Thug pug genetics anyone?

We all know what we’re buying when we get OGKB gene pool seeds...
Well see if my Larry bird breath tosses those type of mutants. If they do thats not cool. They obviously have ran a decent amount of these packs and if they know half or more are producing un-growable plants and puts a $250 price tag on it, that to me is not acceptable. I've grown plenty of ogkb phenos and studley spewright crosses and never gotten a pack that have mutant like that, never. I also think Railiage could've just gotten shit luck. Person way back in this thread got excellent results with Larry bird breath so who knows.
I found a "one of these things doesn't belong" pheno in bubgumbreath. So much different, I suspect it was a sorting mix up.
It was nasty, in a stink your whole house up way. Exactly like a bobcat pissed on a pile of burning rubber bands. And the structure was totally different from the other bubgum breath, but who knows. That Sherb breath cut pushed her to the wayside. I didn't get anything out of cherry hills but I only did half a pack.
That sounds fire did you keep her?
Loved this breeders seeds. But way over priced now. Getting just as good phenos from seed packs from other breeder at 1/3 the price or less. Glad I picked up 2 packs of PBB when they were cheap. Seeds are way overpriced now, no matter what the hype.
Loved this breeders seeds. But way over priced now. Getting just as good phenos from seed packs from other breeder at 1/3 the price or less. Glad I picked up 2 packs of PBB when they were cheap. Seeds are way overpriced now, no matter what the hype.
I've never understood the "prices are too high" there is literally infinite amount of money saved (or made) off of any seed pack. Pick what you think you'll like and grow the shit. At 92 dollars an eighth for Michigan disp weed, it doesn't take long to see your investment 10 fold
I've never understood the "prices are too high" there is literally infinite amount of money saved (or made) off of any seed pack. Pick what you think you'll like and grow the shit. At 92 dollars an eighth for Michigan disp weed, it doesn't take long to see your investment 10 fold
Yes, but when I can buy an $80 pack of say Red Eyed, and my phenos are just as impressive as anything from these $200 to 300 a pack seeds. Guess where I will spend my money? And there are many great breeders and their strains with pack prices between $80 - 120 as good or better than the phenos that I have had from Thug Pug gear. Sorry, not a commercial grower and will now only support breeders who keep there seed prices reasonable. I can name at least 10 right away that stay in the above price range. I guess you get a big ego/ head if everyone says how great your strains are,, so you raise your prices for 10 seeds to $200 - 300 dollars a pack. And not even tested strains. Will not support this. Ridiculous.
I think it’s just important to make the distinction because he could have been charging more.
Well, good to know Thug Pug is not the greedy one. So these seed banks bought Thug Pug gear on the cheap and now are selling for $200 to 300 a pack. These were not auctions. I have seen some Thug Pug auctions with $400 to 500 dollar bids, ridiculous. Maybe I should auction off my packs of pbb. NOT. Like that strain alot. Glad I bought multiple packs on the cheap/ $80 per pack. Also have 7 of 9, and another strain in multiple packs.
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Oh yah. It was around for a bit. I had to clone her while she was sick and even tho I got the clones to grow alright again, they lost their shine. I found a nice one in a pack of Sherb Breath and that knocked the BgB right out the grow room.
Ya I found multiple keepers in a sherb breath pack. That pack was amazing, 1 pheno threw some of the biggest I have ever gotten to this day.
Ya I found multiple keepers in a sherb breath pack. That pack was amazing, 1 pheno threw some of the biggest I have ever gotten to this day.
Nice. The SB I kept doesn't get super big, but is a good hasher, with a loud terp profile.
Complex, hard to pin down. I describe it as candy mixed with cat piss and a hint of toe jam. I'm running thru the last of my seeds of Sherb & Meat now. As well as Carl's shoes seeds. Pheno hunting this winter, hoping for a hot male.
Nice. The SB I kept doesn't get super big, but is a good hasher, with a loud terp profile.
Complex, hard to pin down. I describe it as candy mixed with cat piss and a hint of toe jam. I'm running thru the last of my seeds of Sherb & Meat now. As well as Carl's shoes seeds. Pheno hunting this winter, hoping for a hot male.
Mine got very super big, I yielded 13+ zips in 1- 5 gal fabric pot