Well-Known Member
Wow those look chunky!
Very nice!Last one in the garden still no sign of stopping lost track of what week I’m on ! Just gonna let it ride
I'm also curious! I got a pack of Skunk Qabbage x TKNL5 Haze that I'll be growing outdoors next summer along with Romulan BX4Has anyone here grown out Skunk Qabbage? I'm curious about that one.
I was thinking on it and that makes sense that you say it’s burnt up like the chems because I believe GMO is chemdawg X gscVery nice!
What's the strain?
Looks Haze like, but burnt up like the Chems do.
I haven't grown the Americanna BX, but the Americanna clone that I've grown does not stretch much.How is the BUZZ from the Americanna??
I gave a pack to a buddy, today, and a pack of Consumption F2.
I was wondering about the Stretch after inducing flowering? Really want a nicely branched, big, fast growing plant that will stretch alot in flowering like the Consumption F2. Since youve grown the Americanna BX, Id love your input. Thanks in advance!!!!!
My nl1/big skunk started out smelling like a new pair of tennis shoes, then it got fruity, now it smells like a dumpster with rotting fruit in it. 32 days into flower
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Is the high long lasting?? Potent?? I remember the strains of the late 60s-90s like it was yesterday.
Best stuff I ever saw for indoor, and top 3 of all time was a late 80s, early 90s NL5/Haze x PNW Hashplant x Sk1. Done in 6.5 weeks. 1st week of November outside. Stuff was crazy potent, and would blast your lungs out with every hit, tasted like floral honeysuckle hash, and reeked of sweet skunk, cat piss, and flowers. Truly epic shit. FBI got all of my genes in 97 when a partner ratted me out for 1000 clones and was away for almost a decade, and then supervised release. Stuff Ive been running through since 2009 I can say isnt as good as it used to be. No Way. And I was clean for 12 years. Ive also got an original, not s1 ect Chem91skva clone, and its not as potent as the NL5/Hz, or the AK47, though its really good stuff. Ive had people think I put PCP in the NL5/Hz before. It would also make you lose your vision if you tried to hold a hit. It would blow your lungs out, and blank your vision for several seconds. I smoked it 5 years, and every hit would blow your lungs out. I never got tired of that weed. It was the best stuff Id seen since 1973, which was Santa Marta Green Seedless. First Sinsemilla I ever saw. 1973. It was also the most I ever paid for weed up until that time. $25oz. I could get a 1/4lb of killer Oaxacan for $40. I got some killer Oaxacan one time, and is the only weed that ever gave me auditory hallucinations. Shit was wicked. Pranoid up high with heavy crash, and munchies.
Thats another thing about alot of this so called New Weed... All the best shit I ever smoked in the 60s-70s had a heavy crash, your eyes would look like theyre bellding hours after one smoked. The munchies were magnitudes more than todays weed. But one huge thing is the crash. Old time weed would have a heavy crash, and youd still be stoned hours later after eating the fridge, sleeping 4 hours, and then waking up hungry as hell, and raid the fridge again. I just dont get that with most modern stuff anymore. Could be people have just bred for high THC content, and forgot about many of the other chemicals. IMHO chemically many weeds today are very different than todays weed. Many back then were also land based originals vs hybrids.
My buddy has a mother of AK47 from the 90s, Epic Shit for real....and I smoked some of it as the first stuff I smoked since 97-2009, and had a paranoia attack after just a few hits. Id just got released 20 minutes before, and went to my buddies, and I rolled a joint, and CNN was on, and they were showing the LA Jail, and how crowded it was, and a guy was just being booked into the jail, and here I am, after being under the thumb of the FEDs for 12 years made it seem like yesterday that I was facing big shit for 1000 clones, and it was like I was reliving it all over. It is really good weed. Buddy still has the mother. Nothing around my neck of the woods beats it. Blows all the imported Cali shit out of the water. Its everywhere and has been for 2 years now. Im in E Ky. Also pretty sure a good deal of it is sprayed with terpenes.
The NL5/Hz x HP/Sk1 was better than the AK47. That NL5/Hz-HP/Sk1 is actually what Im in search of, so anything that has old NL5/Hz in it, is on my list to try for at least that side of the genetics I had. AND the AKBB PNWHP/Black Domina x Sk1 may be a close ticket to reproducing the HP/Sk1 as Ill probably never see the real deal PNWHP clone Skelly HP, or Cuddlefish in my lifetime. I wish.
Also every plant from that old stuff was as good as the next one. I never saw one bad plant out of thousands I grew over 5 years. They were all basically exactly the same. Like clones. I attribute the stability to the Sk1 as originally it was advertised as being less than 5% deviations. The weed must have taken on the tase of the hashplant, as it tasted like the best hash I ever smoked, and in reality the buzz was as powerful as any hash I ever smoked.
The weed itself was much better than the stuff Oliver North and the CIA got caught brining in to USA. They were bringing that stuff in Bluegrass Airport in Lexington, Ky in 1984, and was stamped in real gold leaf on both sides. One side was stamper Kabul Afghanistan, and the other side was Support the Freedom fighters, which were the Rebels in Nicaragua. But that weed was better than that Black Afghan Hash, which was $15-$20 a gram in 1984. $300oz.
What is your favorite old school mind warping highs?My buddy wont top his, but will bend them over, thus my curiosity for proliferation of secondary branching, and stretching. we like them to grow as fast as possible.
Im after the thought provoking, introspective mind bending type of buzz myself. Some do find it paranoid, but I like it. Call me a masochist. Also when its that strong, its great breeding material. One can always tone things down, but its hard to find mind warping stuff.