Will You Take The Vaccine?

Are you going to take the corona virus vaccine?

  • No.

  • Yes.

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Confidence in America is already at 62% and will go up with vaccine deployment and public figures getting the shot on TV. I figure about 75 to 80% will take it by summer. We know who the ones are who don't wanna take it, the antivaccers and the Trumpers, there's natural immunization too, if they are lucky later next year there will be antibody treatments for them too, but perhaps some will choose death or disability. As the vulnerable and healthcare workers are immunized, even with the first dose, the mortality rate will begin to drop, even as the pandemic roars on. After Jan 20th you will have effective public health measures to lower the case load and save lives as well.

I hope they raid Donald's residences on Jan21st looking for missing antibody treatments I'm certain he stole. If they walk out of Mar Logo with a couple of thousand treatments, and Donald in cuffs whining and bitching, so be it, fuck the base. If a government employee told Joe or more likely his AG that Donald had ripped off vital treatments for his cronies exclusive use, I don't think it would be long before they busted down the door after obtaining the warrant. Hold a press conference and lay them all out like a regular drug raid, keep a sample for evidence and send the rest to those in need and tell them to send back the empty packaging along with a sworn affidavit with multiple signatures of doctors and law enforcement officials.
Yeah, 1 year after they release it should be enough time for them to iron out the side effects. Especially if millions are willing to risk the first public run of the vaccine.

The thing that worries me the most is the permanent heart damage caused from the virus. Doesn't matter if you are old or young.

so anyone who has any kind of heart damage of any type should NOT take this vaccine..I love how Shingrex was sold 'mild flu maybe'- never the fvck again..it says right in the pamphlet read too late that it needs to over stimulate you immune system more than most vaccines..thatnks for putting that info on the bottom.

i'd rather have shingles.
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Doctor pundit this morning said he's in the 'group who should not have the vaccine while he's not an Epi Pen user he's asthmatic and will not be taking the vaccine'.

i happen to agree.

trials are few and far between- we/you/your family are the trials.
All of the people who say they will not get the vaccine will change their minds when they cannot go out to any social function. Once they buy tickets to a concert and are denied entry because they don't have the magic V proof, they will roll up their sleeve.

I am doubtful even a Biden administration will make it mandatory to have a vaccine card for all social functions. This country gets pretty upset over lockdowns, imagine if we needed a vaccine card more than a passport lol
Doctor pundit this morning said he's in the 'group who should not have the vaccine while he's not an Epi Pen user he's asthmatic and will not be taking the vaccine'.

i happen to agree.

trials are few and far between- we/you/your family are the trials.
So, OK, stay home and starve.

I'm going to get the vaccine and so are my kids so that they can be restless, disobedient, adventurous teenagers again.
O for sure no worries on the vaccine when it’s my time to get it but I/we played by the cdc rules and the line of ones that didn’t & are in desperate need Is wrapped around the world .

I’m very cool w/being at the end of it & waiting my turn .
All of the people who say they will not get the vaccine will change their minds when they cannot go out to any social function. Once they buy tickets to a concert and are denied entry because they don't have the magic V proof, they will roll up their sleeve.


i can't get it; now this is where the thinking cap goes on + for some reason i cant PM you.
O for sure no worries on the vaccine when it’s my time to get it but I/we played by the cdc rules and the line of ones that didn’t & are in desperate need Is wrapped around the world .

I’m very cool w/being at the end of it & waiting my turn .

but your turn is first.