Equatorial Sativa Showdown

I believe some gals like it rough but that’s obscene lol ☮
She was in shock for a bit as always ; here is a dull cellphone pic of here shortly after. Pretty dull but we must wait for her grand finale' :eyesmoke: :peace:


if you notice many nw white pistils. The leaves are dying back but the buds aren't fattening; so inducing senescence when I cannot capture 13 hours of light to ripen the Wah Ha Kan - then to get the appeal; the beautiful lady must be pierced and she knows it.
And a brief intermission, before the sun is up; for the evil twin

How many seeds you want that - this girly makes for you //14-15 weeks seeds were ripe


When she cannot find a suitable male - her aim is to survive; the landrace creates the yellow pistil sets which curl in on themselves instead of shooting new calyx which in turn show to ' pollinate herself ' - 13 weeks.

So Beautiful she’s like a fire work
You still going to pollinate with punch ?
Next year my friend. I actually accidentally started a secret project a few days ago, but cannot share quite yet. I think u will like that 1.

No pollination with ‘a punch’ but I think the effect I am going for received the name ‘Death Punch.’ Like in doctor strange when the bald master punches Strange in the chest. Tats what we need :eyesmoke: