Martian method still a thing?


Active Member
When LED really started to become viable, there was this big hype about something called "The Martian Method", in which very red LED was used 24/7 while bluer light is used on 12/12 to control flowering. The theory is that the extreme end of the red spectrum won't trigger the photoperiod response, but the plant will keep using that light even during the time it thinks its in the dark. It was a big deal for a while(much like the OBBT) and then just sort of vanished. Anyone still doing this?
When LED really started to become viable, there was this big hype about something called "The Martian Method", in which very red LED was used 24/7 while bluer light is used on 12/12 to control flowering. The theory is that the extreme end of the red spectrum won't trigger the photoperiod response, but the plant will keep using that light even during the time it thinks its in the dark. It was a big deal for a while(much like the OBBT) and then just sort of vanished. Anyone still doing this?
Definitely not a thing. Deep red light is what the plant uses to tell when it’s daytime. I wouldn’t believe anybody has had anything but vegging plants with that method. I’ve heard that idea floated with blue or green light but don’t know if anyone has tried it.
I think you just made it up. Never heard of it.

LOL I know right? Seems like a hoax, and maybe it was? I have no idea, but I definitely didn't make it up. I first saw it on Cannabis dot com a while back but that site does not seem to be working anymore(I do have a URL to the page still but nothing comes up for me. I have no idea if the site is archived). 420 magazine also had a thread called "Calling All Martians" that was about using far-red during lights-out, but that thread appears to also be gone
I think you just made it up. Never heard of it.

LOL I know right? Seems like a hoax, and maybe it was? I have no idea, but I definitely didn't make it up. I first saw it on Cannabis dot com a while back but that site does not seem to be working anymore(I do have a URL to the page still but nothing comes up for me. I have no idea if the site is archived). 420 magazine also had a thread called "Calling All Martians" that was about using far-red during lights-out, but that thread appears to also be gone
LOL I know right? Seems like a hoax, and maybe it was? I have no idea, but I definitely didn't make it up. I first saw it on Cannabis dot com a while back but that site does not seem to be working anymore(I do have a URL to the page still but nothing comes up for me. I have no idea if the site is archived). 420 magazine also had a thread called "Calling All Martians" that was about using far-red during lights-out, but that thread appears to also be gone

try entering the url into Wayback machine

if it has anything it will show you a calendar of all the dates it has cached. try to go back to when u first remember seeing it

LOL I know right? Seems like a hoax, and maybe it was? I have no idea, but I definitely didn't make it up. I first saw it on Cannabis dot com a while back but that site does not seem to be working anymore(I do have a URL to the page still but nothing comes up for me. I have no idea if the site is archived). 420 magazine also had a thread called "Calling All Martians" that was about using far-red during lights-out, but that thread appears to also be gone
Check out the the "Torr Method" thread. He accelerated the flower time with red led