First grow, nitrogen toxicity questions

So I’ve started my first grow in a 5x5 tent with 3 different strains of regular seeds, 8 plants total. I am using an amended soil mix I got from a book called true living organics by the rev. I’m worried the soil didn’t compost long enough or properly because the ph was around 5.8-6 (possibly too wet?) and also the soil was too “hot” with nutrients because I was getting tip burn and dark leaves/clawing. To try to fix this when I transplanted I mixed my amended soil with fox farm ocean forest mix to try to bring it to a proper ph and also added more dolomite lime and coco coir. I transplanted with myco fungi, they seem to be doing ok but still seeing clawing and some uneven color on the leaves. I’m watering with reverse osmosis water only. Some of the leaves are coming out a little curled up or twisted.5321CA49-4BE0-4269-8E6C-C2FF4608E025.jpeg



Well-Known Member
Ok, I have two spider farmer 200 watt leds in there about 18 inches from the tops, I had them both set to 35%. I just bumped it up to 60% on each, thanks for the tip!
I would crank them to 100% if they respond well over the next couple days.

More light = more nutrient usage. Turning the lights up will likely solve any issues you have with to much nutes.


Well-Known Member
Yea they look fine, That TLO recipe is way overkill. I wouldn’t have cut with fox farm as that stuff is pretty rich as well. With that being said your stuff looks fine, the more light recommendation is spot on. Also try and keep your temperatures up, I find with high power LEDs plants like the temps closer to 80-82. Rich soil , LED and cool temps is recipe for issues.

Good luck
Yea they look fine, That TLO recipe is way overkill. I wouldn’t have cut with fox farm as that stuff is pretty rich as well. With that being said your stuff looks fine, the more light recommendation is spot on. Also try and keep your temperatures up, I find with high power LEDs plants like the temps closer to 80-82. Rich soil , LED and cool temps is recipe for issues.

Good luck
Ok thank you for the response and info! I’m definitely struggling to keep the temps and humidity up as it’s December and I’m in the northeast but hopefully raising the power level of the lights and staying on top of my humidifier might help with that. I am completely new to gardening (grew an outdoor garden in miracle grow last summer that’s it) but I thought the tlo recipe seemed to be very heavy on fertilizer. After doing more research I see people have great results with a lot less, but oh well hopefully some of the information in the book about top dressing blends etc could be useful.


Well-Known Member
Northeast winters are tough for sure. You can get a cheap little space heater and throw it in there that will help. That soil will be fine but first couple runs in it may be problematic. But it will get better over time. Keep it simple, water and compost and you’ll be fine
Wow after only 1 day basically I see the more light helped a ton so now I’m going incrementally up to 100%, I’ll post some update pics. The temps are at 77 (up from 74) and the humidity is at 39 (i filled up and turned on 2 humidifiers) I was wondering if it’s normal to have to water once everyday and maybe if I should check in the morning too because they seem to be bone dry every time I come home from work. In the pics the really bushy one is “mountain goat” a cross of cherry mountain and golden goat, sativa dominant hybrid. The others are blood diamond and sled dawg (3 of each) and I’ve lost track of which is which by now. If anyone has any advice about when I could start training them by tying them or using a Scrog net I’m curious when I should start that. They are all about 4-5 weeks old at this point2ECDCE40-1045-497C-A07B-AC515A0A5208.jpegE68A8647-E911-4FE4-93C2-A05879D6182E.jpeg213002AE-7ABA-4E26-A057-7106EC72CB35.jpeg71F8E9DC-C273-4EC4-B60C-9593650C3E97.jpegADA37977-A80F-4843-B30F-293EC4368852.jpeg4B4E1325-F77A-4CD0-8F8F-ACBA54DDB422.jpeg14A76077-AFFB-4413-84C1-33500CB80FE3.jpegB547C291-432F-4A2E-8A9A-9C16D3E21A12.jpeg79F26876-B6AE-42E8-8AF4-A72F51F4E9F8.jpeg2ECDCE40-1045-497C-A07B-AC515A0A5208.jpeg


Well-Known Member
Yea same here, in the winter when I’m heating my grow space with electric heat it is impossible to keep humidity up, my humidity is regularly in the 15-30% range. Plants seem fine, I just use like 3” of mulch and water regularly. Mulching keeps the the soil active all the way to the surface , I’ll have root hairs exposed directly under the mulch, whereas prior to mulching my indoor plants the top layer was essentially barren.


Well-Known Member
Ive been struggling with low RH,tried everything.My exhaust fan just sucks it out.Ive given up,it is what it is.
Yeah man, dont worry about RH. Doesnt hurt to fill the humidifier when you see its empty or the idea crosses your mind but seriously dont worry about it to much.