Confidence in America is already at 62% and will go up with vaccine deployment and public figures getting the shot on TV. I figure about 75 to 80% will take it by summer. We know who the ones are who don't wanna take it, the antivaccers and the Trumpers, there's natural immunization too, if they are lucky later next year there will be antibody treatments for them too, but perhaps some will choose death or disability. As the vulnerable and healthcare workers are immunized, even with the first dose, the mortality rate will begin to drop, even as the pandemic roars on. After Jan 20th you will have effective public health measures to lower the case load and save lives as well.
I hope they raid Donald's residences on Jan21st looking for missing antibody treatments I'm certain he stole. If they walk out of Mar Logo with a couple of thousand treatments, and Donald in cuffs whining and bitching, so be it, fuck the base. If a government employee told Joe or more likely his AG that Donald had ripped off vital treatments for his cronies exclusive use, I don't think it would be long before they busted down the door after obtaining the warrant. Hold a press conference and lay them all out like a regular drug raid, keep a sample for evidence and send the rest to those in need and tell them to send back the empty packaging along with a sworn affidavit with multiple signatures of doctors and law enforcement officials.