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Lots of truth and nonsense in this thread. I can relate with the op in some ways but it’s the opposite in other ways. I’m pretty comfortable with just me and the wife but without her I would probably be suicidal or worse . The emersion therapy is a way I burn up some anxiety for sure. I enjoy it but it’s brutal on my body because of the sense of adventure and the extremes I’ll go.

Separation anxiety is most of my issues. And all the harsh behavior towards others is a self defense mechanism. So far with great effectiveness.
Someone looking ahead in life and only seeing a lonely single future probably needs some help or medication, that's a fucking bleak outlook I sympathise for the op.

Have you spoken to your doctor about it?
Of coruse, this has been a problem since early adulthood, i have dealt with this same problems for decades now.
Does anyone else live alone and have no IRL friends? How do you cope? How do you make friends, other then through video games and with my crippling social anxiety I won't go to a bar or places like that, so am I destined to just be alone for the rest of my life.

I live alone no wife/girlfriend or kids and I love it. I have 1 close friend I'll talk to on the phone weekly and about every 2-3 weeks I'll go visit him and his wife and have a few beers with them, that's about all the social activities I need. I do have a dog that keeps good company the rest of the time though. When my dog is gone I'm going to get some chickens to have in my yard. Personally, I like being a loner, I guess life is what you make of it.

I'd tell you to enjoy your independence, you're the boss and answer to no one when you're a lone wolf

Also, I would tell you to throw the video game in the trash and get a nice bicycle to ride or nice comfortable pair of walking shoes and get out of the damn house
Need to show more empathy for those who suffer from agoraphobia. Growing weed is therapeutic for me.

Me too. It's my current life obsession, has been for years. Mary Jane is such a great teacher and she massages my mind. Helps me deal with anxiety and pain.

Yet it's illegal and taboo to learn everything there is about her wonderful soul.

How dare they. :leaf:
Me too. It's my current life obsession, has been for years. Mary Jane is such a great teacher and she massages my mind. Helps me deal with anxiety and pain.

Yet it's illegal and taboo to learn everything there is about her wonderful soul.

How dare they. :leaf:
You should move to Canada where it's legal (I think it's legal in Uruguay too but uh Canada is better).
You should move to Canada where it's legal (I think it's legal in Uruguay too but uh Canada is better).

I wouldn't like the separation anxiety from my closest family..
I feel responsible to always be there for them. As they always have for me. And try my damned best to not let them down.

But I would very much like to find a legitimate career, doing what I enjoy most.

Maybe when it becomes legal in Australia.
Or when I can finally develop the courage to grow up a bit.

I wouldn't like the separation anxiety from my closest family..
I feel responsible to always be there for them. As they always have for me. And try my damned best to not let them down.

But I would very much like to find a legitimate career, doing what I enjoy most.

Maybe when it becomes legal in Australia.
Or when I can finally develop the courage to grow up a bit.


One of these helps.
I wouldn't like the separation anxiety from my closest family..
I feel responsible to always be there for them. As they always have for me. And try my damned best to not let them down.

But I would very much like to find a legitimate career, doing what I enjoy most.

Maybe when it becomes legal in Australia.
Or when I can finally develop the courage to grow up a bit.

I was just joking anyways. Australia is a beautiful place I'd like to visit before I die. I don't know much about your politics but from what I do know you're one of the uh better democracies lol.
Wrong. I have anxiety issues... im seeing a therapist about it and doing my best for my family. I have had panic attacks where I thought inwas gonna die coz I thought it was a heart attack... so fuck you for summing someone you don't even know upnin one post you fuckin prick
Have you read any good books lately?

How To Win Friends And Influence People - The First Edition Rare Books
I'm on spectrum and don't feel a need for many "friends" that aren't real friends anyways. Fortunate enough to be overlyfunctional and have a Girlfriend and lil one.

Bars aren't for us anyways homie, the people there aren't going to be your friends man, and the women you meet aren't worthy of more than 5 minutes of your time.

I have social anxiety too. Been chipping away at it with "immersion therapy". Not so easy now though with Covid. I've come to conclude my social anxiety is really just frustration with idiots and small talk.

My "Friends" are all people who share the same interests as me. Growers and such. Chatting with them online is enough for me, with the occasional smoke session in person.

Studies show high IQ people don't need friends like low IQ dimwits do. A trend you'll notice maybe now.

Where are you from man? I'm from Canada. Do you play COD? Zombies? lol

You've probably figured out by now that most people are severely flawed and useless as "friends" anyways.

I literally hope Covid mutates and indiscriminately purges 95% of the population. I'll take the 5% chance to live in peace.
I suck at smalltalk
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