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Get a hobby or a pet. Go volunteer for a good cause. Get out and about, make social conversations.
Pubs are great too. Don't be afraid to smile and compliment others when appropriate.
You will have more friends than you need before you know it.
The rumour even ripped through the Aussie thread today.

Everyone knows about the rumours.

So who the fuck is the dog?
Eh friends are over rated.
Listen too good music
Drink good whiskey
Smoke good bud
Watch good shows on tv like mad men or the sopranos
I am one lonely sob but i pass my time having a good time!
Unless im dry than its a bad day
No but you're all mingling behind the scenes. Thinking you're all smart.

Who's the fucking dog out of the bunch here?

Yeah right. Bullshit.
I posted porno for pyros because I’ve loved perry farrel since Jane Says.
I have no idea who you are or what you’re talking about man. Sorry wrong person.
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