The Game is over Trump

Nope. Was just curious. You said for decades no problem so I respect that. Couldn't have been all that easy to do.
I only grew 3-4 plants per year, so it was never a problem.
I have two brothers........only one knows.
That's how many people know about it.
I didn't have to do a grow this year.......thinking of retiring.
could i just put a no tresspass sign on my property, so an
It may have been legalized during his administration but I don't believe it was a direct result from him. At least not that I heard of. Who cares if he did anyways? It's only hemp! Can't smoke that shit! Lol
lolz but it's a start right ?

hemp - cbd vape fools - weed/beer - sex - devils music - shrooms etc etc .... the list goes on

I only grew 3-4 plants per year, so it was never a problem.
I have two brothers........only one knows.
That's how many people know about it.
I didn't have to do a grow this year.......thinking of retiring.
Cool man. I wanna tell everybody but can't tell nobody! Lol.... it's rough
could i just put a no tresspass sign on my property, so an

lolz but it's a start right ?

hemp - cbd vape fools - weed/beer - sex - devils music - shrooms etc etc .... the list goes on

Yes it is definitely a start! I just wish the senate would quit sitting on their hands on this issue. It has the support of the majority of the country! Doesnt make sense that it's not legal yet!
Repubs would if lobbyists did. Too much money coming in to suppress the issue. Money needs to be taken out of politics! Permanently!
I have no idea how it is possible but I want something for Christmas. Well, after Christmas. I want a riot or something out front of the White House and Trump gets whisked into the bunker. While there he is locked in, communications can go in but not out. No paper no computer, no phone. Then come Jan. 20 he comes out like the little groundhog coming out to see his shadow. While he is trapped he can not write or sign pardons.

Trump comes out a private citizen, no extra powers, nothing.

And that is it. No lawyers, no nothing. No pardon for his kids, himself, life goes on. I know it is a fantacy and the trumpheads would think (rightfully) Trump is being held against his will. Maybe some videos can be produced saying he is all\right, just needs some alone time. I do not want to see a fuss made, just a little time out.
I have no idea how it is possible but I want something for Christmas. Well, after Christmas. I want a riot or something out front of the White House and Trump gets whisked into the bunker. While there he is locked in, communications can go in but not out. No paper no computer, no phone. Then come Jan. 20 he comes out like the little groundhog coming out to see his shadow. While he is trapped he can not write or sign pardons.

Trump comes out a private citizen, no extra powers, nothing.

And that is it. No lawyers, no nothing. No pardon for his kids, himself, life goes on. I know it is a fantacy and the trumpheads would think (rightfully) Trump is being held against his will. Maybe some videos can be produced saying he is all\right, just needs some alone time. I do not want to see a fuss made, just a little time out.
For laughs, they should give the key to the White House Security officer who had part of his leg amputated due to complications from Covid-19. A disease that he contracted while serving the Super Spreader in Chief.
For laughs, they should give the key to the White House Security officer who had part of his leg amputated due to complications from Covid-19. A disease that he contracted while serving the Super Spreader in Chief.
That would be fitting.
@Fogdog here is and article that touched on something that you posted before pertaining to addiction and Trumpers desire for revenge or retribution being similar to drug addiction. I posited that the desire for something was a greater motivating factor than actually attaining it. Here is some evidence that backs up that hypotheses and pertains to Trump supporters and Biden ones too, it goes to our motivation to do anything, the anticipation of pleasure is more important than attaining it, even if attaining it is not pleasant.

This phenomena first came to light many years ago because of an error, researchers were putting electrodes into the brains of rats and thought they had found the pleasure center in the brain. Much later it was realized it wasn't, it was the anticipation of pleasure part of the brain that was being stimulated. This latest research confirms and builds upon that idea, however the writer does not seem to be aware of some earlier work.

It looks like some of the Trumpers are gonna have trouble letting go of their malice and whenever they see a liberal... :wink:
The science of addiction: Do you always like the things you want? - BBC News

The science of addiction: Do you always like the things you want?

Until recently, it was generally assumed that if we wanted something, it was because we liked it. But science is now questioning that idea - and pointing the way to a possible cure for addiction.

"For the addict, wanting becomes detached from liking. The dopamine system learns that certain cues - such as the sight of a coffee machine - can bring rewards. Somehow, in ways that are not fully understood, the dopamine system for the addict becomes sensitised. The wanting never goes away, and is triggered by numerous cues. Drug addicts may find their urge to take drugs sparked by a syringe, a spoon, even a party, or being on a street corner.

But the wanting never ceases to go away - or not for a very long time. That makes drug addicts extremely vulnerable to relapse. They want to take the drugs again, even if the drugs give them little or no pleasure. For rats, the dopamine sensitisation can last half a lifetime. The task now for researchers is to find whether they can reverse this sensitisation - in rats, and then hopefully, in humans".
You guys are actually very misinformed look this up specifically republicans deny cannabis bill to keep alcohol and opioid companies from controlling industry look up the democratic bills on the situation actually tie in the alcohol and cannabis industries together and whoever has a liscense to sell alcohol will have the right to sell cannabis republicans are actually adding medical research into their bills so quit getting your news from cnn and do a little research please biden wrote the 1999 criminial act which gives minorities longer sentences for drug crimes do your research ps: from a true bipartisan