You got my suit Jerry!? Hey, you owe me a soup!Ho-lee SheeIT Gotta love that show!
MajesticI just lay on the floor on my back and prepare to meet my destiny.
Ho-lee SheeIT Gotta love that show!
The BIG salad...I love the show...always have. Watch out for manhands...I still watch the reruns from time to time. I loved that show.
Just a salad, just a salad, just a salad...
I was about to suggest chewing on some pepper. Good call.Black pepper will stop the high
It’s prob that dopamine blocker you took honestly
Online outside the us probEnjoy the ride. Where does one get their hands on Tiapridal? lol
I need one of those fkn cookies if this is what the remnants on the pan did to the chicken. lolI don't see how there would be enough THC on some fried chicken you put on the same tray you baked some cannabis cookies on to cause the effects you're describing.
Glad you're feelin better.I dont feel much know. I dont know why I get out of a high so easily. When I smoke a joint it never last more than 1:30 but mostly just 1
Can we now talk about a serious issue?
I got sober by accident.
I need to fix that.
I have my garage well sealed off from the house. We smoke out there and watch TV and shit. Its nice to not be standing in 30 something degree weather.haha same. I'm too lazy to go outside and smoke in the freezing weather. Need to get a new vape so I can partake indoors again I don't like my home stinking like a roach.