What did you accomplish today?


Well-Known Member
Freaking cold here, and snowing! Looks like I am going to have sidewalk duty today....a little rock salt and maybe a little shoveling. Perhaps some house cleaning.

Gonna go do a epsom foliar to my girls in veg and I am really fighting off a nap...and it's only 10 am. Didn't sleep great :(

And i probably better get some salt on my long, steep driveway, and burn of the pancakes (the real reason I'm sleepy, lol)


Well-Known Member
I also put up my tree. I haven't done this since my son was small, about ten years ago. I just felt I needed something extra cheery to ward off the covid isolation blues. You know what? It really worked, I stare at the lights with their various patterns, and when I get high enough, I even sing xmas tunes to myself. How festive...


I played with the branches since this pic to make it look more natural, like a real tree...


Well-Known Member
I've been taking cold weather rides for the first time since my 20s. I just can't bring myself to workout at home if I can help it, and we've been getting a few days per week of near 50f. I put on the balaclava and the gloves when biking, along with 2 t-shirts and a hoodie. It's cold at first, but as I pedal for a while I warm up and even start sweating. Today was such a day, and I wanted to take a scooter ride all the way to the lakefront, and cruise and chill near the water. My scooter was just tuned up, so I popped in my headphones, geared up, packed my one-hitter to catch a buzz at the lake. Super fun time, except I did have my first wipeout of the season - I was trying to zip up my jacket a little more and only had one hand on the bars. I hit a bump, lost control, fell and slid about twelve feet as I was going almost 30 mph at the time. I was a good, controlled fall with only minor scrapes and scuffs. My good knee was swollen along with a spot on my other leg, but a 20 minute ice session took care of that and I now feel fine. Totally worth it. Tomorrow should be the last nice day, so I'll take one more long bike ride. After that, I'll need to find the resolve to work out on my machines at home...






Well-Known Member
I've been taking cold weather rides for the first time since my 20s. I just can't bring myself to workout at home if I can help it, and we've been getting a few days per week of near 50f. I put on the balaclava and the gloves when biking, along with 2 t-shirts and a hoodie. It's cold at first, but as I pedal for a while I warm up and even start sweating. Today was such a day, and I wanted to take a scooter ride all the way to the lakefront, and cruise and chill near the water. My scooter was just tuned up, so I popped in my headphones, geared up, packed my one-hitter to catch a buzz at the lake. Super fun time, except I did have my first wipeout of the season - I was trying to zip up my jacket a little more and only had one hand on the bars. I hit a bump, lost control, fell and slid about twelve feet as I was going almost 30 mph at the time. I was a good, controlled fall with only minor scrapes and scuffs. My good knee was swollen along with a spot on my other leg, but a 20 minute ice session took care of that and I now feel fine. Totally worth it. Tomorrow should be the last nice day, so I'll take one more long bike ride. After that, I'll need to find the resolve to work out on my machines at home...

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Ha that's a cool little ride!