You just put your finger on the next fight mate....huge can of worms there yikesAll of the people who say they will not get the vaccine will change their minds when they cannot go out to any social function. Once they buy tickets to a concert and are denied entry because they don't have the magic V proof, they will roll up their sleeve.
You just put your finger on the next fight mate....huge can of worms there yikes
I just thought this might be better on another thread I just posted, I was responding to admin. Yes @schuylaar there is a lot of reluctance, and IMHO I think there will be a lot of 'poorly vaccinated' regions locally and internationally. In light of our provincial health minister talking of restricted activities for non-vaccinated citizens, before vaccine is available or approved, sets a bit of a tone to covid weary populations. To put things lightly...why? everyone will get it; he was speaking to my reluctance but i already answered him. i mean everyone else will get it right? even those who don't have an exemption?
The science should be sound after a hundred + years of testing things out on poor and non-white populations, so I am not worried about that.I skipped the thread contents but for a brief skim. Has anyone done the math based on publicized facts{?}? Usa is only receiving enough doses for 16.5% of the population. I don't see the general population being given access for over a year if then even. And it will be exploited and costly. American way. Furthermore we should have an idea of side affects after 10's of millions guinea pig for us.
Sadly proper sanitary measures would starve it out faster than vaccines availability.
Do the right thing people. Our leaders have failed us again.
/health and peace all.
but your turn is first.
I skipped the thread contents but for a brief skim. Has anyone done the math based on publicized facts{?}? Usa is only receiving enough doses for 16.5% of the population. I don't see the general population being given access for over a year if then even. And it will be exploited and costly. American way. Furthermore we should have an idea of side affects after 10's of millions guinea pig for us.
Sadly proper sanitary measures would starve it out faster than vaccines availability.
Do the right thing people. Our leaders have failed us again.
/health and peace all.
I will keep my eye out don’t see it going down like that but I do trust science above all ,even as a child .
we are being used as guinea pigs anyway.
Coronavirus vaccine: First care home residents in NI receive Covid jab
Twenty-five men and women from Palmerston in east Belfast were vaccinated on Tuesday
technically we're british or Irish, depends what passport you must be irish. sorry.
technically we're british or Irish, depends what passport you have.
Sorry about your allergies, but love your understanding of reality.Not voting on this, because my “no” could be misconstrued as an anti-vaccination stance. I won’t be getting the Pfizer vaccine because I have an anaphylactic reaction to aspirin, and anaphylaxis has been a noted side effect in some people in the UK. I am unequivacolly pro-vaccine and the microchip conspiracy is ludicrous. Everyone who wants to track anything about you already is, using unethical technology in the phone/supercomputer you’re probably holding right now. No vaccine chip conspiracy necessary. Real problems are more interesting to me than pie-eyed fantasy. I understand how it happens, and I don’t think people who fall for it are stupid, just underinformed and/or misinformed. I have fallen for disinformation myself, because of appeals to emotion (often foreign state-sponsored) agents of chaos use to sell it, nobody is 100% immune to cognitive bias, nobody.
Stay curious, be skeptical, and vet your sources, always.
Not voting on this, because my “no” could be misconstrued as an anti-vaccination stance. I won’t be getting the Pfizer vaccine because I have an anaphylactic reaction to aspirin, and anaphylaxis has been a noted side effect in some people in the UK. I am unequivacolly pro-vaccine and the mocrochip conspiracy is ludicrous. Everyone who wants to track anything about you already is, using unethical technology in the phone/supercomputer you’re probably holding right now. No vaccine chip conspiracy necessary. Real problems are more interesting to me than pie-eyed fantasy. I understand how it happens, and I don’t think people who fall for it are stupid, just underinformed and/or misinformed. I have fallen for disinformation myself, because of appeals to emotion (often foreign state-sponsored) agents of chaos use to sell it, nobody is 100% immune to cognitive bias, nobody.
Stay curious, be skeptical, and vet your sources, always.