Pollen storage..Need help


Well-Known Member
This was my first attempt at storing pollen so i thought i took all the necessary steps. I dried the pollen with silica gel inside vacuum bags and vials for a few days then placed the sealed pollen in the fridge. For another technique i stored some of the pollen with silica gel then placed directly in the fridge then placed some of the remaining pollen in the freezer. When the plant was ready in flower i used all this pollen in storage over a week during flower which only produced three seeds. What am i doing wrong?

Steps i have taken;

Collected pollen over a period of time
Removed plant material from pollen
Dried with silica gel
Added flour with some of the pollen
Stored pollen in the fridge and freezer
Sealed in vacuum bags and 1 ml vials, "no water or air can infiltrate these bags or vials"
Pollinated the plant over a period of days, probably over a week or two.
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Milk plant
Let sit out for a day or two
Get a vial, or sealable test tube
Put some raw rice in it
Add pollen

I recently used pollen that about 2 years old, worked perfect

Don't use flower, use rice, flower thins it too much and dosent work worth crap

What do you mean by milking the plant? What do i let sit out for a day or two? the pollen, the pollen sack, or the whole plant? If it is the pollen is there a particular place i need to put in or on something? ie window to dry out in the sun or some place as a closet?
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What do you mean by milking the plant? What do i let sit out for a day or two? the pollen, the pollen sack, or the whole plant? If it is the pollen is there a particular place i need to put in or on something? ie window to dry out in the sun or some place as a closet?

He meant giving it a good shaking, bustin out that pollen.

You're gonna want to do this in a separate room away from any flowering females, with no windows and no airflow at all, vents closed, door closed and wear a mask (incase you cough or sneeze).

First put a bag over the branch, cut it and remove it from your male isolation area, take it to the separate room, shake in the bag then place the branch on a screen with paper underneath and carefully pour what's left in the bag on the screen as well, sift it gently. After the pollen is separated from the pods, move the screen to the side and put the paper to the side for 24 hours to dry. Then use a business card to pile the pollen up in the middle of the paper, fold it up and put in a container with some rice. Throw it in the deep freeze and done.

Tubes are really great for dipping a small paintbrush in though, and the old school black twist top ones you put honey oil in are my favourite to use. Put them in a small container,covered in rice, freezer, done. Make sure when you take it out the freezer you dont open it right away to avoid condensation.

Dont forget to toss the card, put what's left on the screen onto some paper towel and gently crumple it up so nothing falls out or flys around when you go to throw it in the garbage. Spray some water where you extracted the pollen and clean up to neutralize any remaining pollen and wash your clothes/shower before going into the flower room.

EDIT: I hope you appreciate this, took me 2 joints and a bowl of hash lol
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He meant giving it a good shaking, bustin out that pollen.

You're gonna want to do this in a separate room away from any flowering females, with no windows and no airflow at all, vents closed, door closed and wear a mask (incase you cough or sneeze).

First put a bag over the branch, cut it and remove it from your male isolation area, take it to the separate room, shake in the bag then place the branch on a screen with paper underneath and carefully pour what's left in the bag on the screen as well, sift it gently. After the pollen is separated from the pods, move the screen to the side and put the paper to the side for 24 hours to dry. Then use a business card to pile the pollen up in the middle of the paper, fold it up and put in a container with some rice. Throw it in the deep freeze and done.

Tubes are really great for dipping a small paintbrush in though, and the old school black twist top ones you put honey oil in are my favourite to use. Put them in a small container,covered in rice, freezer, done. Make sure when you take it out the freezer you dont open it right away to avoid condensation.

Dont forget to toss the card, put what's left on the screen onto some paper towel and gently crumple it up so nothing falls out or flys around when you go to throw it in the garbage. Spray some water where you extracted the pollen and clean up to neutralize any remaining pollen and wash your clothes/shower before going into the flower room.

EDIT: I hope you appreciate this, took me 2 joints and a bowl of hash lol
I do, just what I was looking for.

Thanks everyone