Health Canada reports "concerning increase in homegrown cannabis"

What height do you flip? system? coco?

Ha... this was 15 years ago in a ebb and flow setup growing in 100% clay pebbles... young, dumb and underaged. It wasn't really a height thing, more of a get the plants harden off to the 1k light and let the roots take hold to the hydroton. Usually would take 4-7 days and you just see a burst of growth... that's when you know its time to flip.
Sucks that a good majority of thise large plantcounts are used to sell illegal black market weed.
Ruined it for the honest folks.

nobody needs 500 plants but I def make use of my 150ish plants by keeing many clone mothers and back ups.
I also run a SOG so need the higher plant count
This will be a long and messy post.

The gov is not stupid and they are always full of it. They have planned since the beginning to increase monitoring of medical grows and get doctors to justify patient licenses.

Every year they will walk through and take a look.

Large Dwc systems with 4 4x4 scrogs do nicely and don’t require a license.

In BC the legal market is tiny compared to others. With all the failures the gov wants more market share. No one likes irradiated product even if done slowly on "low". The problem is the gov system is built to run at high prices and that is good money on the black market. Right now B.C black market is 50% market share.

Justin decided to increase (triple) the carbon tax and now all of Canada will start growing and the black market price will dive even further.

A lot of growers have turned to shrooms because the dream of a craft grow has been killed by Gov regs and hoops. Most large medical growers just want a shot at being a craft. Many have failed and lost everything, now they are back in gray market building capital to take another run at a craft or a shroom business. The Canadian Lps have worked together to try and force higher costs for Micro ( craft) businesses. Shrooms are now flooding the market and the only value is in labs for medical use. Either way people are desperate and many have had their business or job taken away. Covid excuse.

The reason "Justin" made cannabis legal is, World Health Organization told him to. The plan has been to make all illegal markets open and free from criminal gains. They will legalize all drugs and the plan is to take complete control of all parts of the financial structure. Next is Cash.
Canada already has a crypto on the way. Full, complete, control as Canadians gladly piss away their rights.
They are going to up enforcement of medicals and increase attacks on illegal sales. They will justify searching homes and use this to take away more rights. Due to “bad people”; if an officer smells weed or someone complains the officer can walk right in and mount your wife. People will get upset but most will roll over and get suckered like they have been suckered by Covid.
this clip is about ivermectin a safe drug that was proven in Aug to kick Covid ass. It was not used and was forced off the list of allowable drugs. All this time businesses could have been open, people could have been safe, and our economy would not be forced into this false debt crisis. Zero masks would be required. Still “they” won’t allow the use.

Get ready for more road blocks and "covid" checks on the road. For your safety as usual. The Rcmp still use heat as a way to find grows. Always build your grow as if you are running a illegal grow. Low profile. Eventually there will be no cash and every drug will be legal and some will be free. Addicts won’t need dealers and product will be clean.

Good luck.
From what I see, ivermectin is still being considered. Some other countries seem to be using it.
Sucks that a good majority of thise large plantcounts are used to sell illegal black market weed.
Ruined it for the honest folks.

nobody needs 500 plants but I def make use of my 150ish plants by keeing many clone mothers and back ups.
I also run a SOG so need the higher plant count
I'm thinking of dropping back a level even to the lowest or second lowest. 9 plants can fill out my 6x6 if I use the whole tent. 2 in my 5x3. 2 in my 4x2. 4 or 5 moms usually.
I am at a 49 limit right now, but I don't need that. I like LST, ScrOG etc, so I do fewer plants for the same area.
But really again, it's HC's fault for having a 480 or 500 plant count limit. If it's there, people are going to use it.

No matter what they do, as long as people are allowed to grow their own, medicinally or recreationally, and with the advances in lighting tech, they will never get rid of the black market. Semi-industrial grade trimmers are cheap now. Quality LEDs are cheaper than ever and are often producing 1.5+ gpw even for newer growers. Home growers don't have any real overhead. No up front $2.5M securities payouts to CRA. No one breathing down their necks, watching them build their setups, no exise taxes on stems and trim and bud, and on and on.

Add in the fact the gov supplied/regulated shit just plain sucks unless you fork out $45+ an eighth, they are fighting a losing battle.

I trust my buddy's stuff way more than I trust the gov stuff. Neither myself nor any of my friends who grow have ever had to throw out huge piles of moldy weed like the CDN gov did early on. Remember that? 20 tonnes or something. And people say they trust the gov stuff. Just blows my mind.
No matter what they do...

They can do a lot. The next nearby large city (< 150K pop.) spent public money on 4 snow vehicles and even hired more agents to send in schools, etc.

Now just in case you didn't know, the 12/12 timer signature sends a crystal-clear barking signal if you're connected through a "smart" electric meter...

Which means you may want to go AutoFlower - or outhink the thinktank...

But we're in agreement about 1 thing: LPs ain't serving consumers properly, to say the least.
They can do a lot. The next nearby large city (< 150K pop.) spent public money on 4 snow vehicles and even hired more agents to send in schools, etc.

Now just in case you didn't know, the 12/12 timer signature sends a crystal-clear barking signal if you're connected through a "smart" electric meter...

Which means you may want to go AutoFlower - or outhink the thinktank...

But we're in agreement about 1 thing: LPs ain't serving consumers properly, to say the least.
It's legal. So light hours really mean nothing unless you are running ridiculous draw and WAAAAY above. And the only way to prove that is by looking at your hydro bill, which they can't without a warrant, afaik. And how do they get that warrant without some other evidence?

I'm not sure how snow vehicles or agents in schools have anything to do with what we're talking talking about. We're talking about home grows.
Ha... this was 15 years ago in a ebb and flow setup growing in 100% clay pebbles... young, dumb and underaged. It wasn't really a height thing, more of a get the plants harden off to the 1k light and let the roots take hold to the hydroton. Usually would take 4-7 days and you just see a burst of growth... that's when you know its time to flip.

Lots of guys still talk about that option. I have been taking media out of it but that has trade offs that often need to be found by trial and error. haha it can get exspensive to play.
It's legal.

No it's not for a vast majority of canuck citizens living in Québec, a province where bust operations didn't stop, and yes that's quite about "home grows" indeed. Just last month, in a basement, but there's the language barrier and a few more obstacles serving bigotry...
No it's not for a vast majority of canuck citizens living in Québec, a province where bust operations didn't stop, and yes that's quite about "home grows" indeed. Just last month, in a basement, but there's the language barrier and a few more obstacles serving bigotry...
So them using the same tactics they have always used, while simultaneously taking away all the leverage they have behind those moves is supposed to have me concerned?

And the school thing....sorry but if high school kids know about your grow and that you sell weed, you deserve getting pinched.

Of course if you bring up Quebec it's going to suit your argument.
OK. So it's not legal in Quebec. So what? That doesn't strike out the points I've made concerning the other provinces and territories. They have effectively eliminated all probable cause. They can't barge in your house because they smell it. The neighbors smell it? So what? Can they tell how many plants by the smell?
They have to literally get a snitch in your house with a camera, mic, or to snap some pictures of your tent holding more than 4 plants.

And if you have a tent with 30 plants and you're sharing it on FB, or showing your neighbor, or whatever.....again, you deserve what you get. Maybe it's just that I have been thru the ringer and grew guerilla for so long, that I've never actually lost that paranoia, so I use filters, have a blacked out window screen to hide my vent ports, and keep my mouth shut around my place.

I'm still trying to figure out the snow vehicles lol
That doesn't strike out the points I've made...

And the only way to prove that is by looking at your hydro bill, which they can't without a warrant, afaik.

A brief update, from some far-away country-side you never heard of:

Hydro-Québec veut s'attaquer à la contrebande de cannabis (2020-Aug-2018)
« En 2017, un projet pilote d'analyse des données tirées des compteurs intelligents dans la région des Laurentides a permis de repérer 101 sites de vols d'électricité, dont 37 étaient des serres de production de cannabis. »
Saisie de stupéfiants et arrestation à Trois-Rivières (2020-Dec-17)
« M. Bordeleau avait alors affirmé être titulaire d’un permis de Santé Canada qui l’autorisait à récolter du cannabis. Il avait été arrêté, puis libéré sous promesse de comparaître. Par la suite, les enquêteurs en matière de stupéfiants ont fait des vérifications auprès de Santé Canada, ce qui leur a permis d’obtenir deux mandats de perquisition en lien avec la Loi sur le cannabis. »
Une étonnante culture de cannabis découverte dans son sous-sol (2020-Nov-6)
« ...un voisin rencontré par Le Journal a raconté qu’un employé de la société d’État est venu frapper à sa porte, il y a plus d’un an, afin de vérifier ses installations électriques, qui étaient en règle. ... ...Hydro-Québec tentait d’expliquer une consommation anormale d’électricité dans le secteur, mais semblait ignorer d’où elle provenait. ... ...aucun indice ne laissait croire qu’une activité illicite avait lieu dans cette résidence. »
Saisie de cannabis à Saint-Alphonse-Rodriguez: Un homme arrêté (2020-Dec-16)
« ...grâce à la collaboration de Hydro-Québec... »
Un réseau de détournement de permis de Santé Canada démantelé, 12 arrestations (2020-Sep-30)

Happy translation(s)...

A brief update, from some far-away country-side you never heard of:

Hydro-Québec veut s'attaquer à la contrebande de cannabis (2020-Aug-2018)
« En 2017, un projet pilote d'analyse des données tirées des compteurs intelligents dans la région des Laurentides a permis de repérer 101 sites de vols d'électricité, dont 37 étaient des serres de production de cannabis. »
Saisie de stupéfiants et arrestation à Trois-Rivières (2020-Dec-17)
« M. Bordeleau avait alors affirmé être titulaire d’un permis de Santé Canada qui l’autorisait à récolter du cannabis. Il avait été arrêté, puis libéré sous promesse de comparaître. Par la suite, les enquêteurs en matière de stupéfiants ont fait des vérifications auprès de Santé Canada, ce qui leur a permis d’obtenir deux mandats de perquisition en lien avec la Loi sur le cannabis. »
Une étonnante culture de cannabis découverte dans son sous-sol (2020-Nov-6)
« ...un voisin rencontré par Le Journal a raconté qu’un employé de la société d’État est venu frapper à sa porte, il y a plus d’un an, afin de vérifier ses installations électriques, qui étaient en règle. ... ...Hydro-Québec tentait d’expliquer une consommation anormale d’électricité dans le secteur, mais semblait ignorer d’où elle provenait. ... ...aucun indice ne laissait croire qu’une activité illicite avait lieu dans cette résidence. »
Saisie de cannabis à Saint-Alphonse-Rodriguez: Un homme arrêté (2020-Dec-16)
« ...grâce à la collaboration de Hydro-Québec... »
Un réseau de détournement de permis de Santé Canada démantelé, 12 arrestations (2020-Sep-30)

Happy translation(s)...

Again. I'm talking about EVERY OTHER province and territory in Canada where it's CURRENTLY LEGAL.
But keep mentioning Quebec. I'm taking apples and you're talking oranges.
The government wants more money and control. Same for every government ever in the history of the world. Play nice where they can see, and fucking stick it to them everywhere they can't :bigjoint:
Just feckin' move for God's sake...

Oh. To english Canada, i presume, e.g. where intolerant indivuals just as yourself shall also ask me to vanish from their local reality, as if Québec were a Country in its own right, all the sudden! Euh...


M'well, in the meantime i strongly suggest to read manufacturer documentation about Smart Meters, since i'm certainly ready to bet that you've got pretty much the same devices (or similar) in the rest of our miserable country, where citizenship would depend on geography and culture if the decision were yours alone...

So here's more informative samples. Skip it too, it's all the same since initial contact anyway:

EDS-11000-02 - Honeywell A3 ALPHA® Meter With Integrated FlexNet® SmartPoint® module
« ...0.02% using the 32.768 kHz crystal. Initial performance is expected to be equal to or better than ±55 seconds per month at room temperature. »

A crystal-based metronome merged with a practically-lossless antenna, essentially! :-|


In other words Québec once again is being instrumentalized and your impression of being priviledged might eventually start to plumet, perhaps after a decisive justice verdict on "reasonable force" ariving soon, which i expect to belong to federal law considering a human was killed by police over 8 oz in April 2016. Hence lets wait 'n see for that verdict's publication due next February, i think.

My feeling is that they'll go chase after YOU when their training is done here. If still unconvinced maybe you must also read the manufacturer's datasheet relative to real-time management by electric utilities, especially about "anomalies"...

Good day, have fun!! :peace:
Oh. To english Canada, i presume, e.g. where intolerant indivuals just as yourself shall also ask me to vanish from their local reality, as if Québec were a Country in its own right, all the sudden! Euh...


M'well, in the meantime i strongly suggest to read manufacturer documentation about Smart Meters, since i'm certainly ready to bet that you've got pretty much the same devices (or similar) in the rest of our miserable country, where citizenship would depend on geography and culture if the decision were yours alone...

So here's more informative samples. Skip it too, it's all the same since initial contact anyway:

EDS-11000-02 - Honeywell A3 ALPHA® Meter With Integrated FlexNet® SmartPoint® module
« ...0.02% using the 32.768 kHz crystal. Initial performance is expected to be equal to or better than ±55 seconds per month at room temperature. »

A crystal-based metronome merged with a practically-lossless antenna, essentially! :-|


In other words Québec once again is being instrumentalized and your impression of being priviledged might eventually start to plumet, perhaps after a decisive justice verdict on "reasonable force" ariving soon, which i expect to belong to federal law considering a human was killed by police over 8 oz in April 2016. Hence lets wait 'n see for that verdict's publication due next February, i think.

My feeling is that they'll go chase after YOU when their training is done here. If still unconvinced maybe you must also read the manufacturer's datasheet relative to real-time management by electric utilities, especially about "anomalies"...

Good day, have fun!! :peace:
Get over yourself lmao!

You really need psychological help.
Oh. To english Canada, i presume, e.g. where intolerant indivuals just as yourself shall also ask me to vanish from their local reality, as if Québec were a Country in its own right, all the sudden! Euh...


M'well, in the meantime i strongly suggest to read manufacturer documentation about Smart Meters, since i'm certainly ready to bet that you've got pretty much the same devices (or similar) in the rest of our miserable country, where citizenship would depend on geography and culture if the decision were yours alone...

So here's more informative samples. Skip it too, it's all the same since initial contact anyway:

EDS-11000-02 - Honeywell A3 ALPHA® Meter With Integrated FlexNet® SmartPoint® module
« ...0.02% using the 32.768 kHz crystal. Initial performance is expected to be equal to or better than ±55 seconds per month at room temperature. »

A crystal-based metronome merged with a practically-lossless antenna, essentially! :-|


In other words Québec once again is being instrumentalized and your impression of being priviledged might eventually start to plumet, perhaps after a decisive justice verdict on "reasonable force" ariving soon, which i expect to belong to federal law considering a human was killed by police over 8 oz in April 2016. Hence lets wait 'n see for that verdict's publication due next February, i think.

My feeling is that they'll go chase after YOU when their training is done here. If still unconvinced maybe you must also read the manufacturer's datasheet relative to real-time management by electric utilities, especially about "anomalies"...

Good day, have fun!! :peace:
I don't live in Quebec. I didn't vote in the f***ing government that runs it. YOU DID.

Clearly you're the one with a problem with English speakers.
So take your accusations of intolerance? Wtf? and stick them up your poutine lovin' ass.
Privileged? Lmao! Again......your fault not mine.

And I couldn't give two shits about smart meters or electrical anomalies, you f**ing psycho. It's legal here AND I hold a federal medical license, it means sweet eff all to me.

Get over yourself.