How many ballots do you think were in the black suitcases?

I love idiots that post crap like this.

That is in Georgia. In fact, it's not too far down the road from me. That video is, as usual with GOP morons, just a snipit of the full video.

What happened that you don't see is that it was evening. Those cases were all open on the table and the poll workers were getting ready to go home for the evening. They packed the ballots they hadn't scanned yet into those cases and placed them under the table. Then you see them cleaning up a bit and getting ready to leave.

But then the election board called and told them to keep counting, that the overtime costs would be covered. So they went back, pulled everything back out again, opened up the cases and started scanning again.

That's how stupid the typical GOP follower is: You show them some small clip like that and they buy it lot, stock and barrell.

You could show a Trumptard a picture of a football flying through a goal post and say: LOOK!!! A FLYING FOOTBALL!!! IT'S BEING CONTROLLED BY AN ALIEN BY REMOTE!!!"

And they'd believe it totally.

What's worse is that when you show them the entire clip of the place kicker just kicking a field goal, they don't even feel stupid about it. They just shrug and look for the next video of a baseball magically flying over a fence all on its own.

Village idiots, the lot of them.
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@Mr_X How many ballots were in those black suitcases? As many as would fit, (so they have to buy the lowest number of suitcases possible). That is how they moved the ballots for the recount. The Georgia S of S was on the yakkity yak shows this morning saying the same.

But if you do live in Georgia, you had better sit this next race out, just to be on the safe side.
@Mr_X How many ballots were in those black suitcases? As many as would fit, (so they have to buy the lowest number of suitcases possible). That is how they moved the ballots for the recount. The Georgia S of S was on the yakkity yak shows this morning saying the same.

But if you do live in Georgia, you had better sit this next race out, just to be on the safe side.
enough to convince the redhat userbase that trump could've won when in reality it was only ~1,000 ballots and a few bags of chips.
enough to convince the redhat userbase that trump could've won when in reality it was only ~1,000 ballots and a few bags of chips.
I think you missed my point. All the ballots for the hand audit were moved in black suitcases. There were thousands of the suitcases pressed into service. I have a little experience in this sort of thing in Florida, and Georgia is much the same. There is a chain of custody where every step is documented and signed off on. There is always at least two people of opposing parties anytime they are handled.

As far as 45's base, it's not that hard to get them to believe untruths. They have had almost five years of experience.
Well, yeah, there's that. You're in the acceptance stage, congratulations.
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