Help please


Active Member
I have some sour Zkittles half way threw week 6 of flower in under 2 600w hps planted in soil being fed advanced nutrients trio and one of them has light yellow/green leaves and the buds are allot smaller than the rest Is this to late in the flower stage to correct the issue and what could it be B5054E73-A114-474A-AD25-8B004C5F78D7.jpeg1A9FFF21-E3B3-4E66-A19B-1CA081A060BE.jpegD9A87847-6B16-4B57-8EB8-3A0E8B9AD752.jpegFDA9C43F-D17A-4E77-9B7D-45E9D5A90391.jpeg

go go kid

Well-Known Member
could it be a differant pheno? many seeds will throw up two differant phenos from the same batchof seed


Well-Known Member
I have a similar problem right now but worse I fed plain ph'd water yesterday. Its only been about 14 hrs but looks better already.


Well-Known Member
Hard to see your problem clearly in the yellow lighting can you take pic in natural light? This is my current issue on 2 plants out of 4 all same strain. My problem I'm leaning towards excess so I'll plain water for a week and watch to see if gets better or worse if worse I'll give nutes if better I won't feed nutes.



Well-Known Member
Doesn't sound like to much, mine are auto's so nute sensitive I got very mild nute burn when I first started nutes and roughly 3 weeks later this problem so leads me to believe mines excess. You could try increasing the feed and see if gets better or worse or give plain ph'd water and see if gets worse. That will tell you if it's excess or deficiency it's hard to tell sometimes because an excess of one nutrient can cause a deficiency in another so your feed more thinking deficiency making the problem worse.


Well-Known Member
Do you have holes drilled in the sides of your bucket and not on the bottom? If so you prob have a primordial soup brewing in the lower couple inches of that bucket.