Bud porn

Question for ya MICHI. What is your personal opinion on Harvesting in the day cycle and cause of my current situation cant do a dark period. They are ready now im pretty sure and can't do it b4 lights on cause of work need expert advice
Not a common thought. I harvest when convenient. Light and dark really are irrelevant once your level of ripeness is reached. If multiple degrees going on? Chop quick with low light. Suggest a cheap green headlamp. And be gentle. Ripe heads are delicate from fill.
Not a common thought. I harvest when convenient. Light and dark really are irrelevant once your level of ripeness is reached. If multiple degrees going on? Chop quick with low light. Suggest a cheap green headlamp. And be gentle. Ripe heads are delicate from fill.
Thank you!!
I wish one of you highly experienced pros were my neighbor! This is aggravating asf lol
its not hard man. too many new growers overthink this plant way to hard, it grows decently with bare minimums, and good with decent care, and great with good care. too many new growers overcare for the plants. its easy to grow buds it takes experience to control the environment thats the hard part if you ask me. thats what they should be focused on instead of babysitting a seedling every hour

also dont try too many different things at once dont lst and scrogg etc the first few, just top them once or twice if you are comfortable with it and just flower them. i see new growers doing to much start in soil then 2nd grow go to hydro then talk about coco for the next lol pick one style and get good at it before switching it up. That being said Soil is the most forgiving medium for new growers imho
Keep it simple stupid. Took 16 or so years. But it is factual. Good dirt, proper water, light and temp and most of all, hands in pockets. Amazing how well unmolested plants grow. The thing guy said it. Just pressing it's importance.
its not hard man too many new growers overthink this plant way to hard it grows decently with bare minimums and good with decent care and great with good care. too many new growers overcare for the plants. its easy to grow buds it takes experience to control the environment thats the hard part if you ask me.

also dont try too many different things at once dont lst and scrogg etc the first few, just top them once or twice if you are comfortable with it and just flower them. i see new growers doing to much start in soil then 2nd grow go to hydro then talk about coco for the next lol pick one style and get good at it before switching it up. That being said Soil is the most forgiving medium for new growers imho
I am guilty of over thinking and complicating things that's a fact lol. I learn fast though and was scared shitless when I was getting ready to top for the first time but after I seen how it barley phazed them I started relaxing and just let them do their thing. Made sure they had phed water and food and air in rez and room and put most of my energy to trying to keep the environment stable. I know I'm far from good but for my first I think ots went well. It's just this harvesting part that keeps me questioning everything lol and like I said in an earlier post cant wait till I'm experienced enough to just know. I do know you (everyone that gave advice and encouragement on this site) have been stand up people and can't thank you ALL enough. That being said unless I see a fuck-ton of amber pop up over the next day or two ill just chill on the harvest at least till Thursday. They don't lose anything (if not amber) right so they should only be getting better. I hope lol
I am guilty of over thinking and complicating things that's a fact lol. I learn fast though and was scared shitless when I was getting ready to top for the first time but after I seen how it barley phazed them I started relaxing and just let them do their thing. Made sure they had phed water and food and air in rez and room and put most of my energy to trying to keep the environment stable. I know I'm far from good but for my first I think ots went well. It's just this harvesting part that keeps me questioning everything lol and like I said in an earlier post cant wait till I'm experienced enough to just know. I do know you (everyone that gave advice and encouragement on this site) have been stand up people and can't thank you ALL enough. That being said unless I see a fuck-ton of amber pop up over the next day or two ill just chill on the harvest at least till Thursday. They don't lose anything (if not amber) right so they should only be getting better. I hope lol
Patience will make you drowsy. LMAO. 001.jpg001.jpg
I am guilty of over thinking and complicating things that's a fact lol. I learn fast though and was scared shitless when I was getting ready to top for the first time but after I seen how it barley phazed them I started relaxing and just let them do their thing. Made sure they had phed water and food and air in rez and room and put most of my energy to trying to keep the environment stable. I know I'm far from good but for my first I think ots went well. It's just this harvesting part that keeps me questioning everything lol and like I said in an earlier post cant wait till I'm experienced enough to just know. I do know you (everyone that gave advice and encouragement on this site) have been stand up people and can't thank you ALL enough. That being said unless I see a fuck-ton of amber pop up over the next day or two ill just chill on the harvest at least till Thursday. They don't lose anything (if not amber) right so they should only be getting better. I hope lol
I like a decent amount of amber. Depends on how you like your smoke some like it no amber mostly cloudy with some clear some like to chop at the first site of amber ( on the buds not sugar leaves the ones on the leaves can go amber 2 weeks before the buds)
I like a decent amount of amber. Depends on how you like your smoke some like it no amber mostly cloudy with some clear some like to chop at the first site of amber ( on the buds not sugar leaves the ones on the leaves can go amber 2 weeks before the buds)
I'm waiting till I start to see a few on top buds. Then probably chop top of canopy and leave the bottom to get some light for a few days