

Well-Known Member
Yeah it's getting rough with my parents. They're in Florida and just don't get it/believe it. They're both early 70's with a range of health issues. My mom is overweight, high blood pressure etc. My dad asthma/lung cancer survivor. They're like the poster demographic of who is susceptible and my mom's just like, "I believe in my immune system " Well I don't think it believes in you. I just saw my mom comment on a post on FB from some crazy right winger about how we won't come see her because I dont think she's taking it seriously enough. The other night she was all crying like "what happens if I die from something else, waiting for you to come see me?" And I'm like well if I do come see you the likelihood of that happening increases tenfold. My sister and her family have been estranged from the rest of us for about 6 years now. So my daughter is basically the only grandchild. And I know it's hard not seeing her for a year+ but I aint trying to kill my parents and give my kid as of yet unknown long term health challenges. It's like the whole thing with chickenpox. I think I was the last generation pre-vaccine and it was like "here come over and get it done with, it's nothing to worry about it's just an itchy rash". Then 40 years later it's like "hey remember that itchy rash we told you not to worry about? Well now it's called shingles and it gives you some pretty debilitating nerve pains". My wife can attest to that unfortunately. And then there's the whole thing of the kid being home all day and my wife and her being at each other's throats. I think the kid is doing fine with the virtual learning, she's pretty smart. The no other kids social interaction isn't as big a deal as people make it out to be , I think. But staring at an iPad for 8 hours a day has got to be not healthy, I would think. It's tough over here in the neo household sometimes. I love you guys.
@neosapien almost sounds like I could have posted that......

It's real.......tell them about how my mom dad and brother had went into the hospital with a blood oxygen level of 23! That was 3 weeks ago......he's not in icu anymore and might get out this week. They all believed in it and work at a hospital and have been working 12hr days 7 days a week since this shit started. They see it every day.


Well-Known Member
Yeah it's getting rough with my parents. They're in Florida and just don't get it/believe it. They're both early 70's with a range of health issues. My mom is overweight, high blood pressure etc. My dad asthma/lung cancer survivor. They're like the poster demographic of who is susceptible and my mom's just like, "I believe in my immune system " Well I don't think it believes in you. I just saw my mom comment on a post on FB from some crazy right winger about how we won't come see her because I dont think she's taking it seriously enough. The other night she was all crying like "what happens if I die from something else, waiting for you to come see me?" And I'm like well if I do come see you the likelihood of that happening increases tenfold. My sister and her family have been estranged from the rest of us for about 6 years now. So my daughter is basically the only grandchild. And I know it's hard not seeing her for a year+ but I aint trying to kill my parents and give my kid as of yet unknown long term health challenges. It's like the whole thing with chickenpox. I think I was the last generation pre-vaccine and it was like "here come over and get it done with, it's nothing to worry about it's just an itchy rash". Then 40 years later it's like "hey remember that itchy rash we told you not to worry about? Well now it's called shingles and it gives you some pretty debilitating nerve pains". My wife can attest to that unfortunately. And then there's the whole thing of the kid being home all day and my wife and her being at each other's throats. I think the kid is doing fine with the virtual learning, she's pretty smart. The no other kids social interaction isn't as big a deal as people make it out to be , I think. But staring at an iPad for 8 hours a day has got to be not healthy, I would think. It's tough over here in the neo household sometimes. I love you guys.
I'm on the other side of it in a way, however I know that my, and especially my wife's medical conditions require us to not see our grandkids. We miss them greatly but we know there is light at the end of the tunnel.


Well-Known Member
If people get together for Christmas and New Years it could be much worse.
Oh, they will. I hope they are figuring that into these projected numbers...

It is always darkest before the dawn yet some people seem to feel compelled to lemming themselves off a cliff when the cavalry is close enough to hear. Human nature can be a sad thing.
That's just it. These family members hear the cavalry and believe it is the gov't coming to harm them (apparently with a dangerous, untested vaccine filled with fetal tissue and dangerous substances), control them and take away all their rights. Pre-pandemic, I was glad that their lack of critical thinking skills and poor logic had little consequence, because science and technology are advanced enough to take care of them regardless. But this pandemic is taking away those safety nets, and there is no hiding from those consequences...


Well-Known Member
The Army have been doing tests for people here, if you have no symptoms, I got a test today.negative, I kind of understand the conspiracy theorists though, this is a fantastic opportunity.


Well-Known Member
Oh, they will. I hope they are figuring that into these projected numbers...

That's just it. These family members hear the cavalry and believe it is the gov't coming to harm them (apparently with a dangerous, untested vaccine filled with fetal tissue and dangerous substances), control them and take away all their rights. Pre-pandemic, I was glad that their lack of critical thinking skills and poor logic had little consequence, because science and technology are advanced enough to take care of them regardless. But this pandemic is taking away those safety nets, and there is no hiding from those consequences...
Yeah my dad is pushing for a get together for Christmas...He has been going to the bars daily like normal, and he's 84 and has COPD, and my younger bro also does zero to protect himself. They both think it's a farce....and my father belongs to Mensa so he's not stupid, but no common sense sometimes! I'm NOT hosting them this year. Plus all they do is eat and run anyways, so why bother.

I remember a few years ago I took them out to eat and dad cancelled at the last second ( we were about to enter the restaurant) because he wanted to go eat with a prostitute instead of his family...and he did. Maybe she's available this year!!


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@neosapien almost sounds like I could have posted that......

It's real.......tell them about how my mom dad and brother had went into the hospital with a blood oxygen level of 23! That was 3 weeks ago......he's not in icu anymore and might get out this week. They all believed in it and work at a hospital and have been working 12hr days 7 days a week since this shit started. They see it every day.
Glad your Dad is doing better.
Chin up, we'll get through this.


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Well-Known Member
not good or bullshit ?

'New variant' of coronavirus identified in England

"A new variant of coronavirus has been found which is growing faster in some parts of England, MPs have been told.
Health Secretary Matt Hancock said at least 60 different local authorities had recorded Covid infections caused by the new variant.
He said the World Health Organization had been notified and UK scientists were doing detailed studies.
He said there was "nothing to suggest" it caused worse disease or that vaccines would no longer work."


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
not good or bullshit ?

'New variant' of coronavirus identified in England

"A new variant of coronavirus has been found which is growing faster in some parts of England, MPs have been told.
Health Secretary Matt Hancock said at least 60 different local authorities had recorded Covid infections caused by the new variant.
He said the World Health Organization had been notified and UK scientists were doing detailed studies.
He said there was "nothing to suggest" it caused worse disease or that vaccines would no longer work."
Viruses are expected to mutate. That was one worry if they were developing a vector vaccine is that the vaccine wouldn't work on the new mutations. Further the larger the pool of virus we allowed out there the quicker a significant mutation could occur and we would have to start over with a new vaccine or have several.

However the mRNA vaccine was a game changer as it is keyed off the spike protein in the corona of the coronavirus. I even expect some cross immunity to the common cold. I think we'll be fine. However I would not take any vector vaccine and I'd hold out for an mRNA.


Well-Known Member
Viruses are expected to mutate. That was one worry if they were developing a vector vaccine is that the vaccine wouldn't work on the new mutations. Further the larger the pool of virus we allowed out there the quicker a significant mutation could occur and we would have to start over with a new vaccine or have several.

However the mRNA vaccine was a game changer as it is keyed off the spike protein in the corona of the coronavirus. I even expect some cross immunity to the common cold. I think we'll be fine. However I would not take any vector vaccine and I'd hold out for an mRNA.
I read that the vaccine is going to boost our immune system up so it creates new anti-bodys when a virus mutates or changes, if this the game changer you mean ?

If so we'll never be able to call in sick for work again right ?

tell me this ain't true