bodhi seeds

Breeder: Bodhi
Strain : Sakura (Wookie pheno)
Method Smoked : joint

Dominant smell of bud : Sour & floral
Associated smells of bud : Sweet


Dominant flavour: Floral
Associated flavours: Sour, sweet

Harsh/smoothness : (1-10, 1 being extremely harsh and 10 being extremely smooth) - 9
- cough factor? : yes/no - No, very soft smoke


Profile : Percentage of head to body (e.g. 80% head 20% body) - 80 head 20 body
Potency : (1-10, 1 being extremely weak and being extremely potent) - 7
Use : Daytime/Bedtime - Could def be a daytime smoke.
Munchies? : yes/no - No
Effects: Nice head buzz. Awake and very functional. Would be great for daytime and people with depression for its uplifting effect.
Would you run again? : Without a doubt. Very good herb.
Breeder: Bodhi
Strain : Sakura (Wookie pheno)
Method Smoked : joint

Dominant smell of bud : Sour & floral
Associated smells of bud : Sweet


Dominant flavour: Floral
Associated flavours: Sour, sweet

Harsh/smoothness : (1-10, 1 being extremely harsh and 10 being extremely smooth) - 9
- cough factor? : yes/no - No, very soft smoke


Profile : Percentage of head to body (e.g. 80% head 20% body) - 80 head 20 body
Potency : (1-10, 1 being extremely weak and being extremely potent) - 7
Use : Daytime/Bedtime - Could def be a daytime smoke.
Munchies? : yes/no - No
Effects: Nice head buzz. Awake and very functional. Would be great for daytime and people with depression for its uplifting effect.
Would you run again? : Without a doubt. Very good herb.
Been eyeballing that one for a while, good to know. Thanks,!
A1(#2) x KASHMIR:

I ended up with 4 females and 3 males. (one looked male early, but then went female.) Of the 4 females, there were 4 different phenos. The only common traits between the bunch, were that they all shared a background smell of chemical meat and skunky body odor shit, and that all have a smooth smoke with almost no flavor. Just a sort of fiery, watered down skunk taste.

Individual Plant Reviews and Phenos:

- This one was the fastest growing-- the first to go into flower, and the first to finish.

The appearance of the leaves were the most similar to the A1 leaves I have seen in pictures, with the deep, saw-tooth serrations, and big claw-like fan leaves with many having 11 blades. It turned dark brownish-purple as the growth cycle progressed.

The smell while in veg was extremely faint, but once it went into flower it became very meaty and smoky, with a black pepper and chemical backend. It could be described as "acrid", but not in the way many would probably think... it is meaty, but not stinky... it is more like a char broiled hamburger kind of meaty... savory and juicy... but with a dry smoke and ash smell. Imagine being in a steakhouse, while smoking chemdog in the smoking section (back when there were smoking sections in restaurants)... that's kind of how it smells, and it's actually really nice.

The high: This one is the fastest hitting, but not the strongest overall. Colors are more intense, and things just become more interactive. You can easily wind up getting carried away by your imagination, and following a thought into a dream... but the high is also an energetic one, and will keep you moving and playing with the world around you, not knock you out or glue you to the couch in any way. It was decent, but not super strong... it does make you want to go on wild adventures outside. It's also not super long lasting... 2hrs tops I'd say... I give it a 7 out of 10.



#2- This one finished second fastest.

The appearance was short and compact and spiky. It's leaves were the first to start showing color, even though the buds weren't the first to start or finish. One of the cool things about this one, was that the buds turned red- as if burning from the inside.

The smell while growing was faint, slightly minty during veg, and slightly more flowery later on, with a subtle skunky meat base. However, during chop, this plant gave off a very pungent, invasive, suffocating fume kind of thing... that reeked of a noxious combination of antiseptic, wet dog food, human feces, and formaldehyde.

The high on this one was very mellow. Actually, it was almost non-existent. If this was the only sample to go off of, I would have given this line a fairly low grade. This plant was mediocre at best in terms of actually getting "high"... It is calming, relaxing, clear headed, but still active and motivated... but not at all strong. This is like the kind of weed you would smoke all day at work and never be too far gone to mess anything up. Bodhi said A1 reminded him of Deep Chunk... well if it is from the same lineage, both it and the Kashmir could give off expressions with higher cbd, as many unworked varieties from those areas have been known to do that. That is my thought on this pheno- that it is higher in cbd- because there is no real "high" to be found other than a mild calming relaxed thing.. Not for the people who want to get blasted, but might be perfect for other uses. I give it a 5 out of 10.

(wind damage)


#3- This one was great... really great. It was the longest flowering by far. It really could just keep going and going if it was allowed to.

Appearance was similar to No.1, but with some oddities. It got huge baseball bat colas, that made the branches and stems become very heavy and floppy, but the buds themselves were fairly skinny and quite strange, being elongated and semi-foxtailing. This one did sort of turn color, but not nearly as much or as dark as the others.

The smell is vastly different from the others. While it still has a back odor of chemical skunk and meaty body odor, its primary scent was very soapy throughout growth... soft and feminine, and just like a clean bodywash or soap something... there was also a certain warmth to it... it is hard to explain, but it was almost as if it was emanating its own body heat while in flower... really, really... just... warm... When dried, it gets a weird undernote of something I can't describe... it's like a really weird, really stinky Cheetos gone bad smell or something...

The high on this one is absolutely amazing. It takes a minute to kick in, but it is the kind of high where people around you will know you were smoking. It is disorienting, it is confused and hard to concentrate or remember things you were doing 10 minutes earlier, it alters depth perception, motor skill impairing, very dizzying and visual... You know you are high with this one... You smoke enough of this and the room will start spinning like you are in a tornado and you will start seeing strobe lights, no exaggeration. It settles in a bit as it goes, and a more body high kicks in. The body comes after the head is already in effect, and starts with a tingly, messaging, kind of magnetic field feel, that starts in the back of the head, and slowly expands downward into the neck and shoulders, where it then dissolves and trickles down and throughout the whole body. The downside with this one is that it isn't a particularly long lasting high. It peaks, then fades after about an hour... but does linger mildly for a good 1-2 hours after that, with a fuzzy relaxed, but still motivated, buzz. One of the cool things about this one is that it has a pulsating quality, where you think the high is done, but then it comes back for a while, before fading again, then coming back again. The smoke is smooth, but thick.
This one is great, and really delivers. As good as this one is though, I believe it could be even better, so it gets an 8.5-9 out of 10.



#4- This one was the second longest, and had a real acidic chemical smell. Sort of a sharp wasabi or horseradish thing mixed with cleaning chemicals. The high was basically the same as no. 1, being relaxed and motivated, fun and happy, just enjoying being, kind of high. Not too strong, but not weak either. The smell was different from no 1 though- it wasnt as meaty as 1 was, and leaned more towards a janitorial kind of smell. The buds were also different, being much more filled out and rounded.. all the others had more sativa looking buds compared to this one... this one was chunkier and not as spikey. 7 out of 10.


Overall Review:

*Flower Time: 70-85+ days from when pistils start.

*Stretch: Virtually none.

*Issues: No issues. The only thing I might consider to be a potential problem is how heavy the branches get, and how droopy they become. Might need supports.

*Plant Size: Fairly short... shorter than most plants I've grown... They get big clubs for colas, and branch outward some, but height is nothing to worry about. Will vary depending on where and how it is grown, but for the most part these are pretty short. (I could give specific measurements, but I think that would be misleading because it will be different depending on individual methodology.)

*Yield: 7. These aren't huge, but they sure do pack on the buds. If you know what you are doing, you could pull a pound (or more) per plant.

*Aroma: 5-8. Ranges wildly- will have notes of all the following: Meat, Skunk, Antiseptic, Dog Food, Chemical, Smoke/Ash, Poop, Field Mint, Floral, Soap, Nutty, Formaldehyde, Fermented Onion and Garlic, and maybe like the inside or a Rental Car on a hot day.

*Flavor: 3. All of these tasted the same, and all of them had almost no flavor whatsoever. Mild fire and skunk, but very mild. The smoke itself is super smooth though.. almost no burn at all, to the point where you almost forget you are inhaling smoke.

*Effect: 4-9. Again, it ranges wildly. Some phenos won't do much of anything, and others will totally blow you away. No couchlock for any of them, all have energetic highs, and none of them have any burnout factor whatsoever. You just enjoy the ride until it is done, and you are ready to go.

*Bag Appeal: 5. Nothing about this has great bag appeal. The smell isn't funky enough for the funk lovers, and isn't sweet enough for the sweet lovers. Even the ones that stink aren't really loud. Not very frosty or visually appealing... There's just not that much that would attract the unknowing buyer from looks or scents alone.

*Overall Impression: I like this strain a lot, but it is all over the place. There is a lot of potential... on both sides... There is potential to completely amaze people, and there is potential to really disappoint. I think this should either be worked for more consistency, or be released with the warning tag of there being high variation in between plants. If Bodhi can get all the plants to express something like the flashing lights and spinning room effect, or maybe something even stronger, this could be a real powerhouse of a strain.

*Keeper? I don't know... I am keeping the soapy pheno/plant #3, but I don't think it is necessarily "keeper" quality.. it is really good, but I think there are probably even better expressions to be found.

Thanks to the Bodhi family for letting me test these! It was fun.
How did they turn out, I have a Goji Fireburst x Big Sur Holy Weed going and a few other of the Respect freebies to pick through as well.
Seems he used a good goji male cuz the whole pack was decent with one or two being exceptional. Keeper checks all the boxes and is quite potent narcotic with good flavor. Probably real nice crossed to a more up type female
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I forgot how I put up side lighting and just switched them on. No larfy bullshit here folks!

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Electric Cowboy Larry Leaner. As you can see, the stem vigor is much better than the original Larry. Terpenes and high are mostly un-changed.

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Cherry Sativa x SSDD keeper. Grows like an absolute beast, stretches nearly 3x, but the smoke and terpenes are to die for. There won’t be much space in the canopy after the buds finish swelling.

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Peach Hashplant keeper. Again with the Hashplant stem vigor. I need to buy more hashplant crosses.

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Goji OG F2 stacking really well. Very excited to see how she runs in this sealed environment. Her resin production is already dramatically higher than it was in the open vented room. I think she is sensitive to changes. Likes consistency. She is also a HEAVY feeder.

If anyone has been wondering where I have been, I have been harvesting a run full of Doc D’s genetics. Specifically Bandaid Haze ix 3.0 and a Mullum/Oaxacan cross. And headbanger but that isn’t bodhi.

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Bandaid Haze - Backstory: There were these seeds that came from this Spanish grower in South Holland, Ronni aka Ronaldo, who was part of the “A5 crew”, who had a Thai pollinate his room. “a5” is shorthand for ‘nl5 x haze A’ different from her sister “c5”, or ‘nl5 x haze C’. These seeds were sent to e.T., who then shared some with Bodhi. Bodhi germinated them in early 2013 and all he got was one male (a5Haze x Mirakel). He doesn’t normally keep males if there are no females to evaluate but he used it anyway to pollinate the Cuban Black Haze cut that he had. The strain was referred to as Piff by Bodhi initially. The beans were shared almost exclusively with Doc D, who after running them selected the Piff #7 and shared a cut of it back with Bodhi. Bodhi had it tested and it came back in the high 20’s. Bodhi and Doc D shared cuts with other forum members here in late 2014 and after some discussion most of us agree that it is actually better than Cuban Black Haze and it also has a shorter flower time (100 days). Everyone, Bodhi, Doc D, e.T and everyone else, refer to this cut now as “Bandaid Haze”. Bodhi coined the term because, “it heals all wounds.

The Bandaid Haze ix 3.0 is Bandaid Haze no. 7 x A5/Thai Bx. It grows really well, smokes really well, smells really good.. It’s really good!
Nice, i recently got a cut of Bandaid Haze 7.
Gotta get the headstash built up before I send her into flower to take up my room for 100 days lol
I hope everyone's holding up well through the 'rona. There's some people normally here, that I haven't heard anything from in some time now.
:peace: bongsmilie

Hope all is well with everyone. I got behind and have struggled to keep up with the thread. No better time as I've grown out Super Silver Hashplant and Sunshine Kush. To whoever was asking about SSHP, yes, it's amazing. Great plants with hazey terps, euphoria, and some knockout punches too.

As far as the SSDD male, yeah, I'm not sold. Pretty underwhelmed with SunshineKush. Did anyone else pop it? Afraid I just see the usual suspects scalping it. Anyways, I got three females that are pretty uniform save for one that seemed to be a bit more lanky and green. Flower is purple, pretty muted scent though, but has a sweet profile with some berries, spices, and mmm.. christmas I guess. First few times I smoked it, I had a big smile on my face, but doesn't seem to really knock my socks off unless I smoke a nice doobie. The bud looks so nice and frosty, I'm gonna give it another run and a friend has some cuts going as well.

Any thoughts on Purple Kush? I got a quap years ago from NorCal and it was some of the stankiest stank, so this isn't exactly what I was expecting, but I know purps tend to catch some flak.

Next in the cannon... Portable Space Ship. Super stoked on this one. Got 9 going.
Hope all is well with everyone. I got behind and have struggled to keep up with the thread. No better time as I've grown out Super Silver Hashplant and Sunshine Kush. To whoever was asking about SSHP, yes, it's amazing. Great plants with hazey terps, euphoria, and some knockout punches too.

As far as the SSDD male, yeah, I'm not sold. Pretty underwhelmed with SunshineKush. Did anyone else pop it? Afraid I just see the usual suspects scalping it. Anyways, I got three females that are pretty uniform save for one that seemed to be a bit more lanky and green. Flower is purple, pretty muted scent though, but has a sweet profile with some berries, spices, and mmm.. christmas I guess. First few times I smoked it, I had a big smile on my face, but doesn't seem to really knock my socks off unless I smoke a nice doobie. The bud looks so nice and frosty, I'm gonna give it another run and a friend has some cuts going as well.

Any thoughts on Purple Kush? I got a quap years ago from NorCal and it was some of the stankiest stank, so this isn't exactly what I was expecting, but I know purps tend to catch some flak.

Next in the cannon... Portable Space Ship. Super stoked on this one. Got 9 going.
I got a pack of the Sunshine Kush that I was waiting for some feedback on before I popped it. Think its worth OP F2ing it? I personally love purple kush, the one I had, also from norcal, was straight dick in the dirt weed. I was hoping this would be similar but it sounds like its not the same stuff as what I had back then... Are there any "kush" notes in the bud at all?
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I got a pack of the Sunshine Kush that I was waiting for some feedback on before I popped it. Think its worth OP F2ing it? I personally love purple kush, the one I had, also from norcal, was straight dick in the dirt weed. I was hoping this would be similar but it sounds like its not the same stuff as what I had back then... Are there any "kush" notes in the bud at all?

Realized I haven't really dug into the two other plants. Got one of the jars out and it's definitely a bit more stoney than the one I've been sampling. The one I've had mostly has been pretty underwhelming and leaving me wanting more, pretty up and spacey. Body gets pretty numb. Makes me wonder if it's CBD dominant or I just messed it up. Really looks great though. Definitely smells like the Old Family Purple clone I just grew out but with some more berries and sweetness.

Could be me, but it doesn't really smell that loud. Had a bunch of elites going though, so it's against the best. I would think there's gotta be potential here, just not sure it's the one for me. Searching I saw @The Bud Whisperer saying he was looking for a rubberizing, numbing strain. I can see that, but definitely still getting mental stimulation as well. I don't know, the combination kind of makes me uncomfortable so far, but like I said, when I was first trying it, I was all smiles out walking with a J. Got me perplexed. Might be best for someone that needs pain relief while being productive with a clear mind. Need to find some local testers and dig into it more myself.
Any thoughts on Purple Kush? I got a quap years ago from NorCal and it was some of the stankiest stank, so this isn't exactly what I was expecting, but I know purps tend to catch some flak.

My personal experience with anything purple has been terrible. 99% of purple strains I have smoked were very weak, some were like smoking hemp. It has turned me off after so many disappointing experiences.
My personal experience with anything purple has been terrible. 99% of purple strains I have smoked were very weak, some were like smoking hemp. It has turned me off after so many disappointing experiences.

Purple Unicorn was better than most purps.. But it was still worse than almost every other non-purple strain I hunted. It’s really pretty and exotic looking. And the structure was fantastic.

Id say I agree with you regarding purple strains!
I hope everyone's holding up well through the 'rona. There's some people normally here, that I haven't heard anything from in some time now.
:peace: bongsmilie

Well to brighten the mood... corona aside my baby boy was born this am. Women did great! She even let me make up 20 gallons of water for the beds before going to hospital. Fucking champ!

@AdvancedBuffalo pure crop 1 has worked great for all sorts of shit and im a believer. Heard great things about resisting pm as well.. Much respect to your room and set up. Im about day 37 with multiple sprays (prob 12) and nothing happened that would alarm me. Including lights on. 75f and under is not even causing brown hairs or nothing. Above 75f it will but did not slow them down. Wont clog up leaves etc. Expensive but I feel I made the right choice buying it and its also safe unlike alot of the bs out there. I also believe there claims about using till chop day if need be. I also got a clone that had mites and it smoked them fuckers! 9 years not a single mite... all good now thanks to pure crop 1.

@mawasmada after reading your post I was thinking I've been absent tooooo long. I hope all is well with you and ALL of the bodhi family. Will try to throw up a few pics when I get done at hospital.

Happy growing! Stay safe everyone!
Well to brighten the mood... corona aside my baby boy was born this am. Women did great! She even let me make up 20 gallons of water for the beds before going to hospital. Fucking champ!

@AdvancedBuffalo pure crop 1 has worked great for all sorts of shit and im a believer. Heard great things about resisting pm as well.. Much respect to your room and set up. Im about day 37 with multiple sprays (prob 12) and nothing happened that would alarm me. Including lights on. 75f and under is not even causing brown hairs or nothing. Above 75f it will but did not slow them down. Wont clog up leaves etc. Expensive but I feel I made the right choice buying it and its also safe unlike alot of the bs out there. I also believe there claims about using till chop day if need be. I also got a clone that had mites and it smoked them fuckers! 9 years not a single mite... all good now thanks to pure crop 1.

@mawasmada after reading your post I was thinking I've been absent tooooo long. I hope all is well with you and ALL of the bodhi family. Will try to throw up a few pics when I get done at hospital.

Happy growing! Stay safe everyone!