Pre-paid international visa card??


Well-Known Member
What's up guys and girls? I'm looking for a pre-paid visa(or similar) card to pay for my beans with. It needs to be good for International use and be untracable to me. I already went to my bank and those cards are only good for the U.S. I read somewhere on RIU that Walgreens had the Int'l ones, so I went there to check it out. The cards they sell are good for Int'l use, but to use the card you HAVE TO register it. To register it you have to give them your name, address and a US Government ID #. It specifically stated you have to give your Social Security #! Are they fucking kidding or what?:confused: So, I need to know if there's any pre-paid card out there that I can put $300 bucks on, and not have to give up any personal info to use the thing? Thanks in advance to everyone.:peace:


Well-Known Member
if your purchasing online then i dont think that you have to have one that works internationally unless the company does not sell to the U.S.. i think thst if you use a regular one at a site that ships to the U.S. then you shouldnt have any problems. im not 100 percent sure tho.


Well-Known Member
US Banking laws and the bullshit patriot act prevent you from obtaining an anonymous bank account, credit card, ect. Sorry bro if you want anonymous you have to pay cash. And green backs are accepted the world over. :wink:


Well-Known Member
US Banking laws and the bullshit patriot act prevent you from obtaining an anonymous bank account, credit card, ect. Sorry bro if you want anonymous you have to pay cash. And green backs are accepted the world over. :wink:
Not true, you can purchase a prepaid visa gift card at kroger, use it to order something internationally and not need to provide any information whatsoever, I did it 2 weeks ago


Well-Known Member
To clarify:

Go to Albertsons. Pick up a Visa gift card for the amount you need. Go online, activate it and register it with a fake name just make one up and put your billing zip code in.. Or make one up even. and your set. Just make sure that if you fill out a false billing zipcode that you use that same billing zip code when ordering online in the billing info section.

I used this to order from the UK


Well-Known Member
Not true, you can purchase a prepaid visa gift card at kroger, use it to order something internationally and not need to provide any information whatsoever, I did it 2 weeks ago
Not an account . . . just a gift card many are not accepted internationally.


Well-Known Member
no ive def. gotten cards that are considered credit gift cards with no strings attached.
Seems like a good way to move some cash without the weight. Up to $500 per card, get twenty and you could probably move $10k really easy . . . I know they do monitor large gift card purchases though as an Anti-Money Laundering strategy.


Well-Known Member
went to walmart and their visa is good only in usa. was wanting to order beans today. going to use my debt card on computer and hope i get them.


Well-Known Member
They all have to be registered and they all work online via internet purchases online. they Just dont work in the actual country if you are visiting