fine. Mix a gallon of water with 1 teaspoon of your veg food. PH the water to 6.5 and check with ppm meter. Use a few shots of water on shot at a time on all of them in a circle. This will give them time to absorb it. then run around with another shot of water. Just make sure you don't over do itWhat kind of foods and maybe like a shot glass worth of water?
I agree , they need to be transplanted, starting to get root bound in that cup. I like using 3gal fabric bags from Amazon and that soil does look kinda dry. I mean you cooould grow longer in that cup, but i like to transplant personally at that point. I also would not use nutrients right now until they bounce back and look hungry, just Ph adjusted water to 6.2-6.5 is sweet spot. Your light is 48" away, seems kinda far unless its mega powerful. I'd keep mine at 24" at that stage of veg, just not full strength. I find a 'cloudy' day sometimes(25%-50% light strength) during veg sometimes can bring depressed plants back. I've had great success at that stage of veg with 24hrs of light for 3 weeks from the beginning, or maybe its time for 18/6 as long as you stay consistent. Keep humidity at 70% .IMO THOSE DONT NEED FOOD THEY NEED TO BE TRANSPLANTED I HAND THAT ISSIUE AT ONE POINT. TRANSPLANT THEM IN SOME GOOD SOIL AND A LITE WATER TO START YOU SHIULD BE GOOD